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This was definitely my favorite Harry Potter movie so far (and yes, I've seen Half Blood by now). Just totally epic at the end there, but also grounded with the smaller villain of Umbridge. Anyway, LMK what ya'll thought. 


Harry Potter 5 full

Watch "Harry Potter 5 full" on Streamable.



the link doesn't seem to be working for me :/


Hmm still says the site can't be reached maybe I'll check it out in a bit


Never mind turns out streamable is blocked in my country for some reason...

Basil Tarasov

It is same for me, all links doesnt work without VPN. Canada IP seems to be working fine.


yeah with VPN it's fine cheers!

Suzanne Austen

There is a huge backstory between Snape and James, what was shown in this movie is not even like 10% of it and Snape actually isn't completely innocent in the feud, in fact Snape and James were as bad as each other (and James did save Snapes life once)


A highly enjoyable reaction, guys. Watching your mental wheels whirr as the reveals progress is great fun. Looking forward to the next chapter. FYI, Neville's parents are still alive, they were driven mad by the torture and remain institutionalized.


I actually don't mind that that's all we got. It isn't their story so I feel like we don't need to see all of it, but I was happy with that little taste.


Wait - does anyone know about the issue with this and a VPN? I’m not even home yet, but happened to see this on my phone and figured I’d ask. Navigating with the wonderful world of VPN’s is something I’ve always wanted to peruse, but haven’t as of yet. Just thinking ahead to the evening lol


And now for Essay lol. I'm so glad you guys liked this one and yeah it does help to really be invested in your characters in advance. There are a lot of little callbacks thrown in to really associate things you learned before. So just like you guys, I took notes while watching so let's dive in. The house at Grimmauld place (that house that appeared where the order was) was Sirius's childhood home. It is the House of the Black family who with the exception of Sirius (and Nymphadora Tonks who prefers to be called Tonks) are all dark wizards and followers of Voldemort. So Kretcher the house elf was referring to Sirius' mother when he kept speaking of his mistress. Pretty much all pure blood families are related so Sirius was related to Draco as well. In addition though they do not explain it in the movie, the house is being kept as a secret with Dumbledore being the secret keeper. In the book Harry has to actually read a note to him from Dumbledore in order to see the house. This is the same thing the Potters were under when wormtail betrayed them. It is called the Fidelis charm and it keeps you invisible unless the keeper tells you where it is. The fire at the ministry that people popped out of is a floo. By the way Ms. Figg in the beginning has lived in Harry's neighborhood all along. She (in the books) took care of Harry when the Dursleys were going somewhere fun. She is also a squib (as is Hogwarts caretaker Argus Filtch) this means they were born in a magical family but have no magic. There was so much suspicion of her testimony because muggles can't see dementors and it is unclear if squibs can. And while on the subject of the dementors, they WERE sent by the ministry. Umbridge sent them after Harry to get him expelled. Luna is probably the most beloved character in the Potter universe. She is just everything good. Her father runs a newspaper called the Quibbler that is more like a tabloid but for alien abductions not gossip. So really all those things she was talking about like nargles are made up creatures that her fathers paper shows "proof" and tells stories. In the books Harry actually tells the true version of events as an interview with Luna's dad which is when the school actually starts supporting Harry and knowing he is telling the truth. Your hatred over Umbridge at the beginning is so cute. Lol you said you hate her and the fans start laughing and say you hate her now, just wait. A lot of fans, myself included find her more evil than Voldemort because she hides it behind a smile and a giggle. She used Veritaserum (the truth potion) on students without their consent, at least that's the movie version, meaning Cho never meant to give up the club, she couldn't help it. Umbridge is very bigoted. That's why she measured Flitwick. His height would have no bearing on his teaching but for her it was important. She is just evil. The prophecy was a huge deal in this. Because it is kind of muted and piecemeal in the movie, allow me to give you the actual prophecy: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies... Now to talk about it. First of all 2 boys could have been the chosen one. Harry of course whom Voldemort assumed it was and went after Harry which actually made Harry the right one. The other boy is Neville. So had Voldemort decided it was Neville it would have made him the chosen one. Speaking of Neville his parents are not dead. They are insane and stay at St. Mungos hospital. Harry, Ron and Hermione actually see them while Ron's dad is in there after the snake attack but they never tell Neville they saw them. Back to the prophecy. It was had by Professor Trelawney who until that point was a fraud. Her mother had been a seer but Trelawney had never had any prophecys. She was interviewing at Hogwarts when she had that prophecy which lead to Dumbledore hiring her, not because she had the gift but to keep her safe. Once Voldemort learned of the prophecy he would have been frantic to get it and only he or Harry could physically retrieve it. He couldn't because he was in hiding and Harry was a baby at the time. So the next target would have been the person who had the prophecy. Therefore Dumbledore hired her to keep her safe and that is why he won't allow Umbridge to banish her from the grounds. The scene where they go to "arrest" Dumbledore you commented that the man who said Dumbledore got style was in the order, you are correct. That was Kingsley Shacklebolt who works for the ministry and currently is protecting the muggle prime minister actually. He was undercover in a sense. Not everyone in the order was publicly out about being in the order. So he was able to tell Arthur at the beginning about the time change of Harry's trial because no one knew he was a member. The archway was death. Just a veil of death. Also you may have noticed Percy Weasley "I'm head boy!" Fame was the one holding Harry after Dumbledore army was found. I love this movie but it is a heartbreaking one. Sirius is my favorite character and the suddenness of his death mixed with the silence immediately after where you see lupin grab Harry while Harry is screaming is just gut wrenching to me. Lastly let's talk Weasleys. The twins to be specific. They were in the background for most of this movie with all kinds of inventions. The fireworks, the fever fudge, puking pastilles etc. They were able to do this because of Harry. When Harry won the Triwizard cup he won a lot of money. Because of what happened to Cedric and everything around the tournament, Harry didn't want it. He gave the money to the Twins with the agreement that they get Ron some things and they can't tell where they got the money. That is how they were able to create all these inventions.


I am in US and watched on my phone with no problems


Wow. Lol that’s cool. To everything. I know some of y’all may not agree but I do like that they left certain things out (Harry giving money to Weasleys), but I also think it’s cool that it’s out there. Like I enjoy when you guys tell me all the little details and relationships, and I appreciate the work put into them, but for some things I am glad they left them out, just fir pacing purposes. It’s incredibly hard to adapt such a huge IP like Harry Potter into film, so some things have to be cut, just to assure they make a good film.


Oh definitely! Most of what wasn't included isn't important to the story at all, I just love talking about it lol so I figured I'd share.


Hell yeah. I am the biggest Harry Potter expert thanks to all y’all, and honestly, this is the fun stuff. What’s a good movie if you can’t discuss it. That’s why I started the channel in the first place.