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  • rxp_prologue_animatic preview_2_0001-1433.mp4



I've been working on the raptors/parasaur rigs in rigify with my custom tools- this is to make them easier to pose and to get better deformation of areas like the neck and wrists. I've been trying to get a better story board done so I can send it to the VAs to get some VA and so far it's been pretty nice posing with the new rigs!

I made a post with the current (but still WIP!) models here, check it out if you're a frozen pizza patron!


I've attached the re-worked part of the storyboard so far (and it also has the part where Tyler breaks the penetrable toy, that's using the old rig but I'll be finishing that part up as opposed to re-animating it with the new rigs).

From there I kind of went down a rabbit hole of designing an in-universe p*rn website for the where the computer monitor is on-screen.

This lead to some dumb threads- what would the site layout be like? What would the site logo look like? What kind of ads would there be? What other videos and thumbnails would there be? What does the freaking web browser look like? What do the close, minimize and maximize buttons look like?

(wip, lots of stuff missing but it's taking shape!)

What does the task bar look like? What do the icons look like? What era of OS is this (the more shiny, almost candy-like buttons of Windows Aero or the more boring yet effective minimalism of modernity?). I settled on a more Windows 7-like look (that's personally my favorite iteration of Windows). I didn't want to go completely insane doing this so I bough some vector graphic icons to use to fill the task bar with.

(also kind of decided this was 2017, maybe it'll be a few years earlier... I feel a bit nostalgic for my 20s even though I'm only 31 >_>)

(also also it's all technically 3d! It's made in Blender and I'm going to animate the camera with browser and taskbar elements attached to achieve a scrolling effect)

Kind of wish I documented my thought process on this but it's probably not that interesting. I just looked at a bunch of layouts of p_rn sites and picked and choosed parts I like.

One thing that I think will be a lot of fun to do is some fake ads, something like this.

Here's the logo. the website is "Sluttiles." The theme is like, a "sl_t" is a large dino who's power bottom (dominant or submissive, they're just a super bottom). So the "sl_t" part of the logo is large, kind of thick/fat letters. The "tiles" part are smaller (like the hung twinks sl_ts love) and cut out the word behind them. I'm really satisfied with fitting the L and E into the U (like, you know, symbolic of a threesome!). I would have liked to make the "tiles" letters skinnier(or twinkish) but for readability I made them thicker.

(before you say it because many people like to point out the among us thing, yes the L with i in it does kind of look like the among us things if it were a blocky capital A).

Here's a test render. Those PC speakers are something I saw while browsing for models on 3docean and I was like "you know, having 90s speakers with modern tech would add personality." So I bought them. The bottle thing on the lower left is supposed to be honey bottle with coconut oil in it (but instead of those bear shaped bottles it's a dinosaur shaped one)

Here it is- all quads! It was a simple thing to make, I just combined some shapes, remeshed it and retopologized it for clean topology. Since it's see-through I didn't want to get weird shading from bad topology (sometimes bad topology can affect refractions in weird ways).

Yeah, maybe this is all a bit too much detail but I just don't want things to be like... NSFW-animation-looking. Sure, it'd be easy to take a screenshot of a p_rn site, slap a video on it and call it a day (with windows 11 task bar containing all the programs we humans use in the real world). But to me it just isn't immersive in the same way a made up website in a made up web browser in a made up OS GUI is you know?

Plus I'm no stranger to making fake GUI stuff. It's something I get way into but that's a story for another time...

Oh and I almost forgot, here's a little test with the 3 in the raptors room (still wip environment...)

I was hoping to have the story board 100% done but I got side tracked with this dumb desktop/website/GUI stuff... but augggh I think it'll be so cool to have something that looks like a p_rn site that would exist in a furry world. Even if it's just for like, 10 seconds.

Also in the background I've been testing and baking the fluid for that thing with Nyro- I'll do a more detailed post on that soon (tomorrow hopefully!) because I had to do some finessing to get the fluid to drip like I wanted it to

And also the fluid has been looking pretty nice when rendered! I added some post processing to get some cool twinkly sparkles and glow.

More soon!



Michael Killey

Would you consider found footage animation with camera effects and such?


Goddamn, the boys got even bigger! Makes you wonder, could they "Meet in the Middle"...?


Hey is deep dish still being worked on? :0


I haven't worked on it in awhile, there's some technical problems (my own disorganized rigging making it hard to animate the dragon) but also I get self conscious about it, like... I don't want it to look twitchy or imperfect but also it can never be perfect because idk if I'm good enough. But I'm trying! Here's the latest wip (not much is different, just tried to smooth a few bits out and make it less... bad) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wED101LET-kQnRlLfMpBmLKYQ0Ot-Bku/view?usp=sharing I'm still determined to finish it but it's just difficult to get over this idea of someone going "it looks twitchy" or "there's too much movement" (especially after what's probably going to be a pretty long fluid bake, like... to test fluids for days/weeks and then wait 60+ hours for a bake only for someone to criticize the animation, on top of getting soft bodies to work and fixing clipping with lattices and other misc/dynamic things on top of waiting for everything to render... it's a bit disheartening. I'm to adverse to criticism, in fact if one or two people say it, to me it means there's a problem and I hope to improve on the next animation but like... augh after all that it's demoralizing. So my thought process is "try to make it good enough to not get vague criticisms on the character animation" though my problem to begin with is that sometimes I read e621 comments on my work which is usually a bad idea)


You do have an admirable passion for these smaller details and creating a believable alternate world.


I’m just glad to hear it’s being worked on! And yeah people online can be hecka harsh, especially on porn site comments (yikes!) I’ve never thought your character were too twitchy uwu I quite enjoy the content. Best of luck on the rest of the project!!! Thank you!! 💜💜