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Um...WHAT???? My heart is broken!!!!! This episode is just cruel for my Kirigan lovers. Enjoy!


Shadow and Bone ep. 5 full edit

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Sean Silence

To keep things spoiler free as always, I'll say this: Kirigan and the Apparat (the priest) are really complex when it comes to good vs. evil. Which is one of the reasons this book series/show is so good. It really digs deep into gray areas rather than keeping things black and white. And you are partially correct in that Kirigan needs Alina so that he can enter the fold, because his power is like a beacon to the Vulcra. Also, I will never get tired of watching people react to the big reveal in this episode lmao


loved this reaction! it was hilarious to see how upset you were over the kirigan reveal, but don't worry we're going to get more backstory on kirigin in the next couple episodes so we understand his motives more! also, just so you know season two was announced today so thankfully we're not going to be left without it!


The last part is actually my favourite moment of the episode 😂Jesper kills me! He is so funny! I totally agree with the dependency with Alina. I wish she would have tried being independent and not just switch from Mal to Kirigan. If i shipped her with Kirigan i would kinda feel some type of way about it. It doesn't seem genuine to me. It makes it seem as if she always needs a man and now it's Kirigan because Mal is ignoring her, in her mind. Like she is using him to get over Mal and she is justifying it with the whole Kirigan and her can save the world.. I'm so happy we are getting a season 2! I can't wait to see how everything plays out and if they will stick to the books! I personally love the books so we will see what will happen :)