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Welp, I finally got it done. I really REALLY hope you enjoy. I worked really hard on it. 


Ever have one of those friends who’s legit not a bad person, but for sure takes more than they give? That’s my close friend Lola in a nutshell. Sure she’s a multi-colored hair knock out of a girl, but with the positives comes a big negative. My beautiful friend Lola, by her own admission, has a tendency to be absentmindedly selfish.

When you look at the puzzle peaces it makes sense why she’s like this. Spoiled by her parents, along side being stunning, means “no” is practically a foreign word to her. It was a trait I got use to when we dated, but I guess “ed” are the important letters in that word. Nothing horrible happened, just didn’t work out, and we’ve remained friends since.

So when I got a message from her asking for me help, I was willing, but a bit dubious. With Lola this could range from a quick in and out thing, or an entire day driving her around for a free meal and possibly a blowjob if we had drinks. Either way I relented and headed to her place that day.


Regardless I drive over and knock on the door. Lola’s parents weren’t home which meant I had to wait a little longer and ring the bell a few more times before she actually opened up. After a good four minutes there she was.

As always her makeup was on point and her rainbow hair tied back in a cute little bun. She wore a small purple tank top showing her amazing midriff and even smaller yellow booty shorts.

“MARKUS!” She squealed and jumped to kiss me on the lips. I jumped back a little in surprise but had no issue with it. It was long and passionate.... whatever she must have wanted was big. God damn.

“Come in!” She chirped and quickly turned on her kneels to scamper up to her bedroom. “You know the rule, shoes off and follow the leader.~” Lola gave a playful smack to her full rear end and headed up. I just followed and enjoyed the show as she did.

“So what’s going on exactly. You sounded freaked out.” I asked, trying to get some in site on just what the hell was going on.

“Bedroom first. Talk later.” Was all I got back. Lola got farther ahead and turned the corner in the hallway out of site. When I went there myself suddenly I was attacked again by a long kiss that she just wouldn’t break. Before I knew it I was being led to her bedroom just like that.


I had completely lost myself in what was going on. Before I knew it me and Lola were on her bed just fooling around and in no time her bondage was broken out. I was restrained,spread eagle, and reduced to nothing more then a seat as she sat on top of me.

“God you’re so cute...” Lola sighed as she bit her bottom lip and looked down at me. I couldn’t help but blush at all this. But regardless I tried to listen to the higher voice in my brain.

“T-Thanks haha.” I could feel her rolling up my shirt as I was speaking so I tried to talk fast. “But really Lola, LOLA, if this was all you wanted you wouldn’t have sounded so nervous. What’s going on?”

She pouted and finally relented. “Oh Mark.... fine, I really need your help.”

“Can’t do much like this.” I snide back.

“Oh trust me. You can do PLENTY like this. Just got to push the right buttons and sit on the right places.~” Lola teased.

“Lola...” I sighed, my face turning red at the comment but my tone was clear I wanted to get to the point.

From there she explained everything. Her parents being gone, her hearing noises at night. She’s convinced that someone is stalking the house and trying to get in. I mean, in a neighborhood like this I can’t say it sounds far fetched, but the fact Lola’s parents own 6 huge TVs and not one security system was just amazingly stupid. However, that’s where I came in... apparently...

“You want me to WHAT??” I asked wide eyed.

“You know, stake the place out? We can hide your car for the night and you can find a place to hide and just keep an eye out. Oh! You can stay in the car in my driveway!” Even she had to know this was a lot. 

“Do I look like the police? Why not call them?” I asked, trying to understand her thought process.

“You don’t even KNOW how much my parents would kill me if I called the cops for no reason. I’m not even 100% sure if there is actually anything wrong.. maybe I’m seeing things..”

“Lola....” I sighed.

“Please Mark?” She gripped the hem of my shirt, now rolled up to my chest.

“And what are you going to be doing all this time while I play cop exactly?” I asked.

“Aha! I have just that.” She got off the bed and went to her nightstand pulling out two walkie-talkies. She spoke in one and her voice came out the other. “Testing testing. One two. What are you wearing?~”

“... you can’t be serious.” I just gawked. She’s afraid of two home invaders and THIS is her plan.

“Oh come on!” She plopped back on the bed, again sitting on my crotch making me exhale a bit. “If you see something you ring me and I call the cops! We’ve stayed up all night before, I mean it could be fun.”

“....... I’m... I don’t even know where to begin...” Truth he told I was still trying to mentally unpack all of this. This was just.. weird.

“Well you start by saying yes silly.” Lola quickly responded. Hoping to do that thing where she moves on quickly with the assumption things were agreed on.

“You sure about that?” I quickly shot back. That wasn’t going to work on me this time.

“Ok. I tried. Suit yourself, you had your chance.” Instantly I could feel her painted long nails scratching agains my sides and going to town.


The tickling was sporadic and didn’t stay in one place. Her nails would dance on my sides, then move to my belly then back again. Back and forth back and forth with only a little break when she wanted to play with my ribs. I’ve always been horribly ticklish, something she always LOVED to exploit. Something that would make me bend to her will, AND was fun for her? It was a total score.

Not for me though as I bucked and rived in her restraints with no luck or escape. All the while Lola teases me, verbally and physically.

“Mmmm how about it Daddy? Gonna be a good boy and help me out?~” Urgh I HATED when she called me that, and she knew it. “Just imagine what would happen if you don’t. They might force their way in and I’M the one would could be all tied up and helpless.” She then put her lips to my ear and whispered. “All naked and bound. Just like you, Daaaaaaady.~”

“HHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA SHUHAHAHHAHT UHAAHAHHAUP! ahahahhAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAH!!!” As much as I didn’t want her to win, it was clear she was having the desired effect on me. She kept grinding her amazing ass against my growing hard on. My thoughts were getting fuzzy from the sensory overload.


I managed to hold out for as long as I could. But every minute Lola got more intense. My shirt was pulled up over my head and my pants were unbuttoned. Alongside that she was now sitting beside me

With her gorgeous feet in my face, the only spot she was tickling now was my raging hard cock.

“L-l-lolaaaAAH!” I gasped as her nails sensually worked their way from the base of my cock all the way to head. She skittered then at the top making my hips shake.

“What is it?” She asked with a big smile on her face. She wasn’t even looking at me any more. Only focused on my cock and teasing the shit out of it. This is what she liked. Teasing, edging, owning, and she was damn good at it. She didn’t even need to threaten me that she could do this all day. I knew.

“I’LL DO IT OK?! URGH FUCK! I-I’ll do it!” I whined out. Fuck me, as hard as I tried I couldn’t fight against this. She won again.

“Huh?~” She asked, still not looking at me. I don’t even think she remembered why we are even doing this, when she got into it she GOT into it.

“I’ll...  I’ll help you! J-just please! Stop! Please let me cum! You're killing me!” As i was relenting she again started skittering her nails against the edges of my bell end. She really wasn’t paying attention! OH FUCK!

Hearing my submission, over and over over again, she finally snapped out of it and looked at m. “OMG THANK YOU MARK! You're such a sweetie!” With that she got up and started fixing her hair and outfit as I laid panting on the bed. My dick raging.

“N-now make me cum, you bitch...” I sighed out as she had her back to me.

Lola turned around with a wink. “Half now, half later when I’m all safe and sounds. Only hero’s get to cum tonight mister.” 

“You can’t fucking be serious....” I stared at her slack jawed. She was evil.

“Dead.~ But if you really want a little something something I think it’s only fair.” With that she slipped herself out of her booty shorts. They slowly slid down her smooth legs and fell to the floor. She wasn’t waring under where. My eyes nearly popped out at the site alone.

“Mmmm I really am the best to you aren’t I?~” Lola teased as she sat on my face as I began to lick and suck between her legs. “OH FUCK! DADDY!!!<3”

I rolled my eyes again with her again pulling out that fucking word. I didn’t let it get to me as I just enjoyed the taste of her until she was satisfied.... what a bitch.


Later that night, there I was, just laying down in the back seat and kept an ear out. Every now and then I peak my head out up and look out the window for anything suspicious, but there was nothing. My life. What has happened to my life.

It was about one in the morning when I clicked on the walkie-talkie again to give Lola my report. I’ve been here for 3 hours now and though I’ll admit I though I saw something a few times, it was always my eyes playing tricks on me.

“Hey yo, Lola, this is a bust. I think you’ve just been seeing things. Can we stop this?” I waited for a reply but all I got was static.

“Lola? LOLA!” Still nothing.

“Oooooh my god. I swear, if you feel asleep on me while I’m out here!” STILL nothing.  Well no, there was a little noise. Lola snoring. Jesus Christ. That’s it. I did my lot, my karma is all filled up, I’m going hope and playing Hollow Kn-

From behind me I heard the car door open. Before I knew it a rag was played over my mouth and I quickly passed out.


When I finally came too it was a rude awakening to say the least. My feet, I couldn’t move them at all! They were wedged under the head rest of the passenger seat and tied there. The rope didn’t stop there though. There was more around the headrest itself effectively forcing my toes back in their bondage.

“He’s awake.” I heard one voice say.

“Poor cutie. Wrong place at the wrong time. Nice feet though..~” another voice responded. 

With my vision still a bit blurry I squinted to make out the two behind my bondage, but both of them were masked. One looked like it came straight out of professional wrestling, the other had red stripes along with sunglasses to hide their eyes. I couldn’t make out any discernible features. Not to mention they both sounded as if they were chipmunks, no doubt using something to disguise their voices.

“Wha... what’s going on?” I slurred out, still groggy. I could feel my anxiety rising. What the hell was all this? All for a car???

“Oh shh shh shh shhhhh! Why so nervous?~” I immediately flinch as the one in the Red mask placed a finger on my left sole, like how someone would put an index finger to your lips to silence them. “Here we are, minding our own business, scouting out the place, and here we find you. Thought you were slick huh?”

Absentmindedly, their finger dragged down lightly against the sole of my foot, making me shutter in the back seat. This reaction wasn’t lost on their friend, who coyly put their own index finger on the mouth hole of their mask.

“Well well well. I don’t think he’s slick at all. In fact, I think he’s something else entirely. Your friend really should learn to keep the blinds down. You never know who’s watching and what they’ll learn” The Gray mask criticized, placing their own finger on my right foot. “You’re ours now.~”

“AH shut up!! Hey!! St-st-aaaAAAAAaap! STOP!” Was all I can spit out, but I doubt I sounded anywhere near threatening. My heart sank as I realized what they must have been talking about. Me and Lola, yesterday,  the tic.... o-oh god this couldn’t be happening!

I floundered around in the back seat like a fish out of water trying to escape, all the while their two index fingers kept roaming around whatever part of my feet they could reach. Playing against my nerves. Lightly. Teasingly. Maddeningly! My feet were screaming, hell I wanted to start screaming.

“My, SUCH a ticklish boy” the Red one teased again while delicately scathing at my big toe. “Basically putty in her hands once she got them on you. She wasn’t even that good to be honest..”

“But don’t worry buddy.” The Gray one immediately followed. “We’re MUCH better then she is.~”

“S-SHUT UP!” Was my only retort back. 

They withdrew their fingers, but I didn’t feel safe. If anything I felt more anxious. My heart was racing. This wasn’t even the worse of it.

“Now it’s our turn..~” Growled the tickler in Gray. They menacingly raised their hands up, fingers jutted right at may poor trusted up feet.

“Tickle tickle handsome.” Teased the Red one, taking up the same position only with a slight wiggle of their fingers. They moved their hands closer at an agonizingly slow pace. As if they knew the effect this moment was having and wanted to draw it out for as long as possible.


Without mercy they scribbled their fingers over a foot each. The Red taking the left and the Gray taking the right. Normally do to how sensitive I am it normally would just be hell on earth, but thanks to the fabric of their gloves it was that times a thousand. 

It was a maddening mix of sensations. 

The one on my left foot never went harder then gentle, almost kiss like scratches. The kind that make you shiver when a teasing lover does it to you. The other I thought was legit out to kill me. Scribbling their gloved fingers around with much more pressure. If the one in Red was out to make me shiver then this one felt as if they were trying to make me cry. 

“Wow bud, I’m not even using my bare fingers and I can practically feel your foot quivering in my hands. How about here?” The Gray one asked me as they plunged their fingers in-between my toes. A really bad spot for me, and there was nothing I could do. Thanks to their bondage my feet were practically begging for it

“Or here?” Red asked as they held my ankle with one hand and relentlessly skittered their fingers over the ball of my left foot. It was a constant fanning like motion. Instinctually I tried to pull my foot up and away from tickling, but it was a no go. I was stuck and forced to take it. Much to their delight.

“HAhahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OH GHAHAHAHD! NO NO NO NO! NOOOO! PLEHEHEHEHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAE!!” I tried again and again desperately to pull my feet away bit it really was no use.

“Oh come on! Where you going cutie? The funs right in this car.” Red teasingly said as they poked that damn finger once again in the center of my left foot and began to sensually draw spirals all around the my sole. Around and around and around again, making my eye twitch.

“Pffff, I think he’s just not a fan of your tickling.” The Gray one spoke up, criticizing their friend and finally giving me a breather from their assault. It was just The Red one’s finger causing me discomfort now.

To that they only sarcastically gasped with fake offense. “What do you mean? The mask of yours cutting off your eye site? My tickling is amazing, thank you very much! It’s yours that’s all rough and wild.” They then started petting my foot as if they were trying to comfort a cat. “Don’t you worry, I won’t let that mean ol’ thief hurt you. Hehe”

The Gray one only scoffed back. “Oh please, you’re going to start making me laugh harder than Tickle Boy here. ‘Rough and wild?’ How about you try ‘dominant’? Thats the key. He knows who those feet belong to when I’m tickling him.”

With whatever coherent thought I could still form in my head I really had to wonder why they where fighting about something like this. It was fucking embarrassing to be talked about while being RIGHT there. I mean, if it helped them out, I HATED them both equally!

“Oh yea?” Red scoffed. “Put your fingers where his feet are then.”

“Gladly.” Gray pushed Red out of their way and cracked their knuckles. “Now sit there and learn. It’s ‘owning time’. Haha!” 


I felt as if I was going to jump out of my fucking skin. That bastard was just going to town on me without even a shred of mercy as they tickled and tickled and tickled. They started off with an all out ten finger assault on my arches for about five minutes, then switched over to random poking. I was never able to tell were they would hit me next.

“There you go Tickle Boy. Let it ALL out for me. See what I mean? Subs like him like to know their place? Right bud?” They mockingly asked as they pinched my feet, holding on to the wrinkles they were able to grab and teasingly roll them in their fingers.

I’ve never experienced tickling like this and felt as though I was going to hack up a lung from laughing so much. I flailed in the back to the best of my ability, but that did little more than amused them. Finally Gray let go of my wrinkles, but only  to scratch up again down over and over again from my toes to the the balls of my feet. I almost went cross eyed.

“Alright alright times up! My turn now!” Red exclaimed impatiently, pushing their partner in crime aside for their turn.

“Eh fine, you can have what’s left of  him I guess haha!” Gray threw their hands up and finally took a break.

“Wow. You really did a number on him. I’d be mad if he didn’t look so cute like this! How about it hon? Still with us?” The Red one checked on me. Peaking through the head rest at the lifeless wreck that was my body. I looked back and shockingly was able to see something I didn’t before. Sticking out from their mask was blue hair. Something for the police report, but nothing that would help me right now...

“Haha..ha.. st-stop. P-please haha.” I could only wheeze out.

“Looks like he needs a little pick me up!” They produced a feather from their pocket and started swishing it against my feet like how a maid would dust an object for cleaning. “Cooooochie coochie cooooooooooo!!!~”

Slowly I started reanimating as the itching at my foot made me toss, turn, and eventually laugh. They ran the little feather against every inch of my feet, taking great care to get in-between the toes and then some.

“God you have like, the best laugh! No wonder that chick kept teasing you. Who’s a little tease toy? I think it’s you! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!” The teasingly sang and started using their other hand to gently caressed my other foot. Lightly stroking it up and down. Skittering their fingers right underneath my toes for maximum torture.

“Pfff. You call that tickling? I can barely hear him.” The Gray one criticized as they crossed their arms.

“Oh hush. There’s more then one reaction to look for while doing this, you sadist. How you feeling back their cutie?” Red asked, leaving their friend confused.

It may have been lost on Gray, but what Red was talking about was all too clear to me. I might not have been laughing as hard, but there was something else stiffening.  Mortified at the horrible timing, I saw a tent slowly rise in my pants as lovingly the thief kept teasing me. The tickling never going past a sensual, almost pleasurable sensation that tormented me in a whole other way. Especially after being denied by Lola earlier in the day.

Suddenly I heard laughter in my direction. It was Gray, finally seeing the point. In more ways than one.

“I think you just lost your right to complain about this with that flag pole of yours, Boner Boy.” My face turned bright red as they mocked. I wanted to tell them to shut up, but Red lightly scratched down my foot, making me moan.

“Hahaha! Told ya!” Red clapped excitedly and kept up their administrations on my poor helpless soles. This was a new type of hell.

“Fair play to you, I’ll admit. Hey....Keep doing that for a second. Brb~” Before I knew it Gray moved into the back seat right beside me. They grabbed my tied wrists and forced them back, with the zero amount of strength I had there was no fight put up on my end. “Hey their bud. Got something for me?~”

I could only laugh in their face as the tickling on my feet didn’t stop. The masked fuck then grabbed the hem of my shirt and forced it into my mouth, gagging me. They moving to unbuckle my pants.

“You let that fall and I’m gonna spend  the next 25 minutes tickle teasing your nipples till you burst without a single touch. Test me. I’d love it.~” I didn’t have to see their eyes to know they weren’t joking.

In one movement my pants were slid down revealing my cock, possibly now even harder than before. It was flicked and watched as it bounced from side to side.

“Wow. That thing is no joke. Need some mouth attention?” Gray asked as they lightly stroked me. I didn’t even know what was going on anymore. Both of my most sensitive places were being played with and more than anything I just wanted to cum, or be set free. Meekly I nodded my head yes. I didn’t give a shit anymore at this point.

“Hehe! You heard the man!” Gray said. What the were they talking about?

“On it!<3” Red randomly replied, and before I knew it the fingers and feather we’re replaced with a wet wiggling tongue. They licked all around my feet and took special attention to lick and suck my toes. It was a completely new sensation to me, I’ve never had my feet worshiped. It was a weird mixture of  heaven and hell, which made my cock throb all the more. In my heat I turned to look at Gray who was wiggling the feather Red had dropped. 

They wouldn’t.

“Guess he won’t be needing this eh? What do you suppose we should do with it? Hm?... oooo I know.~” and without a second though Gray used the feather to tickle and tease my poor cock. 

They would.

I was beside myself with sensory overload. I couldn’t cum because of the tickling and because of the tickling I couldn’t go soft. I was affectingly just a dildo for them to tease until they were board. Kept at the edge and with nowhere left to go.


“URGH! Fuck! Make him say it again!<3” Red moaned as they kept licking and sucking. I had no idea how long it’s been, but I was officially broken. I wanted to cum more than anything else but was not allowed. Instead I was made to do what ever they want.

“Mmm you heard em. Again. With feeling.~” Gray demanded as they tickled the feather right where my base met the tip. They also used their other hand to pinch my nipple. “Who’s our little Tickle Boy?”

“HHHAHAHA OH GOD! OH FUCK! ITS ME! ITS ME! OK?! OOOOUUUUIRGH! FUCK PLEASE! PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE!!!!” I moaned and begged with all my heart. A single drop of precum dripping down my shaft.

“What do you think? Good enough?” Gray looked over at Red.

“Not even close! Again!<3” red demanded. Sucking and tickling like their life depended on it.

“Haha! As you wish. From the top handsome. From the top again and again and again and ag-“

Suddenly  the blaring of a police siren was heard at full blast startling all three of us. Holy shit! HOLY SHIT! FINALLY!!!! The two fuckers started scrambling right away.

“FUCK! WE GOT TO GO!” Gray screamed, climbing over me to get out of the car.

“NO NO PLEASE! JUST ONE MORE TIME! I DIDN’T EVEN GET HIS ID!!!” Red whined in shear panic.

“NO TIME! GET OUT AND START RUNNING!!” And like that they were both gone. The police siren and lights were getting closer, I was finally safe. Suddenly though the alarm stopped and the lights were off, then all I heard was laughter. What the fuck?

“Hahaha! I fucking saved your ass!!!” The passengers seat opened and in stepped Lola with her phone on a sound effect app in one hand and a police light in the other. You got to be fucking with me. You GOT to be fucking with me!!!

“Hahahaaa!! They were all over you and here I come to save the day! Holy shit I’m AWESOME!!!” Lola continuously kept patting herself on the back while I slowly came back to reality.

“L-Lola... w-where are the cops?” I weakly asked.

“Oh trust me. You don’t want any cops for this.~” She purred, moving in closer, crawling towards me.

“What.. what are you talking about? Just fucking untie me you bitch!” I shot back impatiently.

“Excuse you! You’re gonna talk to me like that? Yea, ok.” Lola scowled, getting on top of me.


“Hehe! Look at my little damsel in distress! What were they doing to you in here Mark? Huh? Huh?” She teased as she poked my sides again and again.

“HAHANO! PLEASE! LET ME CUM! HAHAHA LET ME CUHAHHAHHAM!!!” I begged. Something I was becoming way too accustomed too at this point.

“Cum? But Daddy I said hero’s only get to cum. Aren’t I technically the hero here?? Hehehe! Aren’t I? Aren’t I? Huh huh?” She asked again and again while pinching at my nipples. Sending another surge of pleasure down to my cock. 

I couldn’t argue anymore. Just laugh and laugh. Eventually Lola saw I was at my limit and relented. She then laid down, her head in my lap, staring longing at my penis while she stroked. She slipped off her flip flops and posed her bare feet into the air.

“Tell you what Mark. I’ll let you cum. You just have to answer one little question. K?~” I could barely focus, the pleasure rocking my body as I was built up and up and up once again.

W-wha.. what I-is it?..” I panted 

“Who’s my Little Tickle Boy?~” she whispered against my cock. Her breath caressing me. Making me shudder again. 

My eyes opened wide. What did she just ask? Was she... did she... w-wait.

“W-what?!” Was all I could reply. I was throbbing rapidly now. So close.

“Answer the question Mark. Who’s my little Tickle Boy...~” She looked dead into my eyes and dominantly gave me a little raise of the eyebrows, telling me that she’s waiting.

Thoughts where swimming in my head. But what thing was clear in my mind. I wanted to cum. I wanted to cum so fucking bad.

“I-I am...”

“Keep saying it.~” She demanded as she kept stroking me.

“I AM!”

“AGAIN.~<3” She stroked faster, the dam finally breaking. I was about to cum! Holy shit! OMG!

“I AAAAAAAAAAAAUUURRGGGHHH!!!! ~ FUCK! FUUUAAAARRGH!” My hips raised as I shot jet after jet of cum. All the while Lola moaned and pumped it all out onto my stomach. It felt like over three minutes and my body was still being rocked by the pleasure that only seemed to keep going and going.

“Yea baby yea! Keep fucking coming! Fuck baby! URGH! You’re SO fucking cute!” Lola kept egging me on until I was completely spent and sagged back into the seat. 

I did nothing but huffed and puffed, my eyes half closed and all my energy gone. Next time Lola needs a favor, I’m letting the fucking phone ring.

She stayed on my lap and cuddled me for a good while, making sure I was ok. Till finally I think she was ready to let me go.

“Ok. Let’s get you untied. Though I’ll remember this position for some other time.” Lola got out of the car and into the passenger seat. “Although... you know, I have heard that orgasms make people more sensitive...~”

Fuck my life.


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