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Hey all, ran into a bit of an issue with the sex scenes animation, we have some samples on the discord that you can check out if you're interested to see what they look like!

Anyway, there are some issues with getting videos to play on the engine, and also the whole process of exporting it to Mac and Android that quite a number of y'all use, which might end up costing us more time than it's worth, there's also a bit of an issue with some funding issue for the character 3D sprites, it's a long story so I won't bore you with that. Long story short, I might need to move the game to a different engine, probably a modified version of RPGM, which I am not looking forward to, but with 2 weeks per release for each game, being picky isn't a luxury I can afford.

95% of the assets are able to be reused, so we won't need to redo art or anything like that, I'll probably do some Frankenstein magic, well technically Frankenstein is more science than magic, but you get what I mean, anyway, I'll probably be able to use the current stuff for something else.

Anyway, boring stuff aside, here's some art preview.

The plan was/is to let the player have a "journal" of sorts to record down the characters and monsters he meets, giving it a bit of a sketch looking, uh, look. You might also have realised that the art is different from the sprite art. 

Anyway, to the stuff most of y'all are interested in haha

We have a couple of scenes in the works, this one is currently the one getting animated. I seriously recommend heading into the Discord to check out the animation we have so far. And I know the pic above is, uh, "bigger", than what I usually have in my games, but I thought that it would be neat to have 1 character that's, uh, "horizontally advantaged", cause why not haha.

Anyway, there's a couple of more stuff that was prepped but had to be pushed back due to some technical issues, but I'll stop with the peeks here for now. I'll be porting the stuff I had in mind over now, which I guess is good news to Mac and Android players. Though now that I think about it, I could do some stylised stuff with it as well. Hmmmmmmm

So anyway, if y'all have any questions or feedback/ suggestions, do let me know, I'll do my best to answer them!



This is looking pretty good, can't wait to get my hands on it.

vault vault

Is there a reason why you are creating a new project instead of completing the rest like Star Cove?


Oh, Star Cove is being worked on, there was some issues with the art not being delivered and the release schedule being disrupted cause of it. I thought it wasn't right to make y'all wait for the artist, so I decided to replace Star Cove with an active project so it's fairer to you guys.