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“Alright alright times up! My turn now!” Red exclaimed impatiently, pushing their partner in crime aside for their turn.

“Eh fine, you can have what’s left of  him I guess haha!” Gray threw their hands up and finally took a break.

“Wow. You really did a number on him. I’d be mad if he didn’t look so cute like this! How about it hon? Still with us?” The Red one checked on me. Peaking through the head rest at the lifeless wreck that was my body. I looked back and shockingly was able to see something I didn’t before. Sticking out from their mask was blue hair. Something for the police report, but nothing that would help me right now...

“Haha..ha.. st-stop. P-please haha.” I could only wheeze out.

“Looks like he needs a little pick me up!” They produced a feather from their pocket and started swishing it against my feet like how a maid would dust an object for cleaning. “Cooooochie coochie cooooooooooo!!!~”

Slowly I started reanimating as the itching at my foot made me toss, turn, and eventually laugh. They ran the little feather against every inch of my feet, taking great care to get in-between the toes and then some.

“God you have like, the best laugh! No wonder that chick kept teasing you. Who’s a little tease toy? I think it’s you! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!” The teasingly sang and started using their other hand to gently caressed my other foot. Lightly stroking it up and down. Skittering their fingers right underneath my toes for maximum torture.

“Pfff. You call that tickling? I can barely hear him.” The Gray one criticized as they crossed their arms.

“Oh hush. There’s more then one reaction to look for while doing this, you sadist. How you feeling back their cutie?” Red asked, leaving their friend confused.

It may have been lost on Gray, but what Red was talking about was all too clear to me. I might not have been laughing as hard, but there was something else stiffening.  Mortified at the horrible timing, I saw a tent slowly rise in my pants as lovingly the thief kept teasing me. The tickling never going past a sensual, almost pleasurable sensation that tormented me in a whole other way. Especially after being denied by Lola earlier in the day.

Suddenly I heard laughter in my direction. It was Gray, finally seeing the point. In more ways than one.







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