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Whew, it's another week huh? 

Hope you guys had a good Christmas, been a pretty rough year, but we made it yeah. 

Anyway, for this week, gonna be busy busy as well, Star Cove is almost done, well, the first part anyway haha. We'll be going into the first character as well as testing the system, going for something more linear and less repetitive this time, let me know what you guys think of it and we'll tweak it as we go yeah!

As for Jikage Rising, the animations are partially done, we'll be moving on to the sand village pretty soon haha.

Anyway, here's the TL/DR version!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.02 16th Jan for Patrons, v1.01b 2nd Jan for the Public)

-Bug fixes

-Sakura's scene

-Temari's scene

-Some coding issues

Star Cove Incident (ETA: 2nd Jan for Patrons, 16th Jan for Public)

-Sorting out the BGM and BGs

-Jaina's first event

-Jaina's second event

Forgot to include this last week, but here are my usual links to my contacts and stuff!






Doggo's Doujins



how do i get anko’s level 2,3 and 4scene


@zak1189: for level 2 and 3 you need to trigger high Lust events again, for level 4 you need to go home early


Quick question for jikage: Do The pregnant sprites only appear in the ending or can see them also by playing the game for some additional days?