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I haven't started modeling the clothes Lonnie will wear yet. First, I wanted to figure a few things out as far as how they'll work.

Obviously, reptiles with pointy claw feet will have special foot wear. Here, there are some flipflops designed for those with claw feet.

I also had a lightbulb moment- shirts would have a split in the back to accommodate tails! And underwear would have elastic for around the tail as well. 

These were just some quick paint overs. Hopefully, the final clothing looks decent!

Maybe he'll be wearing something more colorful for boxers though, I just went with gray as that's a pretty typical color for boxers I think.

(also I just realized I didn't paint the bracelets on his arm in the back view but you get the idea)

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games




gosh, just realising how many folks in that universe would have a fetish for that little peek of clingy underwear that hugs a cutie's tail...<3