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All day today, I was going through every post made and censoring images in the top part of the post (this part):

I'm familiar with the guidelines, and at first I was like "eh, taking care of the handful of public posts should do it." but then I kept thinking about it, so I fixed the frozen pizza tier image which I think was too nude honestly.  This is what it says:

"We ask that all creators keep the public spaces on their Patreon pages (meaning profile pictures, membership tier descriptions, page banners, etc.) appropriate for all audiences. Content depicting mature themes must be reserved for patron-only posts."


Which one would assume that images can be anywhere in the post (in the header part or the post body) as long as it's not a public post. But I was starting to worry it might mean that there can't be anything NSFW in images part of an image post. And I really, really don't want to get kicked off here for not taking action quickly enough.

So I started taking images out of the images part of the post, and putting them into the post body. And making quickly censored versions of the posts if doable (some pictures you can't really censoring without drawing a big black square over 90% of the image).

I got through most of the posts, but then I calmed down a bit. And I still feel a bit sick, like anxious sick, but thinking more about it, I think it should be fine and my censoring of my posts was unnecessary. I didn't remove anything, just things in images part were put into the post as images, since that's completely locked away behind the paywall (as opposed to images, which are aggressively blurred beyond recognition but still visible)

So I'm just going to wait until I hear back from them before doing anything else. I apologize for that, if anyone happens to be going through older posts and sees black bars on things. My biggest fear is like, just all of the sudden losing this without any way to get it back.

Doing this stuff at the capacity I'm doing it now is a once in lifetime opportunity you all have given me (and one that most people don't get!), I just don't want to lose it because I broke a rule in some vague way. A decade in retail has shown me that you're at the whim of some loosely enforced set of rules, that are mostly only strictly enforced suddenly when they get tired of you or want to make you quit. I'm by no means saying that the patreon rules were more strictly enforced on me (in fact, they seem to be really fair about the process) but that irrational fear and thinking about the worst case scenario sticks with you!

But I don't think the patreon folks would do that unless I had royally messed up. So I'm just going to continue working on the dragon/triceratops thing and try not to worry. As soon as I stop seeing this:

I'll be a lot more calm.