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Woohoo, I'm relatively free now! This week I'll be mostly focused on Star Cove, lots to do, so much to do, hahahaha, I'm laughing on the post but I'm close to crying in real life. Ahem.

Anyway, I'll mostly be writing stuff this week, maybe a bit of trial and error with some people in the discord, to see which method works best. Probably a lot of boring stuff for the testers that they're probably gonna be blasting me pretty soon XD

If we are to go into specifics, the start will be rewritten. After the initial day, you will have a choice to do a bunch of other stuff, tho your actions will be limited. It definitely won't be a free roam game, cause we definitely aren't prepped for that, but you will have a deal more freedom.

Also considering adding in some backstory of certain characters, but there doesn't seem to be much use for it other than just flavor text. Especially considering you don't really do much with the information. Maybe I need to deconstruct the game a bit more and build it up again, but we'll see.

Anyway, here's a quick TL/DR of what's going on as usual!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.17 for Patrons on  21st May, v1.16 for the public on 7th May)
-Another Mabui scene
-Mabui event
-Plot Progression
-More dialogue for the girls

The Star Cove Incident (ETA: v0.11 for Patrons on 7th May, v0.11 for the public on 21st May)
-Lots of rewriting



Well, now I think it's time for you to focus on the update)) Your plans are really impressive, more freedom in the game is a great idea.


Looking forward to more Star Cove - I've missed that game! :)