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Thanks so much for pledging your support for the broken-record space program...

Everything with Scout is fine, launchpad works great, AVA is healthy, but now the onboard cameras are upset. After plenty of clean ground testing with them, they have decided that TODAY IS THE DAY they will be mad about the SD card read/write speeds. There isn't enough time today to fix the problem while also getting to the launch site on time, and I'm getting that go-fever gut feeling, so we're officially going tomorrow.

Truly, thank you for your patience with all of this. I swear I'm not trying to keep rescheduling, but when problems show up, I have to push back. This rocket is too expensive to fly with known issues, and the whole goal of re-approaching the landing problem was to see if we can stick it every time. Being picky about when we launch is part of that, I'm afraid.

Thank you again, and please pray to Goddard tonight for good luck. I am willing to try anything to avoid more delays at this point.



What is the total cost of the rocket?


Doing it right!


I was literally thinking I hope he doesn’t scrub then a minute later I got this notification😂 It’s all good you want to get everything right when it comes to rockets hope everything works well tomorrow good luck!!!


Roughly speaking, with cameras, motors, batteries, and all the raw parts, about $800-900. Of course that doesn't include the time cost, or the parts from testing. Safe to say, I would be thrilled if we didn't crunch the rocket :)


Hahaha, it's schrodinger's launch - we are both go for launch, and scrubbed, until you check the status.


Just take your time and make sure everything is "go". I'm sure we are all happy to wait until you're comfortable that all is OKZ.


All the same for me. Keep in mind RAMS is for a reason. No 100% and no build to the specs.


Scrubs are cheaper than booms! Or crunches in this case 🤷🏼‍♂️ no need to rush it


Don't sweat it, even SpaceX has weeks like this.