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Hey all, apologies for the late update, had to talk to the artists and animators, get everything up to speed and ensure that everything is on schedule and not ugly and stuff like that. 

Anyway, most of the stuff are dealt with, so it's time for the weekly update! Yaaay! That felt more sarcastic than I intended haha. Anyway, here's a quick rundown on the plan this week! First priority would be to fix the bugs for Jikage Rising, there are reports of the battle system and some of Karin's events bugging out, so I'll be fixing that and have it up after they are fixed, which shouldn't be too long. I'll also add in Karin's animation now that I'm back with time to process the files I got from the animator. That should be pretty much it for this Jikage Rising for this week.

After that's dealt with, I'll be getting back to the rewrite for Star Cove, nothing too specific to talk about, mostly just me setting up the branches and stuff for the game, pretty boring stuff to talk about haha. I'll probably be talking about it on Discord though, mostly checking for opinions and what not. 

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.17 for Patrons on  21st May, v1.16 for the public on 7th May)
-Currently fixing bugs for v1.16
-Another Mabui scene
-Mabui event
-Plot Progression
-More dialogue for the girls

The Star Cove Incident (ETA: v0.11 for Patrons on 7th May, v0.11 for the public on 21st May)
-Lots of rewriting



Well, I'm glad that so far everything is going according to plan and more or less smoothly, good luck with fixing the bugs.