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Everyone knows that muscle mass plays a vital role, not only in increased workout performance, but in your overall health, too.
Muscle mass can also play an important role in the prevention of certain  conditions and chronic diseases. In addition, gaining muscle mass can  give you more energy and stronger muscles to perform your daily tasks.
Low muscle mass is associated with outcomes such as higher surgical and  post-operative complications, longer length of hospital stay, lower  physical function, poorer quality of life and shorter survival, in  short, low muscle mass can negatively impact your overall health.
This subliminal is designed to help you build strong muscles + boost your testosterone level.

I am naturally well-proportioned
I am ready for my body to change and my muscles to emerge
My body gets all the nutrients it needs to build healthy muscles
I can feel my muscles growing right now
My abs are becoming leaner every day
My thigh and entire leg muscles are surely growing
My muscle mass is increasing
My healthy lifestyle enhances my ability to become fit and toned
I burn belly fat while I sleep
I have the power to change my body
I am highly committed to my fitness routine goals
My body responds perfectly well to  weight lifting
I can show off my muscles confidently
Making small changes is becoming easier for me
Exercising and sculpting my muscles make me feel good
I enjoy building my muscles
My chest muscles grow bigger every day
My body serves me well
My lower abdominal muscles are growing stronger
I am getting healthier and stronger each day
I produce massive testosterone every minute
My desire for fattening foods is dissolving
I have the most attractive broad shoulders
I am capable of losing unhealthy body fat easily
I am gaining muscle mass each day and I feel great
Everything I eat nourishes me
I am highly motivated to build my shoulder muscle
It's very easy for me to gain huge biceps and triceps muscles
My entire body is getting more muscular each day
My body is an ultimate testosterone factory
I achieve remarkable muscle growth naturally
People are amazed at the definition of my abs
*Building muscle is my passion and I am great at it

Ultimate sculpting
Well-defined 6 pack abs
Huge biceps
Lose excess body fat
Increase muscle mass and strength
Huge triceps
lower your chance of injury
Defines muscular back
Thick muscular thighs
Broader shoulders
Testosterone increase
Increase your metabolism

For men only
Listen at least 3x a day
Listen with headphones
listen at a very comfortable volume
Stay hydrated with water while using this sub
Do not listen while driving or opera


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