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Jurassic Park 2 full length reaction

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Angel Groves

I've been SO extremely busy this past month, and I'm really excited to jump into this series with you guys!! I saw the first in theaters when it came out (I was 4 lol), and I just rewatched it when it came out again in a theaters close to me for "flashback cinema" night. So much fun! I'm happy to have a little time this weekend to watch y'all's content. Always a pleasure! I'll be watching the first and then hopping into this reaction ASAP. Thanks for doing what you do, guys. Keep being awesome!

J Knight

The conversation at the end is actually kinda funny because scientists (in real life) are trying to bring back Wooly Mammoths by the year 2027 😂 Apparently it will help with global warming or something


I gotta say I know it has it's fans and there are some very well done and suspenseful scenes that I definitely will give it correct for but I have never cared for this one mostly because I don't really like the characters. The only ones I do like are Malcolm and Kelly. To me they are just dumb, yes bring the baby dinosaur into your camper and not expect the parents to show up. I know they just wanted to help it but it was still dumb and they didn't even think about the danger when they had a child with them! Luckily Kelly was smart and got out of there in time. And it lead to Eddie being eaten, they were actually responsible for quite a few deaths. Nick especially drove me nuts! It always bothered me that he took the other teams bullets. Yes they were the bad guys and not doing the right thing but these were still the same people that helped them on the cliff and told them where the watch tower was that lead to them being rescued, taking away there only means of defense was almost borderline murder and it didn't sit right with me. The ending is fun and it was nice to see Malcolm again but I just don't care for it.

Cody Price

You should checkout at least the first Jurassic World film. The Jurassic World film is great. The other two Jurassic World films are just decent but watchable. The main issue with the with the last Jurassic World film is they advertised it being one type of film and it ended up being another, but that film brings together the old and new cast.

Kiera Walker

Funny enough, the opening scene of this movie was taken almost page for page from the prologue of the first Jurassic Park novel. It’s actually the incident that required Hammond to acquire the endorsements in order for the park to open, as opposed to the Raptor death in the opening of the movie (Hammond was also far less endearing in the novel and basically served in an antagonistic role). As for the rest of this movie, it resembled very little of the sequel novel aside from Malcolm being the main protagonist bent on retrieving Sarah Harding (who I believe is an ex-girlfriend in the novel) from the island, but all other characters were either swapped out for similar ones with different names, or abandoned completely for the film…There again were two children in the book, and there was an entire subplot involving Dodgson (the character paying off Nedry for the embryos in the first film) and his competing company attempting to capture the Tyrannosaur. The set piece involving the trailer being pushed off the cliff was also adapted fairly faithfully from the novel, but the similarities end there, and there was no T-Rex set loose in San Diego. As for the third film, it shamelessly stitches together a Frankenstein’s monster of a plot from all bits and set pieces that were not adapted for the screen from the first two novels, leaving us with a disjointed, half-baked, unsatisfying movie that clocks in barely over an hour and a half. But I still recommend watching it, for the sake of being thorough. And finally, when it comes to the Jurassic World films, the first one is an absolute must-see and arguably the second best of the entire franchise. Entertaining and fun from start to finish. The subsequent sequels do decline in quality from one to the next, as is typical and expected for many franchise films, but I still recommended watching them. But fair warning: Dominion treads dangerously close to unwatchable, with a nonsense plot involving clones and mutated locusts, and has no actual justifiable reason for it’s own existence other than being a trendy legacy sequel bringing back the characters from the OG trilogy… But you might as well watch them all at this point. You’re already a third of the way through anyway, lol 😉

Andrew Hansen

So i like this one better than the first actually. Love the San Diego scene. had lots of nightmares about T-rexes outside my window. The first book ended a lot different than the movie. It ended with the air force napalming the island and killing all the dinosaurs. The compy's in the first book do attack a little girl like this and eat infants in crib. Like i said on the youtube of the first movie the books are far more horror than the movies. The cut to ian malcom is one of my favorite movie scenes in a movie along with "you're wrong Marsala" from Ben Hur. I believe they were filmed in Hawaii. I'm sorry i can't resist this joke, "what's the difference between Harambe's zoo keeper and Roland? The zoo keeper got to collect his fee". People overthink the snake down the shirt scene obviously they couldn't use a real venemous snake for the movie, and would you take the time to check his rings in that situation? You should watch deleted scenes, there's a cool one with Roland.

Andrew Hansen

Last thoughts, so for the story of the can of shaving cream. There was a video game made about it. It starts with the guy Nedry is supposed to meet at the docks. If you want to learn move about the books and movies, check out the YouTube Channel Klayton Fioriti. He has videos on things like what happened to the crew of the ship.

Andrew Hansen

I totalled my car on the way to see dominion in theaters, when I eventually got to see it I was "I wrecked my car for this?!?!?!?"


I found it interesting that you guys had a discussion about the movie as soon as it was over without like... setting up the discussion like you guys usually would. James didn't say "What did you guys thing?" you guys went straight into it! Which I think is a good thing. As far as the next one, I really like the 3rd one. I like it better than this one! Hope you guys enjoy!


good reaction i will like too see you do jurassic world as well at least the first one i do like it

Bex Longmuir

Please continue the reactions with the Jurassic World movies. I think they are really good with good storylines and are worth the watch. Also the special effects and CGI are amazing as it's more modern.

Daniel Fuchs

Hey Guys, comes this weekend your reaction of Jurassic Park 3?

Jenny MacRunnel

So, while all the movies are the same franchise, there's a big difference in the newer movies, which you guys will see when you watch. I don't want to spoil anything. NOTHING will ever beat that first movie, it was pure gold. I didn't mind this movie too much, as the suspense was really good. I love the trailer on the cliff sequence, but you do really have to suspend disbelief on that one. I do know that one of the main reasons The Lost World was made was because they wanted to do a "T-Rex in a big city" sequence--like you said, another Godzilla type of movie. I feel like the 3rd one is the worst one in the whole franchise, but its not terrible and still worth watching once. I personally really like Jurassic World for what it is.