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Hey guys, there are currently some issues with the code on the coder's side of things, the new missions for the Suna girls are causing some conflicts that are preventing the girls from being selected, the coder told me that it'll be sorted out by Friday. 

Issue is on Friday I'll be getting my second vaccine shot, the original plan was to complete everything by today, so nothing will go wrong if the shot gave me a fever or anything, but this threw a small cog in the wheel. Chances are there won't be any side effects and everything will be as per schedule, but just in case I disappear for like 2 days, it's probably the fever and I'm not dead or abandoning the project or anything, just putting this just in case, though like I said above, there probably won't be any hold ups cause of the shot.

Just to reiterate, this is a "just in case some side effects occur" thing.



Oh also, animations are pretty much all done, so we'll be getting animation as well <3


take care

Maurice Groves

Hope u take to the shot just fine, i got my 2nd shot last sunday, regardless on how u feel afterwards, it will always be worth getting


guess the update is delayed