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I tried, I really tried, I could finish it on time. I need to push it back a bit more, I'll keep you guys updated on the status so you guys know exactly what's going on.

Plan was to have the core timeline established so that every path becomes obtainable without too many gaps in the days. That's mostly done, and then the rewrites were going along nicely, but there was a bit too much rewriting on my end and a lot of cross checking was needed than expected, which lead to more writing being needed while still trying to keep the days without activities low, which kinda turned into a game of capture the flag where you didn't know where the next flag was until you got the current one, which made turned out to be a longer distance than expected.

In any case, it's my misjudgment on my end and I apologise for the delay. I'll try to get the new build up asap. 

Art is still being done, so don't worry about that!






understable. i'm sure most will be willing to wait


Doggo, take your time it's all good. You already out in a crap ton of effort with your games, no reason to push yourself


Can't say I'm not sad about this, but at the same time shit happens - I'm a patreon to support the development of the games, and sometimes there will be issues just due to the nature of the business. I'm eager to see what comes out when it does 😊

Maurice Groves

Just keep to a solid pace and release it when your ready and not before


Can't wait for an update! The mind control here is even hotter than in Jikage ^^ And using it on teachers and milfs - that is just the right way to do it lol This game has some of the hottest scenes too, so Im looking forward to it^^