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Hey everyone! I'm really enjoying moving toward a more interactive system with my funding sources. I used to get all my funds through commissions, with Patreon basically supplementing that. As we keep moving forward, I want to build more of a community with my platform instead of islands.

So I'm making a few changes!

-Q&As are going to be more common!

From now on I'm going to try to do Q&A posts every month, likely around halfway through each (15th or so.) 5$ and up patrons can ask me questions and I'll eventually answer them all in some form, but many will be illustrated as part of my practice sketches! They'll usually be small but I think it sounds like fun. I'm going to leave them open throughout the month and let folks ask what they want.

I tend to do streams somewhat sporadically in the discord chats. I want to try to transition toward more community-oriented and scheduled streams. I'm still working on times and logistics, but it seems like a good way for folks to see how I work and peek behind the curtain of some of my projects! I've been thinking of streaming every week on a particular day, right now I'm split between Sunday and Tuesday.

-Game Updates
Rapturous: Pit Raiders has made a lot of progress this week so I've held back on doing a proper devlog. I'm going to start trying to do those on Wednesdays, since it's kinda my floater day. Sometimes I just prefer to wait until I have a lot to share.

Oh yeah! I'm also potentially vending at LVFC!
Las Vegas Fur Con has reached out to me to be a vendor and potentially do some official art. I'm waiting on some details but if they come back to me in the next week or so with what I want to hear, then I'll be producing some stickers and perhaps a new daki to sell there! If the sales go well I may even open an online shop so anyone can order them when they're in stock!

Thanks for the support, everyone! I've been feeling good for the last few months, finally out of some health issues and able to get back to things. I've spent a lot of time working on the next game update and I really hope to impress some with it. You all make my creative goals possible! 


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