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Powerful sub to make the body produce ACTN3 R577R SNP gene and big  amount of follistatin - (Myostatin Inhibitor, 0ng/ml free myostatin).
Study found that injecting people with epicatechin, a compound that  boosts follistatin, increased people’s strength after only a week

Follistatin, which  has emerged as a powerful antagonist of  myostatin, is a protein that your body uses to control your metabolism,  grow muscle mass, strength and boost fertility.
Boosting follistatin can help you put on muscle very quickly, and may  help you burn a significant amount of body fat as well. It may also  improve your sexual health.
Follistatin is a well-kept secret in the bodybuilding community. In a  2014 study, healthy people took either follistatin or placebo orally for  eight weeks, alongside a weight-lifting program. Follistatin suppressed  myostatin by 44 percent, which tripled muscle growth. The science on  this valuable protein is still relatively new, but according to limited  human research, a follistatin supplement can increase muscle growth up  to 200 percent, help you shed body fat, and enhance fertility.
The good news is that your body can increase follistatin naturally, and  this is the purpose of this subliminal. It’s a protein that activates  when you work out, and it plays an essential role in helping your  muscles get stronger. If you consciously control your follistatin levels  — either by increasing it naturally or with a supplement — you can see  much faster results in the gym.
Similarly, ACTN3 has a demonstrable, clear and robust effect on muscle  phenotypes in young, athletic populations (MacArthur and North, 2007;  Vincent et al., 2007). Based on research, it appears to have a modifying  effect on muscle strength, size and function in the elderly (Delmonico  et al., 2008; Walsh et al., 2008; Frattini et al., 2016). In particular,  the R allele of ACTN3 tends to be associated with better maintenance of  muscle mass, strength and function, a greater adaptive response to  training, and is protective against the development of sarcopenia.

For men only!
Listen with or without headphones🎧
Listen at least 3x a day
Listen at a very comfortable volume
Stay hydrated with water while using this sub
Do not listen while driving or operating machinery
It's normal to get a tingle while listening
If you get a headache, take a break
Believe/stay positive
Do not be over anxious to get results
*Avoid looking at yourself on the mirror everyday to see results.

Q.Are your subs safe?
A.Yes,100% safe
Q.Will it work for me if I don't speak English?
A.Definitely! language is not a barrier
Q.Why can't I get instant results just like my friend?
A.You only need patience. Results vary from person


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