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After his exhausting adventures in the upper regions of The Temple, going all the way down in Ad Fundum and leaving The 7th Circle, Harry descends deeper into the mysterious labyrinth of tunnels, corridors and vaults of the ruinous sanctuary. 

NOTE: You can download a PDF version of this WorkDoc at the bottom of this post. This was made by Andrea, and you can find a complete version of his beautiful project on the Priapus Encyclopedia page.

His taste for adventure and pleasure is undiminished and he keeps searching through forgotten chambers, to find the legendary Inner Sanctum. The Holy of Holies. The source of all lust and desires, where divine bliss reigns eternally.

But dark forces stand guard and before Harry can enter, he must overcome several obstacles and pass the ultimate test. Like a true red-haired Hercules, he must prove in a series of hard labours his determination and endurance, his will to reach the highest level of ecstasy. 

This is the general idea for the new series and so far, I’ve developed the settings for the first two labours - good for a short chapter each. Fortunately for Harry (and for me), their number will be somewhat limited. To create twelve chapters would be a Herculean task indeed, and I’m not sure our hero (and the viewer) would survive such a test.

Chapter 1 - The Corridor of Passions

The first labour for Harry is to cross the Corridor of Passions. At the end of a dark hallway is a large sealed door and he must get there. The task seems easy enough, but Harry immediately senses danger when he enters the narrow room. The creeping roots suddenly come to life and grab him by the wrists. In a flash, he’s tied against the wall and the stones start to move. He’s not alone!

So, the first obstacle is something like a bondage test and Harry has to figure out how to break free from this one. Will he succeed?...

The setting I created for this chapter is based on a model called The Ruins of Angkor Wat, by Merlin Studios. It depicts a long-forgotten temple, where the walls and hallways are slowly being reclaimed by nature. Huge palm roots creep up the structure like fingers, slowly smothering the ancient building. Perfectly suited for The Temple and easy to adapt for new scenes.  

The idea of the hands coming out of the wall is of course not entirely new, and I’ve done something similar in Morpheus Dream. The main inspiration for this scene is the comic book City of the Damned by Don Lawrence. He’s the author of Storm, a science fiction/fantasy series, narrating the adventures of a time-travelling astronaut who returns to Earth after 300 years when civilization has collapsed. The Deep World (as it's now called), has become a dangerous place, with its barbaric inhabitants and strange creatures. The perfect stage for a long series of thrilling books, all drawn in a fantastic realistic and detailed style.

Chapter 2 -  The Minotaur

After having escaped the grabby claws in the Corridor of Passions - which turned out to be more of a chamber of horrors - Harry stumbles into the domain of the Minotaur. Apart from the centaur, this is probably the most virile and certainly the most ferocious creature in ancient mythology. No wonder that in art is has been depicted as a true force of nature, a real challenge for any hero and an outstanding opportunity to show off some muscle and strength. 

But appearance can be deceiving and the raging bull in this story turns out to have a soft spot for our read-haired hero and he turns out to be a formidable lover. Like a true Theseus Harry slays the mythical creature on the altar of the beast. 

The setting for this chapter is an open court, surrounded by corridors and a chapel.

Two raging bulls guard the entrance, two alters on the sides depict young riders and at the far end is a chapel with a depiction of a victorious Theseus.    

This section of the Temple was created with the Ruins of Ankor Wat as basis, with some additional characters as sculptures and lots of roots and rubble to make the scene more interesting. A great stage for an epic struggle.  

Links to Inner Sanctum chapters: 

1 - The Corridor of Passions and  2 - The Minotaur

3 - Revelations 

4 - The Antechamber

5  - Metamorphose

6 - The Inner Core

The Inner Sanctum - Graphic Novel 

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How can we get access to Ad fundum and the other animations?


Hello Benoit, you can use the Post page and TAGS to navigate. (https://www.patreon.com/priapus/posts) There you'll find the animations as well. As far as I know there' no animation of the Ad Fundum.

Ian Johari Monteiro

I really love reading about your research, references, influences and inspirations. It’s gives so much weight to your mindset and your product. It also gives ME the inspiration to document my prep work when I do my own stuff.


Thank you so much. Glad to hear that someone reads my stuff ;o) But it's a pleasure to make these pages, for it compels me to order my chaotic mind and focus on the themes etc. So it's a useful exercise at the same time.


Excellent and profound work 😊👍 I'm really looking forward to the continuation of history.


Hi. A suggestion for the next Add-Ons in HD : the Theseus's Bas-Reliefs like the last image ("alive")


Yes, that could be an idea. Not sure how that would fit the story, but it sounds interesting. Thanks!


Not to fit it in the story, but only as separate images in HD (monthly Adds-On or Wallpaper)