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Time for a weekly update and boy is it a fun one. 

I guess I should start off with the fun news first, through some amazing luck on my end, I managed to get Covid and I have been Covid positive for about 4 days now. *Fireworks effect*

That being said, there should be no delays cause I'm still able to work on the game, despite the occasional gibberish in dialogue after taking the meds, which is pretty funny sometimes, the drowsiness caused by the pills also makes it easier to sleep, but I digress. 

Anyhoo, time for the important announcement. I will be stopping the point system given out to the T4 and T5 patrons. It got better for a bit, but there were some events that happened relatively recently that made me decide on this course. The main intent of the points were my way of showing appreciation to the people that went the extra mile to support the game's development, without a lot of them it would have been difficult for us to be where we are today. However, there were individuals that saw the point system as a "pay to insert whatever you want into the game" feature and tried to abuse it via a number of ways, which I won't go into, but lets just say that I am aware of the existence of a lot fetishes now. 

With that said, I will still honor whatever points that are current held by current T4/T5 patrons along with whatever we had agreed on, which includes one of the characters that will be in the next update coming this weekend XD

I just realised it took me 3 hours to write this, I might be more out of it than I thought haha.


-Doggo has covid, no delay expected

-No more points for T4/T5 patrons

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.15 for Patrons on 19th March, v1.14 for the public on 5th March)
-Implementing the battle updates
-New character 1 (Mabui)
-Scene with new character
-Story progression
-Maybe new character 2 (???)



Get better soon Doggo!


Get better soon Doggo you the 🐐. " I'm now aware of many fetishes" 💀. I don't even want to know what this entails

Michael Cekinovich

Question good sir what about us T3s and below


Get better soon Doggo!

Maurice Groves

Hope u get better doggo, prioritize ur health over everything


Get well soon Doggo


<p style="color: #008600;">The main thing now is that you need to take good care of yourself and take medicine strictly according to the doctor's recommendation. Best wishes!</p>

Mr moop

Take care of yourself doggo your a legend


Oh, covid sucks and is completely unsettling. Hope you recover from it quickly! Get well!