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Update for last post

You voted for it, You got it...

This months rewards drawing will look a little more, well, crappier than usually. This is because im drawing it all by hand. 

Im sorry for the poor quality.

Guess something is better than nothing...

Luckily i will be getting a new computer the 7th of august. 

We have moved on to the next game in the Resident evil series, which is Dead Aim, my plan was to then draw this game for 2 months in hand. however, that might just change with the new computer. 

Prices will increase

Personally im not doing this for the money. However, i have to realize that things has not gone the way i had planned them. the low price, was actually to pull in more patreons. But throughout 2020 the number of patreons hasn't really increased much. So in order for me to continue drawing, i sadly have to increase the prices.

Starting from October the prices will look like this:

Zombie tier: 3$

Tyrant tier: 20$

Hopefully i wont lose to many of you guys, but its just something i gotta do if i wanna keep doing this. 





No worries. Always will be a big fan of your art. Nice work!


I've seen you post a few images publicly, saying in the description there's more on Patreon, but maybe just saying that isn't enticing enough? Sharing cropped, blurred, or censored versions of exclusive pics might get new patrons who want to see the full picture.


XD Brilliant! And no problem on the price increase! Well worth it!

P Tato

Tbh it has suprised me you have held out this long on adjusting the price, the drawings you do are really good, maybe part of the reason why new members have stagnated is due to the pandemic. It also wouldnt be a bad idea to consider doing afew more human on human pieces. I'm still interested in commissioning a piece I spoke with you about a year or so ago =p, throw me a message if you get the time for it.