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Renders have been rendering. I've started with the p*ss renders, had to re-render a bunch of them because they had weird glitches going on (and sometimes the fluid wouldn't even be in the render)

I switched to command line rendering which seems to prevent this weirdness from happening!

It would be a good idea to test out a portion of the animation with the milk renders mixed with the fluid colors so rendered the milk version of a portion of the renders and rendered the max.

Also I'm compositing this in Eevee Imo it seems faster and if you're just going to mix images together or layer them in some way... seems like Eevee is a faster choice than the compositor? That or just as fast but less cumbersome to see the preview.

If you wanted to listen to the music by itself, here it is on youtube. I thought it was pretty okay but the more I listened, the more I was like "... this is perfect for this." I'm not a great musician (I don't actually play an instrument unless a DAW is an instrument) but I think in this instance I made the best possible music for this scenario.


For some reason, I can't attach videos to the attachments anymore... Like when I was writing another post that'll be going up soon I got this:

So here's some google drive links. This is the composite test.


This shows the render passes by themselves, fading between different ones:





I'm saving watching the previews until I can see the whole thing, but god I love that music....


eevee might be faster than the compositor, but unless you're *very* careful with alignment, you can run into resampling issues where camera pixels don't align with texture pixels. recommend running a frame or two through both Eevee and the compositor and pixel-peeping the results -- if Eevee is slightly blurrier, it could be misalignment.


That's a good point! I did some stuff to see how different the image would be (and I'll be posting about it in a bit!)