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It looks like we're not the only ones whose work continues after the stream (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️

Hey hey everyone! Hope ur weekends are going super awesome! (っˆڡˆς)❤️

Ours are also going super strong, with lots of Fischl updates and experiments with Melody! Thank you so much for such an active participation in its creation! We had ton of fun creating these different poses with you, but in the end, we couldnt decide which one we like better (and 50/50 polls also couldnt =P). So lets just release both! Also me personally really liked the version without nose patch, so here it is too! Please enjoy! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️

The Fischl x Slime project is finally being sent to Rii, and she and Kitsune have already started adding voicing and sound edits to everything! In the meantime, Kitsune and I continue to finalize some cosmetic tweaks to the project, and we've already re-rendered a ton of things for the upcoming release! Depending on how smoothly things go with the sound, I think the release will finally be there in 2-3 posts (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️

Meanwhile, in these 2-3 posts we plan to make some major improvements to our workflow and of course to the overall animation rig! Starting with our upcoming project with Melody! Rigging has never been my strong side, so I found a friend to help with that ❤️ At this point, the updated armature for Melody is almost ready, and we plan to release a short animation with it first to test how it works. Also, we'll finally be switching to a new version of Blender 4.0 (yay!) because we've been stuck on the old version the entire time we were developing Fischl x Slime =P Plus, we found some really fun addons like "animation layers" and that will be another thing we'll be testing in the next few days. If all goes as planned, all these things will allow us to boost our animation speed really big times ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

So as always - jumping straight back to work! We have some really big Discord working stream planned for today, that we'll start in just an hour! So cant wait to meet ya all there! Til then, stay awesome and see ya there just in a few! (っˆڡˆς)❤️




Oh snap new wallpaper. I guess I can replace Raiden. LET'S GOOO!!


I hope the science team is watching this because melody is about to get frisky 😏


There's something funny about the Fischl video's projected release date being around April 1st. "Rigging has never been my strong side." Me when I "passed" rigging with a D lmao. I feel that. Have fun with Blender 4.0 (and updating all your plug-ins). Anything in particular you're looking forward to with 4.0?



Depends on which stream you're talking about. Her twitch stream of Chaturbate stream? (¬‿¬) Anyway, these look great! And I look forward to Mel's animation very soon. You're truly cooking while Fischl is getting very close to release! \(★ω★)/❤️




Hell yeah another adventure


Oh yes! First of all - dynamic paint was broken in our version for the whole time - cant wait to jump back on it! Then - Eevee NEXT! I think it will be introduced in release version in a month or two! I saw some videos about it - its looking amazing! And of course to finally try some animation addons on a fresh projects (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️


No rest for the wicked regardless (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️ And thanks! If all goes good, i'll show the updated Mel's rig on our stream already in a few days! So stay tuned and see ya there! ❤️


Animation adventures must go on! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

Pope King Joe

More to go into the slideshow. Loving it.

Kawa Ayase

I don't know how many time I got to said this but: I can't wait for the Fischl x Slime animation to come out!. Btw I like Melody nose patch <3

Sen Pai

beautiful 💚


Working super hard to finally bring it to you! Already working on sound for everything! *⁂((✪ڡ✪))⁂* And thank you!!! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Oh Eevee. Yeah, if you get that down it should really step up your rendering. I have friends who use it to great success and swear by it over other industry standards like Marmoset, UE, RTX stuff. Good luck!


Super Hot! *feral noises* lol


Woo NICE! I especially love how her eyes look! I'm excited!!


❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)




(⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~SUUUUIIII Both Lov u ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)


Looking beautiful, can't wait to see what this new version of Blender can do😏

Solomon Kuo

she redy to having fun after streaming💗


Her eyes have a very unique geometry comparing to Genshin models, and that allows for some really fun visuals! Glad u like it! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Luv u even more!!!!❤️❤️❤️ SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIII ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Oh yeah! With new Blender and its upcoming new render engine, i hope to bring these visuals to a whole new level! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


This is gorgeous I love just how hot this looks well done


And i'm excited to see the new possibilities that it will open😏

研 金木

Hello can i get an discord invite Please

xiaotan luo


xiaotan luo





Discord please 🙏🙏


We have multiple plans for yuri animations, yes! I really want to make HuTao x Yanfei, and also return to Raiden x Yae! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Thank you! We'll try the same lighting style in actual animation project (๑❛ڡ❛๑)👍

SirSnow Dude

Discord please and thank you.


discord plz


Discord please


Discord Please


NoAcc are you mad?


Discord please