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IT IS TIME. Finally... I'm aiming for a launch and landing attempt for Scout E, tomorrow evening at 4:40pm Central Time. The things which are left to set up and check are normal from here on out. Streaming setup, continuity, double checking control gains, etc. 

There is a high chance that something will go wrong between now and tomorrow evening, which will require us to push the launch date back. If that happens, the next best opportunity based on weather is Monday, November 16th at around the same time. 

If that happens, I'll post again to let you know, and update the stream countdown time. Until then, I'll be doing a few last minute preps, and getting ready to light this candle! Thank you all for the tremendous patience while this project has be crawling through the test phase. See ya soon!


LIVE Scout - Launch and Landing Attempt 1

The chances of this working are non-zero, but little is known as to the degree of non-zero-ness Help support BPS.space: https://www.patreon.com/bps_space Second channel, mostly for KSP: https://www.youtube.com/user/musicmakr For more info: https://twitter.com/joebarnard https://twitter.com/bps_space https://www.instagram.com/bps.space/ https://www.facebook.com/bps.space/ http://www.bps.space



Hug your ground equipment!


Woohoo!!! 🥳 🚀🚀🚀


Scrubtember and tober are over!


Good luck, I'm so excited to see it fly!


I am so ready! Hope this goes well for you and bps:)