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Completed: 5 March 2023

The story of a novice on his way to a secluded abbey during a long and cold winter.

The End

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Yes! He was perfect for that role! And Ron Perlman as Salvatore :o)


In terms of both the quantity and quality of your artistic production, this week's output is phenomenal! So is your captivating plot and character development, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats (and cumming...)! Your set design with the castle as the stage & maze is world-class! I am sure the Novice and the audience will have a lot of fun! Thank you so much!


Thanks! That's really good to hear, much appreciated! Yes, it has been a busy week, but some good models and interesting references always help to pave the way, it does half the work for me ;o)


Gorgeous little devils! And your attention to detail is amazing! Love your illuminated book (I don't dare to call it a bible). Where did you take it from? Some is easily readable (yes I can read Latin). Perhaps you could show the text in the Workdocs? If it is a proper readable text!


Thanks! Interesting question! The text came with the model of the book. I tried to trace the origin, with several texts and translation searches, but no results. The illustration is from the Bible moralisée. I've added both images to the Zip-file that you can download at the bottom of the WorkDoc post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76955112

Greg Hancock

David things just get better and better, for us but not so for our young novice. The poor guy. Finds torture chamber, little devils and sexy victims. And now who is coming? Friend or foe? Going to be a clash of swords ⚔️ of the flesh.


Thanks, Greg! No, Novice is now stuck in a dungeon, surrounded by horny demons, weird men with masks, and no way out! Bas situation to be in :o|


Now, the Novice is saying: "Mine are BIGGER & Hornier! Hahaha!" (I am curious and eager to see what the masked men in black robes on the upper floor will do next...CAN'T wait!


Yes, he's definitively sizing things up! And a good question, mysterious spectators on the balcony :o|

Greg Hancock

Now back to normal and like a lamb laid on the alter for ultimate sacrifice. God or demons or something in between hummmmm

Greg Hancock

But wonder what they are going to take from him. Looking like they want his essence. Milk and drain him to feed themselves. Hummmmm.


Hmmm.. Yes, perhaps you're right. They don't look very friendly :o|

Jon Goerner

I'm not too sure about the Novice's vocation. But his avocation seems quite clear...


Yes, I think the novice is still struggling a bit with his avocation. Better to be sure before committing for life ;o)


Great plot, with intriguing twists and turns...cliffhanging suspense! Can't wait to see what happens next! Priapus has superb story-telling skills and imagination!


Thanks! Yes, lots of twists and turns. Don't want to make it too easy for the novice, always good to do some soul-searching before taking vows ;o)


"Some soul-searching before taking vows" is very wise advice for LIFE (and Sex)! Many thanks!


Yes, I guess it's just one of those things in life one needs to think about in advance ;o)


I'm always love your art and how you did with the character. it was so fucking good <3

Greg Hancock

So the little devil is now going out into the world to spread his learnings/ teachings. Hehehe. And spread em he will do. Lol.


Yes, he's gone to the dark side, leaving the abbey, to conquer the world ;o)


Great story! Bravo!!! "The Dark Side...!?" the Novice becomes the "Darth Vader or Sith Lord" of the Monk Galaxy!? "Leaving the abbey (in the mountains) and bringing sexuality to conquer the world!" He is amongst us and will turn this world into the "Homoerotic Downton Abbey." (Perhaps different episodes for different places he visits. Super juicy!)


Thanks again for this excellent set of illustrations. I enjoyed it and it was very exciting (every week!) what the sequel would be. Unbelievable how many illustrations you can produce in 1 week!


"The sadder but wiser girl's the girl for me..."


I guess I need more demonic gang bangs to unlock my hidden super powers too. Great story. thanks again.


Thanks, Robert! Much appreciated and yes, many illustrations but weeks can be long ;o)


Thanks and yes, that's always an option, who knows what it will unlock ;o)

ZeroTheHusky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-26 18:58:27 Looove these hot gay devils <3 A guy’s ass looks so much better with a long tail above it heh!
2023-05-12 20:11:03 Looove these hot gay devils <3 A guy’s ass looks so much better with a long tail above it heh!

Looove these hot gay devils <3 A guy’s ass looks so much better with a long tail above it heh!


This shows your skill not only as an illustrator but also as a creative storyteller. The narrative - even unwritten - is evident here. It makes seeing the visual images that much more compelling. Bravo! Well done!


Thanks! Glad to hear the images work in telling the tale. Like the silent movies, the images speak for themselves, but some additional text can be helpful at times ;o)

Greg Hancock

David. This is already starting off great. The details and design are amazing. The ruins are impressive and the wolf is fantastic.


Thank! First to comment as always!! Much appreciated and sounds like a good start :o)

Greg Hancock

Lol. First cause I really enjoy your creativity and the worlds you take us too. Is my perfect escape from my reality. Thank you so much David.

Gaynor Fairbrother

The first view of the church... Breath-taking!


The very cold weather will lead us to very hot scenes; the "newbie" will become a veteran rather soon. The handsome novice is also very considerate that he puts a blanket over the lovely donkey. Soon, we will know whether the young monk follows the ancient tradition of "free-balling" under the robe.


Ese lobo....ummmm...se convertirá en un apuesto y fornido Wild walker


Ah, yes el lobo.... Did not think about that... Seems to fit in as well :o)


Yes, needs to warm up a bit with this weather and I'm sure he's a stickler for ancient traditions. it's a monk after all ;o)


Who doesn't love a properly arched flying buttress!


I love the opening of new ideas in a winter story ! Thanks and I'm courious what to come up *double smile*.

Darrell BlackandBlue

A priest should know that a demon can change into any shape in the spirit of temptation...but what hey, right?


Yes, very true! But he's still a novice, so I guess it's all very new to him at this stage of the story ;o)

Darrell BlackandBlue

We all make mistakes Brother Novitiate. Just remember to cross yourself after! 😃


Yes, that's the best thing to do, and then just hope for the best afterward :o)

Greg Hancock

Demons may take different shapes, but so do saints and protecting angles. And this might just be that case. A knight to protect the innocent 😇.


Perhaps he's both, and perhaps both are not so innocent as well ;o)


The mini "demon" has a, in terms of proportion, giant body part. While the knight and monk have yet to revealed theirs...nor have the snow wolf and the donkey!


Yes, the 1st 41 pics.Great art work on desing in all the details - love the ambience !


Thanks! Much appreciated :o) I'm trying to lure you into this new adventure with all the tools available ;o)


David, your ideas for mystic and dramatic stories are super ! We know, bad and good exists all over our planet and the space. But we know even more, that finaly the good is much stronger. And sharing (sexual) pleasure is very well behavour : You LOVE your next-beeing by giving pleasure and affection and so you receive even more back and all concerned (I love sex only in groups so much) are HAPPY at least. That the better world and by doing it, we change our insured planet to a (a bit) better place !


Thanks! Yes, that's very true. Enough ugliness around us everywhere these times. Adding some beauty, pleasure, and affection is well-needed. I think we can all use some positive distraction at times ;o)


Excellent addition of nipple play :)

Nicholas Witkamp

Oh and I forgot you to tell that I’m exalted to see your ‘older work’ last week altogether in one map. Thank you so much, it took me a few hours looking at all the details. 🫢🥰

Greg Hancock

Oh the temptation of the poor innocent novice. Was hoping the Knight was coming to his rescue. And is it just me or has that imp now showing two cocks? See two bodies and three cocks.


Yes, poor innocent novice and nasty imp, no rescuing from that! ;o)