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This update I've added a button on the title screen that leads to the very rough scene selection menu.

You can access the scene selection menu from there. Please note that all scenes with WIP might not like lead anywhere, they're incomplete, etc... so you might have to restart the game to get back to the menu. It's because the rest of the game around those scenes hasn't been done yet!

So new things:

-Scene select(mainly for testing purposes right now)

-WIP dragon sex scene is in

That's about it! I also left the musk variable set to true but in the final game, conversation options relating to smell will be hidden unless you've done something to activate the musk variable(which there will be plenty of opportunities to do so ;3)


Password is still hegaytho

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games




is this still accessible or nah? I'm a dingus x3


It should still be playable but I'm pretty sure I won't pick this is up again (not in game form, anyway. In a 3d animated form in some way? Maybe)


Nice demo so far :)