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In this series, we return to Tellus, the planet of the Forbidden Fruit. This time we visit a different region, a Jurassic world full of natural marvels, exotic delights, and deadly dangers. 

The heroes of the previous series are reunited at a large research station, a desert outpost at the border of the known world. After a warm welcome and passionate lovemaking, the two main characters of the series (Michael and Alex) set course to undiscovered territories beyond the Red Mountains. What follows is an erotic journey through a range of different primeval locations. 

These strange places invite the two lovers to explore their intimacy further. The excitement, danger, and raging lust drive them even closer together than ever before. Finally, after many adventures, they’re rescued by a blue forest dweller who leads them to the Garden of Eden and their final destination, the Three of Life!

This rambling storyline was, of course, just a lame excuse for me to create a series of natural environments, with lots of exotic animals and plants. Here I could place the two lovebirds together, so they could have some intimate moments in privacy. That is, till the unavoidable predators pop up to spoil the fun-making. I guess I just needed these creatures each time to drive the gang to the next setting.

The Models

The station and its interior were based on Utopian Lab and Observation Deck. These models are by Stonemason, an outstanding 3D model creator with lots of exciting and easy-to-use environments. I have used many of his models for my projects in the past, and they are always very inspiring to work with.

The landscapes were mostly done with several Jungle Construction Kits and terrain modules (Hell Creek, Red Rock Canyon, and Prehistoric Floodplain), for the last part of the story I used the Maya Temple and Temple Pool to create the mysterious courtyard with the Tree of Life.

The blue alien was created with a character called Lekkulion, and by the looks of it, this model was probably inspired by a Star Wars creature. According to the vendor, when asked about the purpose of the tails, he simply smiles and winks. Yeah, right...  The tree in the last chapter comes from the Forest Heart, a model of a magical ancient tree growing on top of a crystal. 

The color of the leaves reminded me of the painting The Roses of Heliogabalus by Alma-Tadema. It shows a group of Roman diners at a banquet, being swamped by drifts of pink rose petals. It inspired me to add some floating petals to the scene as well, and it's an idea I'm sure I'll pick up again in a Roman setting as well one day.


Each set can be seen as a separate chapter or short story, and the challenge for me was to give each particular part a different character and atmosphere. Apart from creating these environments, the fun part of these projects is adding the lights, placing cameras, and testing a whole range of different render settings. 

These combinations give each scene a whole different atmosphere, and there seems to be no limit to what one can do with them. Once everything is in place, it takes multiple tests before the scene is ready for a final rendering. That can take several hours, depending on the materials (transparency, reflections...), size, and brightness of the scene. On average I’m able to do 5 images a day, hence the weekly output of ca. 20 to 25 a week. As always, it’s a slow and time-consuming process, but the result can be very motivating.


Apart from exploring different environments in this project, there’s plenty of physical exploring between the characters as well. There seems to be no limit to what this band of brothers can do to each other.  

The series starts with a foursome in a double-gravity bed, an elongated tube toy on a force field cube, extreme muscle growth, the inevitable tentacles, and finally a close encounter with blue aliens. I guess there’s never a dull moment on Tellus ;o)

The Garden of Eden has been one of the longest series so far and took several months to complete. Your positive feedback along the way has been great and very inspiring. I'm most grateful for your very generous support for this project. A big thanks for that!

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Thomas Polk

I'm late to the party, traveling put me way behind you. Did you send a pdf of these work docs? It's so much easier than having this information in separate cut-and-paste files.


Never too later ;o) I'm afraid I don't have a pdf for that yet, but I'll keep that in mind!


The more growth the better :D


These masterpieces demonstrate David's knowledge, artistry, and true love of the male form!!! GREAT work!


Absolutely....es un gran artista, con un exquisito gusto de los detalles, recreación de los ámbitos y siempre ese toque erótico que tanto nos gusta.