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This is something I really wanted to draw but felt torn about adding! Letting the players look at the shopping cart in the beginning and get a different screen showing all the items in it in greater detail seemed like a fun idea.

So I painted this today. Shopping carts a bit complex of a shape so I used my shopping cart 3d model as a guide.

But split into 3 parts to make painting it easier! Then I just painted in the various items in the shopping cart.

There might be a secret lewd secret on this screen too~ ;3 ;3 ;3

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games




I think it would be a crime in a point and click to not click all the clickable things in this sexy world of yours.


Thank you! :3 I try to make things interesting enough so that you'd want to click on them and see what the game has to say about it.