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Hey Patrons! I've got a ton of raw footage for ya here!

I fell behind on the raw footage and data reviews for flights 4, 5, and 6 and am playing catch-up now. I'll have those up in a few days or so, but after a slow August we're back to burnin real hard on Scout flights.

This means that we're flying again Saturday morning for Flight 7 (livestream link soon!), and pending the results of that, we might fly another time after. I want a few good landings under my belt and I'm convinced we can get a softer touchdown than we had on flight 5, so thanks for bearing with me as we fly super often!

Scout F - Flight 4 - Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/4UVjQFouxyo

Scout F - Flight 5 - Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/t_qhivzvMaM

Scout F - Flight 6 - Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/MC7MIv7WPS0

More details will come with the data reviews, but real quick regarding flight 6, I think we're super close to getting very reliable landings - the throttle control is working great and the last thing I want to dial in is the landing attitude. It helps the legs a whole lot if we touch down with all 4 at once, so prioritizing attitude near the end of the burn should make a big difference. Right now we spend the last half second or so just nulling angular rate regardless of attitude, an approach left-over from when I thought we'd be dropping from much higher.

Anyway, enjoy all the footage, and thanks as always for your support!



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