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Howdy Patrons! Trying this again...

Last week we tried to fly the Fineas rocket at ROCstock out in the Lucerne Dry Lakebed. Although the day was beautiful and all seemed well, we ran into some nasty RF problems out at the pad. A totally fascinating error lead to us getting great GPS connectivity while on external power, and absolutely nothing while on internal power. I've since shifted the batteries and antennas around in the vehicle and everything is much happier now.

We'll try for two flights this Saturday, this time out of Friends of Amateur Rocketry(FAR) in the Mojave. First flight should be a little earlier, perhaps around 10-11am. If we get the rocket back and it's in good condition, we'll aim to fly again later in the day, perhaps around 3-4pm. We'll have live video and live telemetry too, fingers crossed both those connections hold!

As with all my streams, sometimes things go wrong, so there's a chance things don't pan out on Saturday, but I'll give it my best shot. As always, regardless of the outcome I'll publish the raw footage and a data review after the flight. 

I'm finishing up the video detailing the build of Fineas as I write this and hope to publish soon! The goal is to have another program like Sprint - lots of flights on the same rocket with incremental improvements each time. Okay... back to work :)

Blue skies,



LIVE Fineas - Flight 1

Active fin control! Just running a small roll program on this flight. More details soon, but for now, it's a 2kg rocket flying on an Aerotech I205 rocket motor. Each of the four fins has a good range of motion and the shafts are driven with separate servos. We'll try to get live onboard video as well, using leftover parts from Lumineer. Apogee is predicted at about 850m AGL with a max speed of 155m/s / Mach 0.47. Single deployment of a 4ft chute at apogee, back from the dead! It's the same chute Parker flew on the BBR rocket that went into the ground in Jan of this year :) Help support BPS.space: https://www.patreon.com/bps_space Second channel, mostly for KSP: https://www.youtube.com/user/musicmakr For more info: https://twitter.com/joebarnard https://twitter.com/bps_space https://www.instagram.com/bps.space/ https://www.facebook.com/bps.space/ http://www.bps.space



Hi, is there a reason why it is showing me the flight 1 video, streamed 8 days ago?


Video says 2021-11-20, so I guess it's the right one.