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Hi Patrons!

Two fun things for you here - first(and in my opinion, the coolest thing) is the onboard footage from Lumineer! We had 4 awesome cameras rolling through the whole flight, and just ONE of the SD cards survived with recoverable footage. And oh my gosh... it's the one I would have picked if I could. It's the mid-airframe camera looking down! Anyway, enjoy, and please don't share: https://youtu.be/2UFNgT-qr6s

While you're watching or after, I was also able to grab the flash chip off of the crunched AVA board and scrape the data off of it! We can learn A LOT from this here, and there are a few confusing things that I'd love some help understanding, if anyone has any ideas. Anyway, that video is here: https://youtu.be/PoF9j9xnD-Y

Now that the flight is complete, I can edit together all of the build footage for the airframe construction, fiberglass fin layup, recovery design, reaction wheel, etc. Should be a fun few months of content while we gear up for Lumineer V2 :)

Blue skies,



Lumineer Flight 1 - Patron Data Review

Raw onboard footage, please don't share! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UFNgT-qr6s Help support BPS.space: https://www.patreon.com/bps_space Second channel, mostly for KSP: https://www.youtube.com/user/musicmakr For more info: https://twitter.com/joebarnard https://twitter.com/bps_space https://www.instagram.com/bps.space/ https://www.facebook.com/bps.space/ http://www.bps.space



how are you actually measuring the voltage? Perhaps the ambient temperature is affecting the accuracy of the measurement rather than the battery voltage itself?


The voltage regulator also might be temperature sensitive.


I love the idea of zoom/youtube hangouts for patreons, i think that would be fun


At 0:51 the fins start moving relative to the camera - it was after getting hit by the chute lines. I'm really confused about what's going on here, maybe I just don't understand how the fins are connected, but how are they spinning?

Reed Bowman

If you do hangouts, it'd be cool if you did them different times of day each time to accommodate different schedules and time zones. Also, I love to see working livestreams - if you can actually get work done while sparing an eye for chat and answering questions, it's amazing.

U.S. Water Rockets

Joe, the Leakage Current in Semiconductors increases with higher temperatures, so it's possible that your electronics voltage is going up because the leakage current in your electronics is decreasing. It might also be possible that losing lock on GPS satellites is changing the amount of power the GPS is consuming, but I'm not sure that correlates with the gradual change seen on the graph.

U.S. Water Rockets

Joe, did you try and recover the videos from the other cameras? I hope you haven't written to the memory cards yet, because you can usually recover the videos using free software as long as you haven't written anything to the cards since you recorded the videos. It's often a multi-step process involving more than one tool. (Ask me how I know.)


why does the fins spin around is that supposed to happen