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Hey all, as the top text probably wrote out, this is mostly a survey for y'all! 

It's so I know what I'm doing right/wrong and it's also so that you can directly address me if there are any complaints! 

I read all the replies, and don't worry, it's completely anonymous, so I won't hunt you down or anything if you call me smelly. It's really so that I can improve on what I do and provide better games for y'all.   

I really will be grateful if you took the time to complete it.  

I'll do some special art or something if we get uh, 10k responses. Which shouldn't be too hard considering the members we have haha. Well, I hope so anyway.

In case the link doesn't work, you can click here as well! 


Feedback for games and also Doggo!

Hey all, this is mostly a bi-annually feedback thing so Doggo doesn't lose touch with the base lol. And it's also a thing where I know what I'm doing right/wrong, what I need to improve on, things that I do that y'all like/hate. You guys get the idea haha.


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