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  • short anim test_final motion_1000-1239.mp4



When I was going animate the next scene for the Deep Dish project, I ran into a weird bug that somehow made it past the Blender developers when releasing 4.1. Each time you transformed a bone on an action who's blend mode isn't replace, it would add the underlying transformation on actions beneath it to the transformation.


So... that was a bummer. It's like... you got bone collections in 4.1 but then you get an extremely annoying bug that makes you lose a day to pulling your hair out trying to figure out what you're doing wrong only to find out it's just a bug. I started using 4.1.1 while it was in release candidate status but like... I very much didn't want to screw anything up or start working on a segment and something goes weird while using the release candidate and I lose work so I was working on simpler stuff. (However 4.1.1 had a stable release the other day so I can continue without worrying about Blender version stuff potentially messing something up)

I was making progress on Jett's rigify model. He's ready for a 0.1 release and I'll be posting about that soon!

I also messed around with some experimental physics stuff for bones, using a mesh as a cage for a bone chain (that the bones of the character rig would copy the transform)

(This will be in the model download but it's still experimental, I haven't had an opportunity to actually test it out in anything yet!)

Besides that I really want to have something done this month so I started polishing up the 10 second thing of Tyler filling a very stretch toy. As usual, the character animation and stuff seemed to take less time than the fluids... that's what's been holding this up.

I was a bit worried about was having the toy be kind of see through so I did some test renders... it doesn't look great topology-wise inside but some how it almost appears as if fluid is in the toy? But it's by complete accident.

I've been baking the final fluids but I've unfortunately underestimated the domain size a couple times... at first the fluid was getting lost at the end of the domain... (forgive the lack of a tail, the fluid version doesn't have a tail since it's far away enough to where it won't interact with fluid)

Then I fixed it, currently the final bake (I hope!) is happening.


The toy ended up needing more adjustment lattices, I'm really happy with how this one worked out! I was able to give it a nice overhang on the stool it's on when it's flooded.

I still need to more thoroughly test and work on the lattice tools utility I made because it's been extremely useful for stuff like this and I'm sure it'd be useful to others as well.

I've attached the final character motion below (no fluid in it though!)... sorry it's such a short thing. I hate that even something so short and simple has taken me such a long time. The fluid was just a hassle to get right and it seemed like it just wasn't working out, nothing was splattering like I wanted, nothing was splurting like I wanted... originally I was only going to do fluid on the pull out but I thought having nice fluid explosions happening before and after would be a nice touch but augh... it was a drag. Should be done soon though.




That a damn good shot of the raptor on that toy, great physics n all!