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And a progress update! ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶

Since the last update we got all of the retakes as planned, reviewed, and got through some of the editing! A little more cleanup and blending should have the voice tracks all finalized (~ ^ ◡^)~

Our checklist is down to just a handful of things to take care of after the voice tracks are set! The rest of them went pretty smoothly the last week or so (˵^ ◡ ^˵)

We took care of much of the audio balancing too, just have to make sure all of the recent retakes are balanced properly as well (。> ‿ ◕。) A lot of work is behind us but no time to slow down now! We should have just 1 last review once our shrinking to-do list is empty then gearing up for release!❤️

And about Mel! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

Progress is going steadily, with me polishing the animation and Shuro doing all the hair motion. As we've told earlier, for a more steady release schedule, we are planning to split Melody animation in 2 parts, and release them one after another.

At the moment we have around 40 scenes in Part 1:
- around 20 of them are already in a really good condition (finished or almost finished polish)
- around 10 of them are still waiting to be polished (mostly at the end of the animation, the final sequence, pack of small scenes, will do my best to polish them this week)
- and around 10 scenes are still to be done (dialogue scenes).

It seems like Melody's schedule is very busy, so the dialogue retakes take a little bit more time than we hoped for. Still, we havent run out of things to do in this project (havent started with lights yet, and Shuro's animation's need some reviews and corrections by me from time to time + merging our progress takes some time too), so the sound doesnt slow us down yet. And we hope that Mel provides us with these dialougue re-takes in the next few days, so it all should be good.

So ton of work, ton of fun and we cant wait to share it all with you on our streams! And ofc, right after Fischl release we'll start sharing Mel's wips too, so stay tuned! Til then have a wonderful week, stay safe n healthy and see ya all super soon with more streams, wips and releases! (っˆڡˆς)❤️







I will have a lot of fun soon enough 😏😂😋


I am so excited for the fischl release.

Voidius Astalya

Great to hear! I hope you are all well despite working so hard 💜


is there an eta for slime x fich?


Wow. Two weeks cleanup really turned into a few months huh? Yeesh I really respect yall for keeping at it.




Working on bring it to you asap! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Part of me feels that one part of Mel will be done befor Fischl XD also we are coming up on that two year mark XD I joked about it didn’t think it would come true


As we are! Cant wait for Kitsune to join us on Mel project too! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Glad things are picking up as Fischl is gradually getting closer and closer each day! And of course the progress with Mel is close to most of the main stuff done. Hope she get the time to give you those voice retakes in time. Keep on cooking you, Kitsune, and Shuro! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️


I rebuilt my 1 square feet apartment out of galvanized square steel, screws I borrowed from my aunt and eco friendly wood veener 🪵 🗣️👷‍♂️


Irl stuff keeps biting my time, trying to deal with some paperwork on background. But yeah, overall its all going really good, big thanks to all the Kitsune's and Shuro's help! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, but we've agreed with Kitsune not to share it til we are 300% sure about it. Dont wanna break any more promises about the time. We'll be making a post bout it, when it all will be set in stone for sure (๑❛ڡ❛๑)👍


Still milking this fischl out ey. Guess I was right, aight I'm out, great strategy though, it worked on me at least, been subbed for a while but yeah, won't be scammed no more


I love you Vici, Kitsune and Shork


You are working harder on this as hoyoverse on Genshin.


Never expected to work on sound for so long too. But listening to the test renders a month, or especially 2 month ago, with all their flaws and issues, it all makes sense. Im actually thinking to make a proper "behind the scenes" video after Fischl release, where we'll go in depth into each steps of work, so u can get a full "creation picture" of this monstrosity of the project ❤️


U too! And we'll do our best best to make it even better for you really soon! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Watch this, the next post is still gonna be "progress update", and the next one and the next one just to keep you guy's hopes up and keep you subbed


Just an exact date.


Mel is coming together fast, but not that fast =P Im not setting anything in stone, and it all may change, but i really hope to finish MelxLawa animation+lights in june, and finish the sound a week or 2 after. Its my hopes, nothing in stone, but we are working very hard to make it all real. After that we are thinking to make a small trick with our projects - maybe, just maybe, we'll jump on Succubus HuTao before Mel_Part2. Succubus HuTao is 20-ish scenes project (just like the previous one), so we can finish it fast. With Succubus HuTao Part 2 done, we can put it on a shelf til spooktober, and promise a proper release date for it for once. So long story short, ideally, we want to finish Mel_Part1 and SuccubusHuTao_Part2 before september, jump on Mel_Part2 before september too, and release finished HuTao just in time for Halloween. All that is still in our heads, but i like the plan, and we are working hard on making it all real.


"We keep joking in Discord, that if we wont release it this month, our next animation will be Kitsune x Slime" ==> is this joke still there or "this month" has change to "this year"? oh don't worry i'm happy to read those same words about how the progress going again and again for 1 (or more) years :3


Rally glad it all finally comes together, yes! And really glad with Mel's progress too! And if all goes good, Kitsune will join Mel's project just in a few too, so we can speed it all up even more! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️ Thanks again for all your streams and ideas, and see ya on our next animation stream in an hour! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


so still dont know how long it will take. We have waited for 1-2 years, i don’t know another but I want ask when can i see it to finish? and also want to give you a advice : can you make a plan or something that can let us know ,how long your next project takes ? At least let us to know how long to wait :( not always wip thanks


Im really sorry this project took so long to make, and clearly understand the frustration. We've tried to bite more than we can chew with this one, and paid with a lot of time to finish it right. This project is roughly as long as everything we did before combined, but with much higher quality, and so it required much more work to finish. Starting with our next releases, including Mel, we'll move away from these monstrosities of projects, switching back to 3-5 min animations, that can be delivered in a reasonable and steady time frames. We are not pros, had almost none of the experience of working with such scale, we thought it all can be done much faster. Its our mistake to jump on something like that, we learned this lesson the hard way, and we've made decisions to avoid such situation in future. So once again, i perfectly understand the frustration, and its my fault that i've organized this project that way. We'll do everything to do better in future, and bring the best we can to you. Sorry for letting u down.


We luv u even more! Thanks for all you ideas and luv u keep sharing! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤️


We'll bring it soon, when we are 300% sure about it. Dont wanna break the promise there again


Good job kitsune and neko! I feel like a quarter, maybe half, of the subs here are severely underestimating the work you guys do. It ain't easy doing 3D animations and sound work. Do you guys even watch animated movies like finding nemo, moana, or the incredibles? Those types of movies takes years to make, even with a full team of animators. I'd like to see the complainers in this comment section try doing that without voice work. Another thing, Ya'll talk about getting scammed for subbing for "so long". First of all, subbing $5 a month, or $60 a year, is not a scam. Buying a $88 bible or $100 NFT from a known jackass is a scam. If you want to complain about how you're being "scammed" go b*tch about it on reddit or twitter. Unlike some content creators, Neko and kitsune aren't bleeding you dry of your money. They simply just make animations that true fans from other communities might like to see. If you're here to support then thats fine but don't join their patreon just to complain about how your not able jack off to new content every 1 to 3 months. If you want to jack off to new content, Go watch porn hub on your NORD VPN that your parents probably have you filthy savages. Last thing, get yourself a job if you actually make $5 A MONTH.

Peter Chordash

Thanks for the update n - n Glad to hear it was a week without anything notably unexpected happening which is good news for any project!


A lot of ppl asked us to stop giving estimates, so we've stopped doing so. At the moment we have an eta for release, and we'll be sharing it when we are 300% sure about it. Dont wanna break any more promises about it. As for our next project "Melody x Lawa", the plan is to finish animation+lights in june and finish the sound in a week or two after, so we can start working on our next project already in july. Feels absolutely doable, and we'll do our very best to make it happen. But nothing is really in stone, we are doing these animation til they are done, and not til this inner "deadline" comes. We are doing everything to make it all happen in good time, but quality comes first.


Have you ever had that Feeling that you wanted to do something very much So you start working on it and it takes so long , but you have so much passion for it And when you finally done with it , it's kinda hard to get on something new after so much work in the project. But knowing you guys i'm certain you will get up on that horse again 😄. Though it's hardest for collectors, because the fun of it is getting the thing But when you're collection is finally full , you get that empty feeling again


Oh, Kitsune x Slime is happening now, just give the Slime-kun some breather first. Seriously tho, we are not posting that for a year, its coming and pretty soon. It will be released before Mel_Part1, and this animation is in a really good condition already.


Let’s goooooooo


Aauuugh auuuugh AuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuGh

1 tony

Can you please give a reason and exact released date of the Fischl project? Its more than 1-2 years and still updating with wip. Before we still can see some progress video upload but now only coming with long story and excuse. What is the actual progress on the project?

1 tony

I think u will say 600% sure only can release the final outcome in next few month


I wish y'all would remember that, though you do have a community of people who wish to participate in Discord events, watch streams, etc., not everyone is. You are the project creator, you decide when it's done. Please stop adding more to this project- no more: "Oh, just one more thing.." "We thought this could use some polish-" "We didn't like this, so.." At this point you're gearing up to lose every sub you have the moment you release. I hate to see that, but the comment section is starting to look like a minefield. =/

Omega Defender85

Glad to hear that progress is going smoothly! Love the work you are putting into this project!


Thanks you for your hard work! Can’t wait to see what’s coming


Vici doesn't give updates, some of you get upset, they post detailed updates, some of you still get upset. Calling this a scam is ridiculous when at the end you'll be receiving the animation for free on Pixiv and X/Twitter. Patreon gives perks for optionally supporting Vici and Kitsune. If you join the discord, you would of understood how much time and effort and love which goes into these animations. The animation is 27mins30secs long working in Blender, of course it's going to take awhile with other 2 individuals working on the project, recently adding +1 animator to the team. Voice recordings plus many retakes along the way are going to take time. It's not going to be perfect the first few times. Even animation studios with a full 200+ team releases a game, movie, anime, etc every 3+ years. Planning + storyboard animating + editing + recordings + reviews are going to take time. Vici and Kitsune and Shuro thank you for all your time, effort, and love towards these animations. You're all doing an amazing job. Only the real ones will stand with you. Much, much love ❤️.


Short on perspective? I've been subbed for over two years now, what did I accomplish in those two years? Well: Started a new job in IT. Built a new IT Department under only one other employee. New documentation for every IT aspect. I supported 500+ employees, 300+ specialized equipment, Localized hardware maintenance and racking (look it up) for three companies (shared server room), supported six locations across three states, changed procedures, saved the company thousands in costs by standardizing hardware, earned the company a new contract, removed a bad vendor legally, and so. Much. More. I lost that job when the company evaluated the costs efficiency of a local IT across a nationally-expanding company, and realized they could only afford to go with a national IT company. I started and lost a career I two years and I'm STILL subbed. That was just me, and after 12 months I learned what maintaining a company's IT by myself is like. They are.. three people? Making one video. You want to talk about a job? Job's have deadlines, my friend. Also, your math is off- $5 x 26 = $130. For one video that still isn't complete. How much do we spend on Triple-A games made by massive companies every two years? $80? Edit: Reworded to sound less.. hostile. Sorry about that.


Oh! Fuck me, I totally forgot to add the most important part: In that two years I also acted as the companies All-Employee Address AV Tech. Meaning I was responsible for the production of the video, audio, stage and more for my company every three months. My hobby? 3D Art in Blender. Don't speak about anyones knowledge to others. I know exactly what goes into production of these things. I also know how many things I accomplished in two years at work, and also what I accomplished at home for myself. It's time they release the video now, and worry about retakes later. Want a perk for being a sub? Be the first to see the video, and "Retake and Super Polished Extreme" for Patrons only. Sounds like a perk to me.


I can't wait enough to see this projects finished, also thr SW Kafka one😍 Keep up the good job!


ViciNeko isn't Pixar. This isn't an adapted Novella, it's porn. It isn't free if you're paying for something. Every investor expects return eventually. And if you'd like perspective of what two years of work can look like, read my replies to MobyThicc. Don't be an apologist, be supportive- don't get me wrong -but please don't make excuses for them. They have a finished product, they're just currently refinishing it. Again.


You're right, they're not Pixar, or Disney, or Dreamworks. It is porn and only porn worked in Blender. And at the end of the day, everyone will still receive the animation they are supporting for. I'm calling the ones out who don't understand patience, despite the many updates and comments given.


1: so who asked about your job in IT? because i sure as hell didn't, nor do it care. i can play that game too. I'm an engineering director for a privatized AC company who doesn't have to worry about job security for the next decade. i'm talking strictly 3D animations only, nothing more. With your confidence, why don't you do 3D animation with those skills. I'm sure you can finish a HQ 25 minute 3D hentai animation with sound in under a year with no flaws what so ever. 2: Jobs do have deadlines, i agree but even big companies will have set backs on those deadlines because of things like testing, engineering build hiccups, hell even procurement will have issues because suppliers have high lead times so we have to find alternatives in the span of 3 days. nothing is perfect but half assing the production isn't gonna do the company any good. 3: "I know exactly what goes into production of these things." ok, so YOU know what goes into production but what about everyone else that doesn't know or have the skills you do. some envy the skills you have but you choose to still put it in their face anyways. For an IT guy, you sound really fucking insensitive to others you know. if you have the smarts and time to complain here on Patreon, maybe you should go and take the time to figure out how to fix your personality while you're at it as well.


Well if you're talking about return on investment, you got that already. Access to the WIPs and access to their discord. Their full length animations are not locked behind a paywall at all. Is it fair to be upset about the animation taking a long time to make and that they've missed a promised release window? Sure, absolutely is. But people seem to think that their money is being wasted on a subscription to this patreon because the release of FxS hasn't happened yet. That isn't the case, you already have what you're paying for. And if that isn't what you want to be paying for, make the adult decision to end your subscription.


I think I've come to the point where Fischl is on the same level as Ayaka and Navia as best girls, at least in terms of Fischl’s appearance. Seeing her in lingerie getting railed is going to be absolutely incredible.


i dont want to be rude,this is the first time i comment to you,and i'm sorry for wasting your time read my comment but what i'm about to say is not pouring down the anger to you but it really what i truly think..back then i was so patience and dont understand why people piss off at you,but right now i'm start to feel them,and i believe that some still patient with you right now,as time pass,you'll lose them soon. i know how good you are vicineko,yes you're so good and this pj will be another masterpiece,no doubt about it,but the frustrations will kill it and even how good this vid is still cant save it. i totally understand you want this pj to be perfect and your work cant rush,yes i know and i understand that,but you clearly misunderstand,when they say they dont want you to "give the date and break the promise",not just "not giving the estimates",it's a huge different,what you do now even make it worse,right now if you say you need 1 more month,or even 1 more year and when time come you can 100% keep your promise then i'll happy to wait as long as you can KEEP YOUR PROMISE,but the way you do now "it come when it come,it done when it done" make it worse man .... do you know that when you wait for some thing without knowing how long you must wait make it so frustrated. stop "giving estimates and can't keep the promise" and also stop let us wait but dont know how long we have to wait,we will happy to wait patiently if we know how long we must wait (1 week,2 weeks,1 month,2 months,1 year,2 years ...v..v.v..not "soon" )and keep your promise.And if you cant give the axact date AND CAN KEEP YOUR PROMISE then please you must find 1 way to do it if you dont want to be in this situation again.


I don't think they learned. They still use phrases like "a little more", "almost", and months later they repeat it ^^ My guess is we get it some day in the summer hopefully 🙈


They can't make that promise to have a set date sonce this project is 6x bigger than their other animations. Since it's been stated too many times "almost done" which was upsetting fans. At this time, Vici will give updates on progress of the animation until they are close to the final release :).


Wow, talking about personality, get yours checked my friend. Yes, you made excellent points. No one asked me, and no one asked you. Congratulations on your perceived job security, I just watched a full office of 10+ year execs get the boot. Capitalism happens, guy, enjoy the eventual fall. I'm talking being a Professional, nothing more. With my confidence in my Career I get paid well and do amazing work. If this was your job, you'd have deadlines and expectations too. Is this not their job? Well then, they need to make it clear that we are supporting Hobbiests, not Professionals. Also, sardony, really? I'm sure I can make anyone sound incompetent if I just sound sardonic enough. I never claimed anything of the sort, and you know it. Try coming up with an actual counter-argument. My guy, nice comparison, multimillion dollar industry versus 2-3 people. Setbacks happen, yeah, but we're scaling expectations here. You keep looking at this in terms of massive production companies with marketing teams, artist teams, programmers, outreach, etc., and not in terms of 2-3 people making short-form content online for cash. If they are Professionals, there is an expectation of production. If they are Hobbiests, there is an expectation of declaration. Be as vitriolic as you'd like, but I'm right. Also, don't compare my frustrations over my lack of return to my professional life. You know nothing of me, John Sn- er, MobyThicc.


are you done talking about yourself? because clearly you aren't. this isn't about you at all Mr. "professional". you're missing the main point of what i even stated to begin with. go cry and tell your story about how you couldn't cut it to someone that cares.


Well stated Nexae. I am happy to see someone with knowledge of the process\software comparing their experiences. I think MobyThicc's statement on cost is illustrative. It is not that $60 for a year of membership is too much but $60 for approximately 30 minutes of animation seems steep. For the last year that is what I have been waiting for and being told is almost done.


Hi riizuwu, your statement "you'll be receiving the animation for free on Pixiv and X/Twitter" is not completely correct. As Kitsune has stated, the version on Patreon is not released there.


Wow, it really is true what they say about arguments: That your opponent will only ever get angrier the fewer points they have to refute you. One, it's Ms. "Professional", two, it's not about me; right again. But you still have nothing to argue. Couldn't cut what? I got a wonderful severance package, and I'm sitting pretty until I get my next management job. Also, I'm changing careers- so, you know, not much to say about cutting it when I haven't yet started. XD I'm done with making my points, since you've obviously nothing left to contribute. I don't wish you ill, but I will say: don't think you can "walk into a room" and declare everyone else an idiot with no perspective, while you sycophantically praise people receiving legitimate concerns and criticisms. I certainly won't stand for it.


Discord link please


There is a different version on Patreon, yes. But, the animation is still released on X/Twitter and Pixiv for free. If it wasn't free, then the full animation would be paywalled behind Patreon only.


Many people want the version that is on Patreon and is paywalled.

Aidan Scott

Many people may want that, but at the end of the day the patron and public versions are exactly the same, except that we as patrons have a higher quality final product and therefore more deeply understanding of how the project works. The statement that riizuwu has made is completely accurate, even if they’re some differences.

Aidan Scott

But keep in mind, they won’t. I will always be here, even if this project takes another 10 years. It’s a creative project, and it takes work. They get to decide how long they work on it cause at the end of the day the project has to be close to perfect and not a dud.


You realize you just said they are exactly the same, but the Patreon version is higher quality?


Where_Am_I, are you saying that a youtube video in 1080p isn't the exact same content as the video in 720p? You're still seeing exactly the same content but in a different resolution.


(⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~SUUUUUIIIIII more patpat in the head the kitkit ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠) And neko too (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡


Hi Vietiel, Yes, a video in 720p is not the exact same as one in 1080p. There can be a noticeable difference in quality. One with a watermark vs. one without is definitely not the same. I thought the whole argument for why this animation is taking so long was over quality.


Is your patreon connected to your discord account

Matej Klecina

Honestly... screw this... found gf... * raises middle finger *


Hi Sheepi, probably not. I normally don't mix the two and am a silent member. I've been a member of ViciNeko for almost two years and just started posting messages a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, womp womp... I don't know why but that cracked me up.


Really hope Neco has a plan to make a project on Ayaka. That is just my dream


Honestly, I think Kitsune x Slime stands to have smoothest production yet and I'm excited for it. Kitsune can mocap himself and send the data to, and work directly with, Vici to push the boundaries of animation realism in this medium. He can also completely remove the barrier between the VA and editor by being the VA himself. This also removes the extra fees required to outsource the VA work. All in all, the consumer here stands to gain, and I eagerly anticipate this video come summer. :)


Yeah, the discord invite isn't sent through messages. Once you add your patreon to your discord account, you automatically join after a few minutes of adding it. And womp womp

ansi pedantic

I think a big part of the frustration is just how unclear the release date is. How many updates have we gotten where its basically "we're almost done, guys!", "it's the home stretch now!", "just some minor touch ups!"? At least for me, its been since like February that I've been led to believe "well, surely it'll be done this month". That's literally been happening for months now and I have no faith that this will be delivered this month either. In some ways it feels really misleading whether the end product is worth it or not. Even in this update there is no clear mention of a release. Have "just 1 last review" then " gearing up for release". How long is this last review going to take? How long will it take to gear up for release?


I don't think you realized it yet, but you are helping to create the very minefield you are talking about (T ^ T )ゞ You've been laying mines all over the replies. I won't go into length repeating everything again, those comments are still there for you to read up on for clarity. We're not "adding more", and if we only cared about sub numbers we would have just rushed the last bit to get it out of our hair and move on. We care about making it good, not just meeting an arbitrary deadline. If you have some constructive feedback we'd love to hear that! If you just want to enjoy the drama I suppose that's fine too. We just hope you enjoy the animation just as much when it's ready!❤️


I'm not one for drama, Kitsune. I'm also not one for being called a 'whiner' or having it implied that anyone who is upset, is somehow incompetent or short sighted. I also find it perfectly reasonable to look for a well-defined expectation. The minefield are the people swinging at others for voicing their concerns. Just because someone doesn't agree, doesn't give them the right to run in screaming "You're the worst, how dare!" to those with dissenting opinions. Is it pointless to combat in chat? Sure, the trench warfare of words is a paltry issue to the world. But I'll be heckin' buggered if I'm just going to sit here and say nothing to people espousing rhetoric. If I wasn't here to support you, err, three, now, I would've buggered off the moment I lost my job. I'd still see the video someday anyway, but I care to pay my way and support. Blame me if you will, for having expectations; one simply can't help but make comparisons to their own life, to the expectations made of us.

Solomon Kuo



We understand the frustration, it's completely reasonable so I'd like to give a bit of clarity on what you're asking about. Usually our reviews take about a day for a project of this size. That's going through it start to finish and listening to each part of the 30 minute video, pausing to discuss, taking notes, comparing different parts, planning what to fix if anything, etc. Gearing up for release is also usually 1-2 days. Rendering the final video with sound can take longer than the videos actual runtime, and we need to render both the watermarked and unwatermarked versions. This is different from the PNG renders that we used to generate the video renders. Then we're uploading to mirror sites, patreon, and writing up a release post summarizing the project, some words for all of you that support us, that sort of thing. We also select some of the frames we like the most as preview images, which again means running through the whole animation, discussing some parts, and settling on the ones we want to use. Then maybe a quick watch of the final cut in case we somehow missed anything or some audio bugs out. As mentioned we can't give a clear mention of a release. Sorry about that (T ^ T )ゞ But even with years of experience behind us something of this scope was like nothing we ever experienced in the numerous animations we did before. For context we shared the Raiden x Yae audio project vs the Fischl audio project in previous update screenshots. Raiden x Yae took a couple weeks between voicing and sound editing, and it was a far simpler project that was easy to record a single session. Fischl is 6 times longer, needed a lot more custom sounds that weren't just voice or repetitive noises, and is far from reasonable to record in one take. This means more blending, making sure the mood and intensity matches even on different days and different recording sessions, etc. It's a much more complex audio project in every respect, as we demonstrated in the previous screenshots. We expected it to be a lot easier, but underestimated just how much work is needed for nearly 30 minutes of animation. So when we said around February that we expected it to be soon, we expected far less work than we walked into. And we could have had the audio done in a couple weeks like Raiden x Yae, if we had just cut out 5/6 of the animation we spent over a year working on and shared the remaining 1/6 of it with you. But we committed to sharing the whole thing with you, finished and polished, to make it worth the wait. For the future we plan to split bigger projects into smaller episodes to avoid long production times. We've already proved out how to do that with Melody, so the results of those changes will be more noticeable after Fischl is done. We just hope you enjoy it when it's ready! ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶


@Nexae Rii is not "an apologist". She's the voice actress who has been going through much of this effort with us as we mentioned in most of our WIP posts here for over a year now. I promise you she understands this project more than anyone outside of us that did the animation work. For clarity, we are not "refreshing it again" as you claim. We're finishing the video production process on a particularly lengthy animation. We know the wait is difficult but we're working to bring it to you as soon as it's finished (˵^ ◡ ^˵)


The argument you had with someone else isn't something I can help much with unfortunately. I'm discussing the comments you made directly to us about a few specific points. You made an observation that some don't watch the streams. I said I wouldn't repeat the lengthy previous comments where that was addressed. It's true, some don't watch them, and it's also true that those who do have more insight. It's impossible to summarize thousands of hours of streams into a few equally informative paragraphs for our update posts sadly. We have plans to improve them though, also addressed already. It's not "espousing rhetoric", it's filling in gaps we didn't realize sooner that we had created with some communication issues. But, addressed in other comments. You accused us of "adding more to this project". We aren't, and that's been addressed. You threaten us over our subs, but that was also already addressed. We could have taken shortcuts and pushed out something rushed to make more money at your expense. But that's not the way we want to work, and you deserve better after such a long wait. We aren't doing a job with an exact number of steps that can be seen with clarity from day 1. A writer can't see the day his book will be done when he puts pen to paper. It's an unfortunate reality of artistic endeavors when trying to bring a vision to life, vs cobbling something together to appease someone else. We appreciate your support, and it's completely reasonable to be upset about the wait. We can have constructive talks about that, and what we're planning for the future. No amount of arguing will let us redo the past, so what matters now is finishing what we started and showing you many of the changes to how we do things we've already made in preparation for future projects to come after. We hope you will enjoy the fun things ahead, in the end that's what truly matters!❤️


We understand the frustration there, and thank you for supporting us (っ^ ◡ ^c)❤️ I understand what you're saying. You want a release date, and you don't want it broken. So we have two ways we can do that: Guess a date, then cut corners and rush whatever we need to so that it happens. The quality issues or any errors will stay, that date will be it. Or, make an estimate that is unreasonably long that we can't possibly miss, and release before it. So I'll give you an estimate with those things in mind: it will be released before July. That is the absolute most specific estimate we can give. For the future we've dramatically changed our approach to projects and it's already given us some benefits for Melody. We plan to avoid big continuous projects like this and focus on smaller works or episodes. That should significantly reduce difficulties with estimates and communication, and return us to more consistent releases. We hope you will enjoy both Fischl and the things we've been planning after!❤️


We've also made some big changes to how we structure our projects because of what we've learned with Fischl, so you can expect shorter and quicker releases going forward (˵^ ◡ ^˵) We still won't be able to give 100% accurate estimates for those, but a smaller scope means much smaller waits and estimates should be more accurate. Hope it helps!❤️


It shouldn't be too hard for us, Melody has already seen significant progress to keep the momentum going (。> ‿ ◕。) But Fischl has been a huge part of our lives for so long now, it will be a huge breath of fresh air to finally have it done (T ^ T )ゞ


Serious tip, don't do this: "Usually our reviews take about a day for a project of this size. That's going through it start to finish and listening to each part of the 30 minute video, pausing to discuss, taking notes, comparing different parts, planning what to fix if anything, etc." do this: Each person listen to the audio independently while taking notes including timings, get together and discuss, review only parts with contention with the group... This process should take a max of 3x the audio length unless you have serious failures.


Hi! Sure I think I can give a reason. Typically our normal animations take around 3-4 months to finish. They are approximately 3-5 minutes in length. We produce around 1.5 mins of completed animation on average. Fischl is roughly 6x longer than our usual animations, and much more complex with more custom animation (non-looped) than we've ever attempted before. So 3-4 months x 6 = 18-24 months. We're still on that pace. 27.5 mins of animation / 1.5 mins of animation per month = 18 months. Now add ~ 3 mins for Hu Tao and other small releases in the middle. 30.5 mins of animation / 1.5 mins per month = ~20 months. We're pretty close to our targets there too. The project is 95% done, and I'll have it done before July. There's a lot of useful information in those "long stories" and "excuses" but breaking down the numbers like this instead should make it more clear. Hope it helps!❤️


The future is long and full of many fun ideas, perhaps one for her too (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️


We have done both and found what works best for us. Thanks for the suggestion! (˵^ ◡ ^˵)


Just trying to help with that post, what you are doing is not working so I hope it is not "the best". I could project manage your team, but you would hate it because I demand results and task focus on projects.


Woah woah woah, okay, we're on two different pages here, Kitsune. I want to clarify before I reply in earnest to your response. When you said that the minefield are all the comments I'm making, I hadn't an idea that you were referring to a single comment I made today, and possibly others in the past. My only context to this Update post is the One comment I made. The rest were replies to others. So when you spoke in the plural, I thought you were referencing a disagreement I had with someone else in the comments. This was the context of my reply, and what I thought you were focusing on. My apologies, I would rewrite my earlier response, but it is far too late, so I will simply address your response. Which, I will preface this, you made a lot of valid points- contextually. Hopefully I can make more clear my meanings and intentions, now I understand your context. Again, super sorry about the confusion.


Interacting with our community is a crucial part of what we do. We see that now more than ever, but sure you're free to minimize that. I won't preach to you about things like creative fatigue and the value of fresh perspective in creative fields either. I'm sure you can demand the greatest results in the world as a middle manager. Meanwhile we're busy actually producing results instead of sitting around telling others to do it for us.


Sorry but wrong again. You might want to stop making a habit of that. I have always been a software developer and even while managing projects or developers I still produce product. You have mentioned game development several times. I've worked for a game development company and have friends that work for a large one. I can shed some light on statements you have made in your comments. Your assumptions of what causes failure is rather wrong in my experience, but the truth doesn't look great for your team.


One, let me get the heavy one out of the way: there are no threats here. If that's what you took from that, then I failed to adequately articulate my intention. Go figure, I have strong diction, and terrible communication skills. Besides, I just want to say as an aside; I couldn't picture how I could threaten subs, unless I decided to jump into chat and demand people unsub. I got a giggle out of that, I think ten year old me would even be like "... Y-you're not.. serious.. ?" Also, last note on this, I am NOT one of the jerks accusing you of sub-stuffing, please don't project that on me. I don't begrudge others their success, ever, and understand that this is a support platform, not a trade services platform. You're not espousing rhetoric, it was the other commenters I had mentioned. See first reply if you haven't already! Anyway, my point, I think, was ultimately some don't see Discord Access as a perk, merely a safe method of vetting potential server trolls. I guess others do, and that's the disparity here. Also, I love your detailed updates- I just don't care to wait two years for what everyone likely assumed would be a project in roughshod scale to your others; not the gargantuan 27m+ anime episode. Two years for the expectation of a 10m MAYBE video didn't fit. See where I'm coming from here? I think updates need to be a balance of "Hey, this is what's up!" and "By the by, this is what this project was, and what we're planning for it to be." You've already accomplished this, the roadmap and all.. Now, I'm not accusing, I'm acknowledging previous additions and requesting that further additions be redacted from planned release. That confirmation comes from the last time I jumped on the comments section, when I mentioned the Artist's Perfection Spiral, which ViciNeko themselves confirmed was the case, and that this was (at the time) a recent revelation; with endeavors to change. That was months ago. Finally, I'm not here to start shit, I'm just mildly frustrated that there is no deadline, no set expectations, and nothing to watch yet. That's all. I don't think it's terribly unreasonable to ask that "retakes" and "rebalances" and the dutiful use of the prefix 're', be relegated to an update, a fix, or version. What's the worst that will happen, I thought? You laugh and tell me politely to fuck off? Go for it, I'm not here to be a bitch; just bitch in boredom, I guess. <3


wow its almost JUNE half of the year


I appreciate the clarity (˵^ ◡ ^˵) Perspectives on perks may vary from person to person, but for us they are anything we offer to subscribers. Some may skip certain animations, some may not use discord, but they are perks no less from our perspective. When we setup the discord we had a pretty simple intention: let subscribers actually see what we're doing, and learn how to do it too. We specifically want that for subscribers, not just the general public, as thanks for the support. Some don't use it, but countless members have. It's not a vetting tool, it's a show of gratitude and another way to follow our work with excruciating detail. And just to come hang out with us (˵^ ω ^˵) And true, no one expected the animation to be so huge, not even us. We based our assumptions on past projects, and Fischl turned out to be almost nothing like them from top to bottom. We got far enough in that we had two choices: throw away a bunch of work we had spent months on and release just a shrunken down version, or commit and see it finished. Neither was a great option, but we chose to commit. We wouldn't have felt good about leaving so much on the table and walking away. But for the future we came up with some plans to help avoid that. It's already been an immense help for Melody, and we look forward to showing you those results once Fischl is done ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶ We've planned some changes to how we give updates as well, but not much we can do to change past updates and assumptions. First, we're planning to give a much more detailed breakdown of what actually went into Fischl to clear up a lot of misunderstandings and questions. After that we will have a pretty thorough set of milestones that we can then use to show progress for future projects from be beginning. We didn't have that until now. Future works will also be shorter anyways, which by itself will alleviate a ton of the problem with estimates and waiting. As you noted the previous additions were some time ago. Particularly in the first year when we were roughing out the scenes and feeling out the pacing. We had a general set of ideas to work towards, but filling in the blanks was way bigger than we imagined at the start. In the time since then it was just a lot of polishing. Polishing took a substantial amount of work for this one, for animation especially. For many months before even the audio we hadn't added new events to the action or brand new phases, just polishing, pacing, and filling gaps. With audio, no scenes are suddenly changing now either. We have the scenes animated, it's just a heavy process fill in all of it with SFX and proper voice work. Like every other part of the project, more than we expected. The frustration is again completely understandable, and a lot of that we hope will be alleviated with the new approach we've started with Melody and the changes in communication we have in mind. However we can't really "patch" animations like game companies do with games. Once we release, that is the version millions of people will get. It will propagate all over the internet worldwide within a day or two. So to release something subpar and unfinished can never be fully mended with the completed product after. Whatever we release is it, there's no value for anyone in taking more time to update it after that. We don't have enough leftovers or time for something like a "Director's Cut", and in the context of porn I'm afraid it would be less valuable even if we did. I'm cleaning out the to-do list and compared to the 95% that came before there's very little left. But every process takes time, and 5% of a whole lot is bigger than 5% of very little. We're committed to seeing it done though, so that's what I'm aiming to do!❤️ Little P.S. about the landmines and rhetoric too. I see the argument before was with Moby, one of our regulars. For some context, they're in our server daily and catch every stream they can. I can promise they aren't just repeating things others are saying, they actually watched us for some of those thousands of hours we've streamed, asked questions, etc. I won't speak for any harsh words, that's between you two. But like a handful of others they're likewise exhausted of the constant accusations and even some outright made up things people have been posting ("it's been over 2 years", "we're just holding the animation", etc). Not to say you have done that, but with so much of it I can see that any negativity now may be automatically assumed to be such and met with that sort of pushback and irritation. Both sides having some level of justification for being upset makes it complicated (T ^ T )ゞ Thanks again for the reasonable response!




I'd like to make an apology to kitsune and vicineko about my previous posts. I don't think any of it was called for and I feel bad about the wall of text bullshit flung between me and kitsune. I don't really like the way you respond to criticism but that does not call for or deserve the childishness I displayed multiple times. No excuses, I was a fucking 32 year old child who let themselves make sleep addled pissed off posts and let their anger drive stupid arguments and stubbornness kept me doing it again. I apologize.

Michael the Anime Fan

The last time they set a date for release, they ended up missing it because the polishing ended up taking longer than expected, and people got angry at them for promising a date when they weren’t absolutely sure they were gonna make it. So Qantiec, you’ll just have to wait, I’m sure they’re working as best they can on finishing the polishing. This isn’t gonna be a scam like those kickstarter projects you see that promises something so ambitious it’s not gonna be possible.


I really appreciate that, and I apologize to you as well (っ^ ◡ ^c)❤️ I've had more random debates about these things than I can count, mostly because early on we underestimated the work and overestimated how much clarity we gave. Now we've had to catch up on a lot of that and fill in the gaps. For probably a year we've had some of the nastiest and most accusatory messages on twitter, and lately it's crept into Patreon a bit too. I try to handle all of that so Neko doesn't have to, and I was quick to lump you in with the rest of them unfortunately. I'm glad to see I was wrong there. When there's a lot of information to break down or accusations and so on I tend to be a lot more blunt than usual. Dry, matter of fact, and not attempting to be extra friendly with pleasantries. I can see that potentially pushing some neutral discussions into more hostile ones (T ^ T )ゞ We have heard plenty of criticism, and have had some really great discussions with some people about it too! We've even talked a lot in comments about changes we're making or already made because of the things we've learned. We do listen and hear criticism, and much of it even gets friendly responses. But the contention is in how some of that criticism is delivered. Criticism is welcome, but I also have very slim patience for anyone trying to walk all over Neko, our voice actresses, myself, etc. I've heard it all before a number of times, but with things like bald-faced accusations of scamming or bleeding people, or the voice actress doing a bad job, based on nothing more than conjecture I have to shut that down and it's not always wrapped in kind pleasantries. Especially when we pour our hearts and souls into this work virtually every single day, most of it on display for people to watch along with us. I don't respond to all criticism equally, because not all criticism is delivered in what is I believe a charitable or even honest way. I tend to meet people with the energy I feel they're putting forth, which admittedly leaves a little room for misinterpretation. I usually strive to be friendly but I also have to be firm about a few things, and on Patreon those are usually the things I come in to reply to. I leave most of the friendlier stuff for Neko to respond to here (˵^ ◡ ^˵) We want and appreciate your feedback, it's actually part of why we started the discord server too. For even more instant feedback while working. We welcome you to share your suggestions and your feelings at any time. I'm more than happy to discuss things you want to see change or improve, ideas for animations, or even things you didn't like. And of course I'm happy to give details upon details about the things you may be curious or concerned about. I think we can have a lot of great conversations without accusations and debates ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶ Thanks for your response, it's much appreciated!❤️


I appreciate the understanding. Look forward to this and future works. It seems like the learnings from all this tomfoolery will help yall grow and that's all I can hope to see. Looking forward to kitsune x slime tho 😅


I would argue that your animations are better to be honest but more because you're fundamentally doing somthing different. They are creating action and quick cut scenes most of the time, you are creating slower and less forgiving scenes where if you mess up a bit it's a lot more apparent. I think your character animating skills top mihoyo, they may have you on back ground stuff but I think once again is more of a what your trying to create difference.

1 tony

You are like just taking the final result to calculate and project progress and explained it still on plan. Your logic and caculation really “good”. Also, i dont understand why you want to put Hutao for small release in middle, so if your fishyl project cannot release ontime, you will throw out another calculation and say we are putting Mona/Xxx in the middle so it need 3 more months for the polishing


Betrayal!. You lie :( You say that this month is yes or yes u.u

1 tony

please share the discord link, i want to see what is the actual progress and output now


If you link your Patreon onto your Discord account, you will automatically join the server within a few minutes or within the day


Hey Michael, while I have many issues with how the project has been handled, I have never made the accusation that the team are scamming anyone. I have never felt ViciNeko has bad intentions.


Copy and Paste to help those to link Patreon to Discord https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-


Copy and Paste the url. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-


I can clarify that too (˵^ ◡ ^˵) We started Fischl in July of 2022, realized it was a big enough project that it would go into the next year, and decided to do something for the holidays of Halloween and Christmas that year to shorten the time between releases and add some variety so it's not only Fischl for so long. So Hu Tao wasn't pulled out of thin air, that's a project you can go back and see here on Patreon and follow the progress that was done after Fischl started. Mona as you mentioned was before Fischl started, so we don't add that one to the calculation. We never had a specific release time in mind for Fischl at that point, we just knew it was bigger than previous projects and wanted to ease the wait a bit with something. We should have done so again in 2023, but we expected polishing to be a bit quicker than it was so we skipped 2023 to double down on just finishing Fischl instead (T ^ T )ゞ


As we said, we're doing our best to bring it to you! (っ^ ◡ ^c)❤️ I hope it's always clear that "maybe", "we'll try to", and "we hope" aren't the same thing as "yes". Only yes can be yes, maybe is only maybe. We specifically try to avoid definitive and exact promises, because what we're doing isn't an exact science. If you were given an exact promise of a date somewhere you have our apologies (T ^ T )ゞ


Can't believe we are actually so close to the final release, it feels like yesterday that this project started💜


We've honed in a lot on some specific types of animation which has helped for sure (˵^ ◡ ^˵) But the more we learn, the more neat possibilities and impressive things we see in other artists work too! Some of what Mihoyo has done is definitely really cool! Likely a lot of mocap mixed in, while we do it all from scratch. It's a fun possibility we may be able to learn from and explore in the future to step up our own work, and even try out some other types of content (。> ‿ ◕。)

Solomon Kuo

I don't want Fischl or mel now! just bring the Kitsune to me!!!(-`д´- 。)

宁 李

How can I join in your Discord please?


Actually, there are some notable stuff happening right after this post =P We finally got our hands on new recordings from Mel, and will start to review it in a few hrs. If goes well - lip sync animation starts these weekends! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️ As for Fischl, Kisune finishes one major part at the moment, and in a few days we'll be reviewing it too. If all goes well there - there wont be any more reviews after (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️


While creating Fischl, and with it taking so long to make, we've came up with ton of super fun ideas and concepts for our future projects! So no, there's no such "gap" for us, and im super excited to work on our new ideas! Also with Fischl, a lot of animation is set in stone... while our current animation level is already far ahead. We dont want to jump on un-ending cycle of re-animating everything, so we move on. But with a fresh new project - we can use all this new knowledge and skills! And its crazily exciting! So stay tuned, stay awesome and cant wait to bring so much more to you! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


YESSSSSSSSSS ❤️❤️❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! And next time we'll probably never stop posting wips - we already have so much more to show, and i really cant wait to start sharing it with you!!! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Thank you for your kind words and love! We'll put all our strength into bringing it all to you asap! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️


Oh really cant wait to start working with these 2 too! Thank you so much! An will do! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Thank you Laven! And thank you for cheering us on this whole time! Luv u!!! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤️


We'll be sharing a release date really soon. Ton of work has already been done, and soon we'll know the date for sure.


All our deadlines went to hell with this monstrosity of the project... Animation is long done, and Kitsune is wrapping up the sound, doing everything they can to finish it faster. Meanwhile, me and Shuro are seriously pushing Mel's project, so as soon as Fischl x Slime drops, we should have a really solid chunk of it done, and we'll start sharing materials from it (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Time truly flies, but still the project took waaay too long to finish. We'll wrap it up asap, and switch back to 3-5 min releases, that can provide our community with steady release schedule (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ❤️


Kitsune stays in basement til its done! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Thank you Rii (っˆڡˆς)❤️ We need some proper interface/message, to provide this info to ppl...

벼이 김

Please don't release a printout video. It's coming out once, but I can't even tell how many months it's been


Not calling you guys out or anything, I find it hilarious how it was supposed to release after a week back in March, but then turned into a few more weeks so we went into april, then it was supposedly going to be released by the end of april and that it wouldn't need another month, then May has ended and June has started. Now I have achieved balance! I now understand both sides of the comments, all the patient and impatient comments. Inner peace ☯️ Don't get me wrong though! Whatever is going on behind the scenes, hopefully ViciN's, Kistune's and Shuro's skills has improved tremendously!


The way we were giving updates was a bit too organic before, it made it harder to follow than we expected (T ^ T )ゞ But yes as you said we planned for two weeks back in March, then went dark until mid April to just crunch on the remaining work hoping to release. At that point it was obvious it was a bigger beast than we expected so we had to reign in the estimates after that and resume updates. We've got some plans to give less organic but more specific and consistently formatted updates going forward, at least in the update posts. Less need to pick out and memorize details from numerous paragraphs that way (˵^ ◡ ^˵) And we learned a crazy amount with Fischl, from lighting to animation to even the way we plan and structure entire projects now. Can't wait to start showing you those results with Melody ٩(。•`◡´•。)۶ Thanks!❤️


That sounds good! Even though I don't mind the wait cause I know how hard you guys work and how you want everything to be the best it can be😊


Ye, this animation will be a turning point, there will be a before Vici/Kitsune and an after Vici/Kitsune🙏



Hi! There are many more scenes than what has been shared in the WIPs, and each WIP scene itself has been improved since you've last seen it. There's a lot more work than just putting them all together, and we can't wait to share it! (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️


Another week and another monthly charge on my card without a product to show for it. Once again stating, if the video will not be out this week, I want the completed video without audio.


As mentioned we have no plans to release any unfinished versions of the animation. We're wrapping up the audio and hope you will enjoy when it's ready! (˵^ ◡ ^˵)


I will enjoy it more if it is ready before I get charged again.

Hua Shen

Hello, May I have a Discord link, please?


I mean you’re not paying for a product. It’s not as if you sauced them 1k as a commission for this animation


I really want the Discord link


Actually, yes, I am paying for a product. That is exactly what I am doing. Big Fan $5/month THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ♥‿♥ You get: What's included WIP screenshots Poll access No watermarks 1080p/4k Videos and Wallpapers Includes Discord benefits

Aidan Scott

Actually, you’re not. That is what you’re given access to. The final animation will be free and if you don’t want to be charged paperweight than don’t subscribe.


Hi Aidan, will you be making the 4K video without watermark available to the public for "free"? I won't as I prefer to pay for mine, as I already have, and don't repost things I purchase.

緒山 まひろ

I think I'm more excited for Kitsune x Slime now than Fischl XD


If you don't want to pay, you don't have to. You could also start the subscription when the video drops, it's not like they are forcing you, subscriptions are voluntary. Besides, being mad at them will bring you nothing, they already stated that they will release the complete video when it's done.


So long as I wait, I will jump out of my window


Thats a little obscene to project for june when the planned release was month and half ago from your guys own post. You should look actually explaining timelines like this more consistently from the start. Alot of people on here are cheap asses who care about that extra 5 dollars it might bite you in the ass if they just jump ship after because of extended deadlines


is it possible that we get a notification one week ahead before the final release? I really want to get fully prepared for it.


Hi Tekku, most things people purchase are voluntary. Forcing or not comes down to if you are saying we have no choice regardless of if we want the product or are only forced to pay if we want the product. Mad? Maybe. I decided months ago that I would start posting after I was billed on May 1st if I didn't have a product so started. I will continue until I have a product.


And we will get it eventually. I think that we pay to get a product, but here, you support the creators, I get that some creators can post many arts, gifs, or whatever they are making monthly. But I also understand that not every creator can post things this often, some things take a lot of time. I know that it's been a reaaaally long time since they have started working on this animation and that they announced it to be released a while ago, but I also can imagine why it is taking this long. And given the fact, that they release all their animation for free, if you want to get the animation watermark free, then you really only need to pay for one month, when it's released. But that's just my opinion. I don't thing getting mad over it will speed up the work, since they already said that they want to make the animation as perfect as they can and I'm fine with that.

Muscle Mount

Looking forward the Kitsune x Slime animation 😈

Aidan Scott

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I'd be surprised if Fischl doesn't release by the end of the month tbh.


Are you perhaps mentally challenged? Just unsub and sub when the animation is finished. You are twitter personified.


Any news?


Hey Tekku, I don't know how long you have been a member so will explain my view on this as someone who has been for two years. We kept being told the video was coming in a couple of weeks for some time, so I stayed a member being billed. I stopped checking for a few months due to other things and was rather disappointed when I returned, and it was still not complete. I track time on this project from 05/01/2023 mostly because I feel that membership had value prior to that date. From that date on I have some wallpapers and WIPs for this project and have spent $65. If I stop my membership now, I will still need to pay another $5 when I return. You will never see me state this video has value for the cost.


There going to add music in the animation making it push back even further. They have all the animation finished and audio sound but there going to try to make it even more “perfect” if that doesn’t work there just gonna scrap it up and polish it and release it which I don’t understand why they need to add “music” if they could just polish it and updated it for the next release already it’s really unnecessary.


I'm not sure where you received "polishing" or "scrapping it up to polish" from. They want to add ambience bgm to the animation which was stated in the server a day or 2 ago. Everything else is done, now they are wrapping everything up and preparing when to release the animation.


Well I hope the animation surly comes, if I gotta wait a whole two weeks for it. Expectation is very high on this one for a very long time and I expect to see more action out of this. I hope this was really worth the wait of how many months of works that been put in this animation.


I'm sure with the quality of the animation it was worth the wait. There has been a recent update in the server and it's very good news with update of release (no specific date yet). But, you'll have to wait on an official post on Patreon by Vici/Kitsune (`• ω •´)b.