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Heya all! It's time for another weekly update! 

As y'all might have noticed, it's release weekend for Jikage Rising, a couple of y'all are probably looking forward to that haha. 

The battle balance stuff is mostly done-ish, tho it's mostly just buffing the girls and the mc to some extent, tho with skills, you are pretty OP tbh. But anyway, other than that, we'll be heading back to the cave for some fun time stuff with Saru as well.

Also been getting a few questions about Fairy Hunting, so thought I should mention it here again. The draft is pretty much done, and Raiha just completely finished page 1, so we have like 19-ish pages more to go. Think it looks pretty neat this time, I'm expecting it to be released around April probably. 

But on a side note, I'll be able to release Trainer-dex this weekend along side Jikage Rising, so yeap yeap! 

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.14 for Patrons on 19th Feb, v1.14 for the public on 5th March)
-Samui event
-Karui Event
-Threesome scene 1
-Threesome scene 2
-Tweaking the battle system and updating more stuff
-More stuff if I have time!

Star Cove Incident (No ETA for now)
-New scene for Zen
-Editing and fixing parts of the story to make it more coherent

Apparently today is Valentines day, I always spell it with two A's for some reason, anyway, hope you guys have a good one and let me know if y'all have any questions yeah! 



Awesome update, great events and scenes added, well done! Happy Valentine's day!