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  • nyro_scene1_fluids VP_1000-1900.mp4
  • nyro_scene2_vp_3000-5422.mp4



The fluids for the first scene of this are done, I haven't done any final renders yet because I kind of want to do some more stuff for the environment...but also, maybe not because it's so out of focus you can't really see much.

I had a difficult time getting the fluid to drip the way I wanted it... originally, I wanted fluid to originate from the "tube" inside the done (like to be realistic, I thought maybe it'd give a better result) but like... this was a dumb idea because it's a lot more difficult to simulate.

So then I just did stuff as I usually do but I wanted it to travel under the head a bit... to do this, I did a lot of experimenting with force fields and finally figured out "why not just have like... a strip of force fields with varying strength to lead the fluid to a stronger forcefield for it to pool into a larger blob which would eventually drip"

If you want to use force fields to make fluids stick to a surface, I find a distance of 0.01 usually works pretty good.

Also, here's some more detailed settings. By default, the strength is -9.8 (like the strength of gravity). If you have a strong enough force field, the fluid will tend to accumulate there pretty nicely. Eventually, some fluid will drip as more fluid is attracted to the force field.

I've attached the viewport version of this and you can see this in action- I'm pretty happy with how the fluids for this shot turned out, like when the WS starts you can kind of see the thicker fluid mix with the thinner one (since I'm using variable viscosity here)

WARNING: water sports

I'm also working on the second scene, polishing that up to have ready for simulation (I really want to have some nice fluids coming from the right boob there..... >_>)

I got a bit distracted by writing yet another simple utility that will be useful- sometimes, I just need to animate something in a simple smooth circular motion or maybe some kind of otherwise smooth path. And what I'll do is use the 3d cursor and a notation as reference for how to move the bone to achieve a smooth, cyclical animation (for idle or breathing stuff usually).

So to make it a bit easier to do this (and also open possibilities for whackier motions if needed) I made something that gets the vertex position in world space of a mesh and places a bone on the vertex on new frames and keyframes it's position (so it follows a "curve" but it's more like, it follows a set of points based on the order of vertices' index in the mesh)

Here's a better idea of what's going on:

It goes from 0 to 38, one location per frame- only issue is I haven't found a way to sort the index of verts in a mesh based on selection order (so if you add/remove stuff it won't mess up the order) but like... eh. You could probably do this with actual curves instead but meshes seemed easier to deal with.

(btw if you're wondering how to show the indices on vertices just go into edit mode and check them on)

The whole reason I wrote this tool is to do a circular motion on Nyro's appendage bulb thing for a "breathing" type loop.

But this should be useful in general later on for simple loops that might need a smooth path (could be a circle or an oval, could be a different shape entirely if needed)




Holy fuck this is hot


Have you ever considered working on the sequel to Glamor Hole?, for me its the best animation you ve done so far


I've had some ideas! I think it'd be fun if the dragon magically teleports in the triceratops' room randomly one night while he's trying to sleep. And they have sex (but like the triceratops is surprised because he thought he somehow hallucinated/dream the whole thing and reluctant, afraid his room mates would hear them but they do it anyway) I'm open to ideas about it too though.


Im glad you have something in mind, if in the future you work on the sequel it would be great