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Hey Patrons, this is a very non-rocket-y update! I just wanted to give you a heads up about a change on Patreon coming July 1st. Below is a statement from Patreon, but the TLDR is that some pledges may go up by a few percent to account for sales tax if you live in specific states:

Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. 

Less than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55 cents. 

Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.

There's a bit more detail about this from Patreon at this link: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071

At this point, I think it's also worth mentioning that we're in the middle of like 40 different curveballs in 2020, and nobody is immune. Please do not hesitate to pull your Patreon pledge to BPS if you're concerned about your financial situation. I'm incredibly grateful I get to build these models with your support, and that you've chosen to fund this project on Patreon is already so far above and beyond what I could ask for, but taking care of yourself comes first here :)

Anyway, as always there's more coming soon, AVA just got a fancy new sensor fusion algorithm on it, and I believe we're all set to fly again in about a week!

Blue skies,




I don't mind donating a few more cents or dollars to keep supporting BPS. It's not just cool entertainment. Watching you progress has been a huge inspiration, personally, and I'm actively changing/learning new things to improve my life solely based on your content and shared love of rocketry.


pull our pledge?? Joe, the two of you have been discussing your secret fuel but the secret has been out for eons: your rockets fly on pure undiluted 💵. We want to see you fly, right out of the tax-o-sphere... (and land, just because you can)


BLUF: Uncle Sam is gonna get his...this will not have an affect on my patronage of course. Love all of you videos and look forward to every launch.