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Camera 1
Gfycat (No Sound) / GIF (No Sound) / WEBM (Sound) / MP4 (Sound)

Camera 2
Gfycat (No Sound) / GIF (No Sound) / WEBM (Sound) / MP4(Sound)

Camera 3
Gfycat (No Sound) / GIF (No Sound) / WEBM (Sound) / MP4(Sound)

Camera 4 (Ezria POV)
Gfycat (No Sound) / GIF (No Sound) / WEBM (Sound) / MP4(Sound)

Camera 4 (Keema POV)
Gfycat (No Sound) / GIF (No Sound) / WEBM (Sound) / MP4(Sound)

She towered over lady Ezria Ul’Patricia, who was ever elegantly dressed and graceful in her demeanor. Keema Aul’Tuma was quite the opposite--her armour heavy, thick and loud. Keema had been given charge of the Twin Consorts for the next month by the orders of the Lord of Ecstasy himself while Akkal, their primary guardian, was away on unspecified business. He was often tight-lipped when it came to his training. Keema was a mountain-folk similar to Akkal. Unlike him, she was more rambunctious, more free spirited and more inclined to take a joke.
Whenever the twins were in public, many head turned to catch a glimpse of the ones many believe to be blessed by Patricia’s gift. Today was no exception.
Leaving the confines of the Maroon palace, the numerous stares she and lady Ezria received felt new to Keema. She tightened her grip on her spear and shield--an instinctual reaction from her training.
“It’s not you they gawk at. Ignore them.”, Ezria smiled as she looked up to her protector, “I’ve noticed your recent behaviour. You’ve been… tense lately. What occupies your thoughts?”
The mountain-folk sighed heavily and looked away for a moment, relaxing the hold on her weapon and shield. Her voice was deep and reverberating and it carried her words to many surrounding ears as they walked through the streets of Ambrosia.
“If I may be frank, it’s a personal matter, my lady. I would rather not trouble you.”
Ezria slowed her pace and was quick to respond with, “Dear Keema, you have been at our side for the best part of six months. The friendship between you and my dear sister has flourished quicker than I had anticipated. If there is something wrong, then you should feel free to confide in us. Please. Do go on.”
Keema paused for what felt like a very strained few minutes. Her eyes wandered, refusing to meet the emerald gaze of her charge before she finally replied.
“It is a matter of heart, my lady.”
For a moment, the towering mountain-folk seemed vulnerable, until another look from a passerby reinvigorated her strength, which was accented by a gentle touch of Ezria’s hand on the comparatively large fist surrounding the pole of her spear. Ezria gave her an understanding smile.
“Akkal can seem cold, hard and distant on the outside, yes...”, she sighed, “But once you understand his cues, you can quickly break through that rough carapace. He is not impossible to figure out.”
Even the sheer mention of Akkal’s name brought the faintest pink flush to her face.
“I know his body language--his emotional demeanour. I’ve seen how he straightens his back when you approach, how he tries to make himself look more impressive when he talks to you. He likes you, Keema. He just seems unable to forget his duties and commitments. I cannot change his outward coarsness, but… I may be able to help.”
Keema was quick to reply, her abrupt and dutiful voice returning to her as she tried to suppress her discomfort.
“Lady Ezria. To express my freedom to object, my personal life should not be a worry to you! I can deal with it myself!”
The sharp reply was loud, the deep voice resonating across the walls surrounding the stone paved street they were on, turning many heads, which only made Keema visibly more uncomfortable. Ezria released Keema’s hand but kept her gaze locked upon hers, trying to decipher Keema’s state as they continued to walk. Her soft voice came to her again.
“Keema, It’s not because you work for me that I care not about you. I wish to see you happy and fulfilled.”
Ezria looked around at the many lingering eyes upon the two of them, then back to Keema, who looked as though she wanted to just disappear at that very moment and save herself the embarrassment. A pang of guilt washed over deep in Ezria’s chest. Perhaps out in the open wasn’t the best place to pour out their hearts to each other.
“Let us find a quiet place to discuss this. The marketplace can wait.”
Ezria nodded onward and quickened her march. Keema took long strides forward to catch up to the consort’s unexpected pace.
They walked in silence for a moment, until a narrow alley caught Ezria’s attention. She silently made her way between the narrow high walls, finding various storage crates and barrels to shelter them from prying eyes. Keema poked her head around the corner, seeing Ezria sat on a crate quite casually. She nodded for her to join.
“Now that we’re alone, perhaps we can speak more candidly with one another.”
Keema had little choice in the matter, but this moment of quiet respite felt welcome. It was rare for such a thing to happen in the presence of Akkal. Her deep sigh was absorbed by the narrow alley. She kneeled beside her, laying her weapon and shield against the wall.
“You say I am unfulfilled. House Ganz already honours me by trusting me with your protection and showers me with pride-”
Ezria quickly cut her off.
“…and yet, your heart is unwell and wishes for something that even House Ganz does not provide.”
Keema sighed once more, lowering her head, blankly staring at the paving slabs beneath her shield. It took her a moment, inhaling deeply. Her voice was now soft.
“Ever since joining your house guards, I have seen Akkal. A proud, dutiful, unwavering and strong mountain-folk, almost the opposite of me. There is… something about him. I can’t explain why but I wish I could walk through his thick façade and feel the being underneath his hard shell.”
Ezria smirked response, recognizing the love and admiration in Keema’s voice.
“I know all too well. I have been unable to break through that façade myself and my sister has barely made it farther than I did, but through his thick shell, I know he cares, just as I care about you too.”
Keema lifted her head, staring at Ezria, uncertain for words.
“You are a beautiful mountain-folk my dear Keema, and I know that even Akkal recognizes that.”
A teasing grin came over Ezria’s lips, “I know you’d like to remain by his side for a night, to see him melt away his unbreaking shell until the morning rises again, to feel him care for you. To feel…”
“Passion.” replied Keema, quietly, trying to stop Ezria, “To feel loved. To be trusted and cared for. To know passion just as you, lady Xelthia and Lord Ignacio share so often. Every night I spend dreaming of Akkal, I wish I could be with you and lady Xelthia instead. To enjoy a moment of happiness and love.”
For a moment, Keema seemed almost vulnerable--a far cry from the boisterous Keema she’s grown to know over the months. It took Ezria a long moment to find her words. While Keema remained silent, her eyes returned to the brick wall.
“Keema…”, Ezria’s tone resembled the tenderness of her sister’, “I had no clue you felt so alone. You should said something before; I would have done something help.”
The mountain-folk looked once more at the crimson consort, her eyes alone expressing thanks for Ezria’s attentiveness. Her response was short and courteous.
“Thanks for listening, Ezria, but I have nothing to ask of you.”
Ezria’s response came immediately after Keema’s, her tone now decisive.
“I have a proposal. Tonight, I will talk to Ignacio and ask him to have you share a room with Akkal so you may bond, learn to know and trust each other while on duty. You will spend time with him and he will learn to live with you. He may not like it at first, but I know that in due time he will warm to you. He may not have directly confided in me his feelings for you, but do trust me, I can definitely tell.”
Keema’s blinked, then widened, “I mean...you don’t have to-”
“Yes, I do. Your heart aches and I cannot stand by while it does so. Not when it’s in my power to help you.”
Ezria leaned in towards her as the Consort’s voice melted into a soft and sultry inflection. “As for what can be done now? Well...”
Ezria arose from her crate and sauntered over, stopping mere inches before her. The difference in sizes between both demons and mountainfolk was easily noticeable in everyday life. The largest mountain-folk could easily match the height of two demons, one atop the others’ shoulders. This mountain-folk immensity was no more obvious than it was now. As Keema knelt before Ezria, she matched her eye-level.
Their eyes exchanged silent looks for only a moment before the silence was broken by Ezria.
“You are tense, and have been since we have left the palace.”
Keema quipped, “I am not!”
Ezria put a finger to her large lips and rolled her eyes. “My dear, it’s obvious in your walk. I know these things. I can tell. Just hear me out.”
She released her finger from her lips. “I may not be Akkal, or share a bed with you or my sister, but I am able to provide you with some… momentary happiness and relaxation.”
Keema was completely taken aback for a few moments. The slight smirk curling in the corner of her mouth was obvious, as well as the pink hue developing in her cheeks.
“Well, I...” Her voice was interrupted by a sudden kiss.
Ezria’s small lips barely covered her lower lip. They met for a moment but Keema’s lack of response proved Ezria’s suspicions right.
The Consort pulled back, staring at Keema with a smile, “As I have said my dear Keema, you are beautiful.”
Keema was momentarily unresponsive, but eventually her smirk turned into a full smile, “I would say the same about yourself.”
Ezria grinned widely to the kneeling mountain-folk. Her breath deepened and her heart quickened. Her voice grew soft and sultry.
“Now my dearest Keema. We don’t have much time. I want to share with you a moment of happiness. Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking to your bed. Akkal is there. He’s laying on his back awaiting your arrival. I want you to imagine yourself joining him, and piercing through his shell, to share a passionate moment with him. Imagine that I am Akkal. I want you to give me the passion you would give him. I want you to have a taste of what you will have soon my dear Keema.”
The mountain-folk’s heart began to race. The thought of both Akkal and Ezria’s words aroused her, as a craving filled her entire being.
“I will speak to Ignacio and Xelthia and ask if we could invite you to share our bed but first… let us undress. I want you to show me how you would make Akkal feel my dear Keema.”


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Cam 1 - Create, Discover and Share GIFs on Gfycat

Watch Cam 1 GIF by janner3d on Gfycat. Discover more StreetFighter GIFs on Gfycat.



Wowowow! Amazing! This is some A+++++ stuff!

Lyan Diaz

Im gladni became a patrion XD


´More of this :3 love the new character btw


Holy shit, that was hot as hell. the only thing that would have made it better if their was a creampie.


Unparalleled. Can't wait to see more

Goth Skunk

Camera angles 1 and 3 are the best. Delicious! I feel sorry for Ezria... worry she's going to get her hips broken. Death by Snu-snu


Ezria's POV is Hnng!!! ♡♡♡♡♡


Holy fuck this is driving me wild.


this is the greatest

Parker Trotter

I was really hoping for some sort of spanking scene with her (giving our recieving) but this. This is amazing!


I think the general consensus for this animation is that we'd all love to see more. A+!

Kevin Cason

damn that is a big girl, ezria must have thighs of steel o.o


Need to see Keema with a big ol' arcane magic induced donger. Great stuff


Das a lot of story. I love it!


can u do a creampie ver of this?


Absolutely amazing work! *_* Would love to see more of Keema and her awesome body! :3