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Completed: 18 Sep 2021

In this series, a medical officer of a special inspection unit sets course to Section 4A, a military base in the remote tropical region of Tellus. Unusual effects of the local environment on recruits have been reported, and the commander of the base has called for urgent assistance.

Note: You can download the entire series at the bottom of the post.

A few months later, at the end of another expedition...


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Good to see that electro mobility is a thing in the future ;-) I like the new setting, looks like a daylight version of Blade Runner. Can't wait to see what's happening next ...


the ship reminds me of 'oblivion' tho' - and so does the protagonist's uniform - am hyped! let's go!


Thanks, Qitam! You're right. It has indeed something of the cyberpunk Blade Runner style. I want the urbanised environment to contrast as much as possible with the settings of the rest of the story. Se how that's going to work out... ;o)


Yes, you're right. Not a big fan of Tom Cruise, but liked the movie. Interesting idea and great settings. I'm sure more references to other movies will turn up later on ;o)

Danny York

Uuuuhhh! ... This is gonna be really good. Love all your futuristic space age creations. Not only for the handsome hunks you design but also includes the set and amazing androids. Looking forward to see where this new adventure takes us.

Thomas Polk

Lots of new toys!


Thanks! Yes, the future always brings so many new possibilities and the sky is no limit :o)


cant wait! i especially love ur stuff that has a non-human thing or inanimate object milking ur guys, i def wanna see more of that ;-) and the cum having a purpose


Fantástico. Siempre es un placer disfrutar de tu arte e imaginación. Seguro que nuestro oficial encontrara GRANDES y excitantes sorpresas .-)

Max Leopold

This looks like a Mash-up of Oblivion + Avatar - the white AirShip comes from Oblivion whereas the other Bits look like AVATAR by James Cameron

Jeff Watson

I love the wyverns (for lack of a better name)! The lead character is handsome and doesn't resemble other of your characters. I like that. Also love his conveyance. I want one! Looking forward to next week! 💖


Thanks, Jeff! Much appreciated. Yes, that would be very practical to have one of those! :o)


Hot military daddy yum.... HOpe we get scenes with him XD

Thomas Polk

I really like these new faces and bodies; new models?


Thanks! Yes, the main character is cutting-edge technology! ;o) The others not so new.

Jeff Watson

My reaction to the last panel was 'holy f*ck! "

Jeff Watson

No problem. It was a mixed reaction expressing interest and like for the giant but also expressing disappointment as it was the 'last' panel for the week. 😉


The magic jungle fruit has given them all unbelievable hunky traits. Alphas. Love to the phermones start to control the action... I'm still taken back from that fight of the alphas in the zombie world smelling each others uniform... sensing their presence in the vast museam. Got me through the pandemic.


... the black gym gear with white stripes is striking on the three omegas. Hot.


Thanks, Tornado! Yes, another place and time with big Alphas on the rise. This time not a zombie world but a jungle book ;o)

Thomas Polk

From my point of view, you have outdone yourself: I absolutely love gymnasts!


Thanks, Thomas! Yes, they're great and I'm sure I'm going to return to that theme one day. There's much more in there :o)


Ya lo había previsto, GRANDES SORPRESAS jajaja Como me gustaría estar en ese "proyecto poderoso " Te felicito!! Siempre nos regalas historias fabulosas y con todo el cuidado artístico de cada detalle

Darrell BlackandBlue

holy moly that exquisite specimen dismounts....woof!


¡Gracias! Muy amable de tu parte y muy apreciado. Sí, esta vez vamos realmente a lo grande.

John Wu

Another great story! Can't wait to see how the story unfolds...😉

Nicholas Witkamp

Ahhhhh, this reminded me of the forbidden fruit from ‘the tree of life’ from the garden of the visitors….soooo nice what you are doing with this story! When they suddenly kiss, I immediately got a ….-..! So that’s for now, I leave as always with a longing for the next episode. David have a very good week with lots of inspiration, Ciao Nicholas

Michael Roberts

Hi David, can you explain what happened in image 79? Did the Dr imagine the interaction with the hunky athlete? I didn't get why there was someone else taking his blood pressure when the Dr had done it earlier. The hunk athlete is just perfect and the scenes in grey briefs are hot!!


... dream scape. The guy's mind was wondering off as if he was the attraction to this big muscle dude.


Hi Michael, Yes, he just did have a daydream and in the end, he's still standing behind the monitor, while another doctor started doing the tests. Perhaps I should make another image to make the transition a bit more clear ;o)


Thanks! Yes, the fruit must come from something like that, so that needs to be investigated. Meanwhile, the fruit continues to have its effects, so don't miss the next episode ;o)


Yes, that's it, a daydream! And I can hardly blame him for that ;o)

Thomas Polk

These Guys are Sexy!

Nicholas Witkamp

Jeez, he has quite a big boner in his trouser eating that orange and gawping at the big guy. But hey I’m not complaining, I would have too. I don’t know how you do it but in a sense it’s magic. Would have liked to be there……ciao, Amigo,


Thanks, Nicholas, I guess it's the fruit that's causing all the inconvenience. Oranges are always tricky, especially when they're alien. ;o)

Thomas Polk

I don't understand the reason to send the redundant TFF file?? are thepics different?

Thomas Polk

This guy is pretty talented. He's especially talented at hiding his genitals: flying through the air at such force and speed, they always stay so neatly tucked away out of sight.

Thomas Polk

Regarding the TFF.zip file, it’s pics are also in the complete zip file to its left. Why send them twice? Do I need both? Are the files in the TFF.zip larger, smaller, somehow different than those in the complete collection? Unless the files are somehow unique...


Ah, yes, sorry about that. Not paying attention ;o) The additional zip file only contains the latest update. It's a request of someone who has troubles downloading the larger main file.

Thomas Polk

Got it. I hadn’t intended such a fuss Thank you.


It's no fuss at all, the additional file is indeed a bit confusing...


... or maybe a realization that this big alpha brute was just 120 pounds upon entering the program at the jungle institute.

Michael Roberts

Would love to see a version of image 98 without clothes!


Magnifico trabajo...nunca me cansare de decírtelo. Es maravilloso el estudio en detalles no solo de la representación en 3D, sino de todos los elementos que forman tus historias. Y ya el punto erótico/sensual es lo máximo.


Thanks FHG, much appreicated and I never get tired of hearing it :o)


Quelle magnifique conivence et sensulaité entre les deux protagonistes de cette nouvelle aventure. La justesse des regards et des émotions qui se dégagent des situations me laissent rêveur. Une telle justesse dans l'interprétation des regards intimes et complices sont un grand art dans les dessins. Je suis curieux de voir la suite des évènements et l'évolution de l'intimité entre les deux amoureux du beau et de la sensualité des regards.


Merci, Gabriel ! Très gentil de votre part et très apprécié! Heureux de vous entendre aimer l'approche plus subtile et romantique de cette histoire :o)


Help! I just pledged again and this is even better than my expectations. I really love the slow burn tension building up. Can't wait to find out things that are gonna go down!


Thanks, Henry! That's great to hear and glad you like the slow approach :o)

Nicholas Witkamp

Well I can barely hold my horses and believe me that means something! In the meantime it’s here 40’ Celsius………Have a nice and productive week!


Thanks, Nicholas! A good sign indeed :o) OMG, 40 C. Sounds horrible!

Nicholas Witkamp

Oeps, sorry I exaggerated a bit, it was only ca. 30’C but it always feels warmer than it really is ;))


Well, that's still quite warm and can feel like 40'C at times ;o)


Me encanta la expresión de la mirada de los otros dos chicos...una mezcla de sorpresa, picardía y....vamos a dejarlos solos que estos están a punto de ir mas allá.


Thanks! Yes, that was about the idea I had in mind for them. I guess they're glad to see that their big friend is no longer alone :o)


I want to thank you. I need mystique and unanswered glances. I want to live through those awkward moments such as the unforseen time in some situation ... boom, explosive. Don't answer every question. Leave us dripping with sudden flush responses. Add maybe a phermone scene. But, thanks. I'm caught like a deer in headlights moment seeing the nerd-phone come out... thinking uhm, yeah. Yet, its a distraction waiting in an awkward undefined tense moment of shear panic.


Thanks for this beautiful comment! That is so poetic and mysterious. Wonderful! :o)


Such a pretty surreal romance. I'm hoping to see some rough action soon. The boys look so in love. I wanna see them getting down and dirty hehehe.


Colours and lights are beautiful. Bravo David


Thanks, Joël! I wanted to bake the biggest contrast possible from the grey and gloomy urbanized environment from the start of the series. From hell to paradise ;o)

Thomas Polk

Gorgeous sex scene: beautiful bodies, beautiful scenery!


Thanks, Thomas! Yes, they seem to be made for each other, and for the scenery ;o)


Enough is not enough...I want some more....and your dream comes true....satisfaction guarantee

Darrell BlackandBlue

I don't there will be much data collection today...


I seem to only come back to you on my patreon visits. I've asked others to add some kind of story line to anything created. You seem to be exponential in your output on such matters. The case of the big tough guy being picked out of the lunch crowd is simply hot. Love the jovial fight. I always wanted something sort of evil such as your zombie series with the boys going viral in their rutting behaviors in some kind of phermones or near virus quality of alpha dominance. But, as always, you present a new front and a new hot format. Love this immensely.


Thanks, Tornado! Very kind comment indeed! Yes, this is taking a different direction. No zombies or evil aliens. This time I'm exploring a joyful comradery of brothers in arms during a mission :o)

Darrell BlackandBlue

Finally! The boys start to get some work done! LOL

John Symes

I'm sorry David – it's all beautifully rendered and all all that, but I'm left baffled about what it's all about. And why are you suddenly so PG on the butt fucking scenes?


Yes, it's a bit late and it took a while. Sorry about that ;o)


Sorry to hear that! I guess I'm always trying something different, perhaps a bit less explicit, a slow approach, and more romantic this time. Leaving some bits to the imagination of the viewer I guess...


I gotta say I like this approach, especially considering the premise you started this gallery with. Taking things slow in a situation where you'd expect things to get more raunchy rather quickly... opens up some interesting avenues, story-wise and setting wise, and actually helps keep interest fresh.


Thanks for that! That's indeed the idea behind these series. A slow development, gradually evolving to a more explicit final scene. Of course, it can never be to everyone taste, but I hope it contains enough interesting elements for all my followers :o)

Thomas Polk

Is there a panel missing? How does the bowl get from his hand onto his head?


Nope, nothing missing, it's probably his closest neighbour at the table who did it ;o)


Good to know that in the future with interstellar travel, they still use mobile phones.


Yes! But this one can do much more. Like navigating and locating a target, like a forbidden fruit ;o)


You've been leading me down an emotional well of love spells. I can only think of absolute love.... yet nagging in the back of my mind is something amiss. The jock is all inspiring and fully in control.... but jezzus me cracking whisky.


I know it might not be explored within this story, but do you think any of the indigenous life also eat that fruit?

Nicholas Witkamp

I’m amusing myself very much with this beautiful story, everyday I take a look at it. Wish I could be one of this fellows! Already looking forward to next Sunday. Have a nice week David 🥰


Thanks, Tornado, and sorry about that. Don't want to worry you ;o)


Thanks, Nicholas, that's very touching! Would indeed be a nice company and place for a long summer holiday :o)


I'm sure they do and I don't dare to imagine what that will do to them. Enough material for an entirely new series!

Thomas Polk

These last panels, the foursome naked, are especially hot!


Any attempt to turn this into a video experience?


OMG! I would need an entire studio with a whole army of creators to do that! ;o)


Enjoy your time off. You've been putting out incredible work with both this and the Deep Space animations. Looking forward to more updates and series.


Thanks, Flex! That's very kind of you! One more update to go next week and then it's time to recharge the batteries. Looking forward to resuming my project with new energy and vigour :o)


Wishing you a smashing holiday, David! No idea where you are headed but watch out for forbidden fruit!

Thomas Polk

This is such a great piece: beautiful men gorgeously rendered with such imagination and beauty in the setting. Well done!

Thomas Polk

Is this where you will be on vacation?


Thanks, Folk! Very kind of you and I'll keep a watchful eye on any suspicious piece of fruit.


Many thanks for that and all your previous comments. Always very much appreciated when viewers take time and effort to send me their feedback :o)


Yes, just to explore the grounds a bit further before resuming the series. So no holidays for me, for it's going to be really hard work up there! :o)


David, enjoy your holiday! The evolving story here is so much fun to watch unfold. The bonds you're showcasing are intimate and so playful.


Thanks, JK! That's good to hear, very kind of you and I'm sure I'll enjoy my holiday very much :o)

Max Leopold

I wonder, what those approaching Tentacles will do to the Boys...


Yes, good questions. Looks ominous, but it seems they're interested in all sorts of fruit as well ;o)


Just shows that men in sexual frenzy become totally oblivious to their surroundings. Hope you find similar oblivion during your holiday and, for a few weeks, forget the stress of providing the next instalment! Enjoy!


Good question! Looks a bit ominous, but I guess they also like all sorts of fruit ;o)


Thanks, Folk! Yes, no more update stress for a few weeks! That's going to be a whole new challenge! Have to prepare for that, for it has been more than 2 years :o|

Nicholas Witkamp

🤭 and I wanted to wish you just a vacation as the 4 boys have…I hope that you will at least have some rest, recreation and love


Thanks, Nicholas! Much appreciated! :o) I think I'm going to stay a bit closer to home than those 4, but I'm sure I'll be enjoying my time off as much as they are doing ;o)

Danny York

Hope you have a wonderful vaca

KaBoom BOX

Enjoy your holiday, you’ve earned it!


So, are they at a different part of the river, or did the water level actually rise?


Actually, I think they're at the same place but slowly sinking ;o)


And....what are they sinking about? Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Good question, still thinking about it and something to resume after the holidays....

Keith Nathan

Welcome back, David! Am I the only one, or I wish this epic lake scene could last forever?

Danny York

Hope you had fun and got some rest. Though I have been waiting with excitement to see what happens next in the store. so "Yeah" you're back.


Thanks, Keith! Not sure, but I'm sure the squat team is with you on that, for they cannot get enough of all the action ;o)


Yes, thanks! Fun, but not so much rest, but I'm definitively back again :o)


Damn... I love how they "consume" the men in this last update!


One wonders whether you came back from your holiday slightly undersexed... to present us with such an orgy! But very well orchestrated! Enjoyed ever single picture! Pity there is no sound available and I wondered if those fine tent acles would do some sounding...


The complete rapture seen in their faces and contorted bodies is just jaw-dropping! My mind races longing to see them animated and hear their moans 😩😩😩


I like how it's going.! The tentacles slithering into all of them is hot. Animation coming up?


I'm with Darrell BlackandBlue. I think they are all dead. The forbidden fruit was poisonous and caused a sexual frenzy which eventually killed them all. The tentacles were not involved in anything sexual, the were simply interested in feeding on the dead (or soon-to-be-dead).


Thanks, Bas! Glad you like the update. Hope they don't consume them literally ;o)


Yes, perhaps you're right. Sorry about that. A bit awkward intoxicated culmination of the story, but I'm glad you liked it anyway ;o) In this case sound is indeed a bit of a problem ;o)


Yes, that's right, Did not thought about that, but it fits the ending of the series.


Thank Nat! Gald you like it and that would indeed be great to see that animated. No idea how to do achieve that with these models. ;o)


Thanks, Dave! I'm afraid I still have my hands full with the Deep Space animation. Perhaps there are some ideas that Cameron can use in his new upcoming Avatar movies ;o)


Thanks, John! I hope not! That would be a very bleak and depressing end to the story. After all, they're in paradise and have just eaten from the Tree of life. I can imagine that it must be like heaven, but I'm sure they're not there yet ;o)


Well, I actually have been working, but this time outdoors, with lots of fresh air and sun. So that did me very good :o)


LOL. Okay, I should have disclosed in my original comment that I was in a bad mood (working at home late on Sunday night because we are short of staff at my job) and was taking the most pessimistic point of view possible. I am glad to hear that I may have been wrong!


I can well imagine the bad mood, but I'm afraid the pessimistic scenario would be very disappointing to many followers ;o) I guess we can all use some positive input to cheer up in these strange times :o))

Fourth Nine

Once again, the military are co-opted into providing research and exploration of natural resources that are commodified and commercially exploited.

Anis (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 16:05:35 Oh my amazing work David , the characters are so virile & full of sexual energy ! & the scenes are amazing
2021-09-20 16:03:29 Oh my amazing work David , the characters are so virile & full of sexual energy ! & the scenes are amazing

Oh my amazing work David , the characters are so virile & full of sexual energy ! & the scenes are amazing


Yes, it's the same story all over again, but this time they didn't mind helping out ... ;o)


Thanks, Anis, much appreciated. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them in the the future :o)


Only now did I have the opportunity to download the complete series of pictures and watch the entire story on a large screen. All 407 pictures and slowly. There is so much detail in your pictures, it is amazing! I was intrigued by the sudden recognition that happens in pic 062/63 which is so subtle. And yet many of us will know a similar moment and (hopefully) fondly remember it. There are many other subtleties. Watching the complete series was like watching a film. It gently unfolded and then went through several smaller climaxes to the culmination! And on that way, there are any number of exits to alternative avenues and undiscovered territories. Like some of the big science fiction writers, you have created your own universe to which you can return anytime and explore other facets of it. I compare this to the SciFi worlds of Larry Niven or more recently Ian Banks. I'm very much looking forward to more visits to your artful universes!


Thanks for your elaborate feedback, that's most kind of you! A big compliment indeed to be mentioned in the same sentence with those great SciFi authors! Glad to hear you appreciated the details, for I think they make the images so much more realistic and it's the part of a project I enjoy most working on. As you say, everything combined creates a universe of its own, with all the possibilities for a never-ending adventure, while leaving plenty for the viewer's imagination.


I always come back to this project because it is so amazing and tells a great story...sooo will there be a second chapter?


I hope so, but no idea when. Just started a new project, so I'm currently focused on that... ;o)


Hi from France and thx for this so much realistic (and exciting!) job you’ve done ! I’m new here and so impressed by the exquisite quality of it


Thanks, Peter! Very kind of you and I hope you'll enjoy your stay! Best wishes and hope you're doing well :o)


I have issues with real faces, let alone fictional ones, but are the characters at the end different than the ones fucked by the tentacles?


Thank you for letting me know. I easily get faces mixed up.

Rock Creek Werewolf

this is such great work. I'm really a fan. congratulations!


Thanks! There's another series on this, called The Garden of Eden.