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  • nyro_solo session_vp_0001-3281.mp4



I was going to write something about this earlier but I figured I'd post an update when I have the character motion done. I've polished the second part of this animation and will be moving into fluid sim stuff for it next.

In the attachments is the video with how it'll be edited (lil crossfade between them drinking and to the next part)

Not really much to say about it, lots of polishing up stuff, adding in some dynamics where necessary, that sort of thing. Nothing new, tech wise.

This is a bit difficult to explain and I've thought about posting about this a few times... but didn't. Before I did any NSFW stuff, I was doing SFW games (and had a similarly bad habit of working on a game and never finishing it).

Months ago someone emailed me about a game from many years ago I was working on, asking if it would be finished so I decided to pick it up and work on it a bit. To justify spending time on it, I tried injecting some lewd elements into the SFW game. Long story short, the SFW nature of the original game was limiting the lewd aspect... so I ditched the SFW game again and worked on a lewd game.

I don't want to talk about it much because it's something I don't know where it'll be going but unlike other game experiment things, this one would be less gameplay heavy and more cutscene/animation heavy (the gameplay would like that of a pre-rendered 3d first person adventure game [as in, Myst]). Which means that if it doesn't work out in game form, it can work out in non-interactive animated form. This is the main character, still wip but I'm happy with how he's turning out so far!

The aesthetic/vibe of it would be inspired by old school CG of the late 90s/2000s. (and if you think he's inspired by Gex, he is indeed)

Anyway, that's all for now... I'm going to begin testing fluids on the Nyro animation and while that's going on, work on the deep dish project (I've been working on that too! Not ready for an update yet though)




Oooh I love that protagonist... I can't believe you made Gex hot


A GAME!! I hope you get to see it come through and that I may play it! Also can’t wait for the finished animation.👍👍too tier work as always

Ryen Kyoderg

Wow! Nyro must be drinking like 3 different fluids.