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If you need a refresher, here is part one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yes-man-24558091

 You couldn't take it anymore! You just couldn't! You tried to be nice, play it his way, but it's been a month since you and Kid have started to religiously work late under the request of your boss, a full month of teasing and "little games". A full month of you being left alone late at night with nothing but your hand wishing it was at those amazing feet you craved so bad. The same feet that were wearing you like sneakers and running your entire fucking life.

Twice a week, same as the last. You would catch-up on all the work you neglected while the naughty fem-boy tempted you to a fever pitch. Kid had gotten even more daring now, resorting to petting your yearning member trapped inside your pants with his foot. Of course you were only treated to that when there was risk the ticklish young man would lose. No matter how many times you tried, how many different tactics or strategies you used, you always lost. Every. Single. Time. 

Every time you got close the fantasies of what you could do to Kid played in your mind, making it even harder to focus. It always went back to tickling, ever since he talked about how weak he was to it. It was the same fantasy over and over again. You with Kid's feet in your lap while you tickled away. You'd tweak his toes and pinch the balls of his feet. You'd run your fingers on the poor fem-boy's arches mercilessly, treated to the sexy sounds of his helpless laughter. He would moan for you to stop in such a way you'd know he didn't mean it. Just when he would drop the pretense and BEG you to tickle him more, you'd be snapped back to reality. Instead you would be treated to the very real grin on Kid's face telling you lost. 


As time went on you could only assume Kid had started sharing stories of your "sessions" together around the office. People started looking at you a little differently. You'd notice girls would talk more openly about their feet near your desk, ask you to see if their shoes matched their outfit, hell even settle a few disputes about "whose feet were better". It was getting worse now. Now you weren't just being teased by Kid, but by everyone. Hell, even your boss would call you into the office with her own naked soles poised dominantly on the desk, just to see how you react. You'd dashed out immediately, face red and about to bust as she giggled, clearly not disappointed with what she got. You're just too cute.

To make matters worse all this didn't help you get your work done any faster.


Outside your boss's office you tried to regain yourself, only to be interrupted by Clair, a temp who hadn't been working there long. 

"You're just a toy now you know?" She mused, but her face was deadpan.

You said nothing, even if she was right what the fuck was there to do, you kept listening.

"I don't know why you put up with it. Seems pretty unfair, you can be so much more. Look, against my better judgment I’ll let you in on a little something. Me and a few friends of mine are through with how we're bing treated here as well. We're not tease toys or nothing but these paychecks aren't adding up and I think it's time us hard workers take what we can and get out if you catch my drift."

Was this bitch talking about stealing from the company? Is that even possible? 

As if reading your mind, Clair calmly shot back, "Of course it is! Especially if we have someone already on the inside... say if they were, oh i don't know.... working late??"

Your eyebrows raised. You know exactly what she was implying. You had to admit, you weren't feeling particularly loyal to this place after the month you had, but could you really do something like this?

"Look, no need to answer now, you know my email, all we need is the late-night access code to get in. We can even move as soon as tonight if you were feeling it.... though..." She trailed off "It might be risky with Kid there also... we might just have to subdue him..."

You were in....


"Come on now! Focus honey, focus...~"

The game had gone on like any other night. You stayed at your desk, head down to your computer, all the while Kid softly stroked his left foot down your cheek, so agonizingly close... It took all the will power not to turn your head and plant a light kiss on the seductive toes lightly tracing your face, but you knew from experience that something like that would lead to the game being over way too soon. And the only thing more painful then playing this was NOT playing it. 

"Hehehehe! You're such a good boy, it's a shame you’re horrible with getting your work done on time. Can't imagine what's been distracting you!~"

You listened as Kid kept the pressure up, all the while you stared at the open Gmail tab, conflicted. All you needed to do was press send and Clair would have the code to get in. Then you get everything, though was it really worth it? Could you really do this???? What would be the repercussions??? 

"Maybe we should raise the stakes a bit more?" Kid lightly nibbled on the end of his glasses as he giggled at your aguish. "Let's say if I win, you have to get fitted for a cute little chastity belt, THEN you can come over my place HAHA!" The adorable fem-boy burst out into his own uncontrollable sexy giggles, actually shocking himself with how mean he wanted to be to you. It was just way too much fun though.

Your eyes went wide hearing that proposal. It was the final push you needed to do what needed to be done. You slammed your finger on the send button and started to wait for what was to come, flashing your own knowing grin at the soon to be submissive fem-boy.

Kid saw your smile and began to get nervous. The mood in the game had changed, the power shifted. “W-what are you all happy about? Finally think you can beat me??” His voice slowly regained that confident air.

You simply shot back. “You’re fucked now cock tease.”

“What are you talking about???” Kid pulled his feet away, now completely off guard.

SLAM! That’s when it happened. Clair came in with four or five other people. Payback time was here!!!!


The office was now overflowing with the sound Kid’s sexy laugher. He really wasn’t joking about how ticklish his feet were. The worse part was, not only were they sensitive, but they were big too. So big in fact that each sole could hold up to twenty ticklish fingers each. The poked, scratched, prodded, teased, wisped, pinched; it was a down right free for all! Like you, all of them had been driven crazy with lust for the fem-boy’s feet, now everyone was going to get a turn.

Everyone, except you.~

You were forced to be a spectator. It turned out Clair wasn’t the ally she pretended to be. She never planned on letting you have your revenge; you were nothing but the fall guy!! What was even worse was you weren’t left out from the torment. Oh no. They bound you to a chair right in front of the object of your desire, doing all the things to him that you could have only wished.

“Sorry for playing you liked that cutie, just business. Now, we know one of you was given the safe code. Give it to us and it all ends…. At some point.~”

They slowly stripped Kid of every article of clothing he wore, all to expose his smooth, sexy body. The gang gloated at just how amazing his skin felt on their fingers, how great it was to finally get to make him squeal. It wasn’t fair! There was no one that had known the meaning of the word “tease” as much as you over this month. You felt as though you could just rip out of your bonds, but you couldn’t. 

Helplessly you watched as they dissected the horrible cock tease right in front of your eyes, with one agonizing tickle at a time. It was clearly too much for the young man, his face was twisted into a blissfully blank smile as he was still forced to laugh for his captors. It had almost been forty minutes as the torment kept up. All the while you noticed Kid was looking directly into your eyes as he laughed. He gyrated his body is the most sexy way as he tried to escape the sensation, and just to kick you in the gut, in the sexiest voice he could he moaned your name and begged for your help.

No. He couldn’t be. Even now!? He was STILL trying to get under your skin????? His moans poured into your ears like honey, as you couldn’t take it anymore! Your cock busted out from your pants for the entire room to see.

“Oh no! Feeling a bit lonely there big guy? You really have had it rough haven’t you. Well too bad! We want that code. And if we aren’t going to get it from tickle toy here.” Clair snapped her fingers and was handed a pink cock sleeve and some rope. “Then well just get them out of you. HOLD HIM DOWN!!”

“So. Anyone feel like talking now?~”

It was evil! Pure evil! Clair’s gang of misfits were killing two birds with one stone as they put your cock threw the sleeve and tied Kid’s feet to it. They then tickled Kid’s feet so his bucking and struggling would result in you getting that footjob you always wanted. Did it have to be like this though? Stuck in the embrace of a toy while the others got to play with what you ACTUALLY wanted on there.

You grunted and howled as those heavenly feet twitched there way up and down your shaft. The faster your captors tickled him, the faster the feet worked you to your limit. The problem was once that limit was reached they would stop everything and ask you for the code. Failure to do so would result in another fifteen minutes of torment. This was your third go around. Your cock head was purple, your balls tight, you needed release more then your next breath of air but still were being denied.

“What’s the code? Clair would ask

“I-I don’t know…” you answer.

“WHAT’S the code tease toy!?” She asked again, getting closer to your face, despite her frustration she enjoyed watching you both squirm.



You couldn’t focus! You were about to pop! But how???? All the ticklers had stopped and still you felt a slow pumping on your cock.

It wasn’t the ticklers….

You looked passed Clair and saw Kid. No one had been paying attention to him since it was all about getting you to talk now. He was slowly moving his bound feet up and down your cock at the slowest pace. He smiled evilly at you unbeknownst to the others and simply whispered two words…

“Coochie coo<3”

You popped. Good lord did you pop. You shot spurt after spurt of your pent up frustration all the while Kid ad stopped stroking, he had completely gotten away with it while everyone else was oblivious.



Like that every single one of your captors ganged up on your oversensitive cockhead while you continually shot load after load. It was like feeling a pleasurable jumper cable giving you the most intense head of your life, you couldn’t even see the tip of your member anymore as they worked and worked and worked! They were working you over so much in fact, that they had somehow forgotten all about Kid’s feet. 

He was completely free to watch your torment in full delight as you broke down to their demands and shouted out the code like it was the name of a lover.

“See??? That wasn’t so hard was it? Let’em go guys, we’re done here. And RICH! Thanks cutie!” With that they took what they could and left you both behind. You sat there panting, wheezing almost. It was then Kid broke his silence.

“Well, you certainly know how to show someone a good time…~” 


The next morning was a whirlwind of events. There you were, in your boss’s office as she drilled you on what the hell went on last night. You decided it was in your best interest to come clean. Deep down you didn’t want to betray anyone; you were just at your wits end. You named names, apologized, but still she wasn’t buying it.

“Sweetie please, don’t make this harder for me then it needs to be. I don’t want to have to do anything you’ll regret.” Right when all hope seemed lost, Kid walked in.

“Actually miss, he’s telling the truth. Clair and the others are the ones you want to go after. Poor guy here just got played. We both did…”

You were in awe, Kid was standing up for you? After all he’s done? Guess he wasn’t all bad. Your boss walked up to you and looked you dead in the eyes. Suddenly her featured turned softer and she caressed your face. 

“You’re lucky you’re cute. Someone like you wouldn’t last long in prison.”

It was confirmed! Not only were you off the hook, but it seemed that the people who did this would be brought to justice!

“Not so fast mister…. There’s still that whole matter of WHO let them in.”

….. ok maybe you weren’t going to get off completely scot free. For now you and Kid were dismissed. You hesitantly walked up to him in order to thank him.

“…. Shut up… L-loser~…” Kid then strutted off, he made no eye contact but you can see his face was all red. You only smiled at the comment and whispered it one more time “

Thank you.<3”


Your punishment wasn’t easy, but it beat what the others got. You were all taken to the nearest penitentiary, though its fair to say your stay was a lot more comfortable then Clair’s and he other. 

You were given a private cell, a TV, you were allowed to keep your phone with a pretty stable Wi-Fi connection, all and all it brought back strange nostalgia of being grounded. Hell, even the guards were quite pleasant and sociable. Meanwhile you were able to hear the others punishment, their sounds of an all too familiar type of laughter echoing threw the halls while they repented, tickled out of their wits. All and all, three weeks of this compared to the others twelve months was set to be a cakewalk!

“Hey buddy. You got yourself a visitor!” The guard announced. It was Kid! He came in with flowers and a big ol’ smile. For once, you can honestly say you were nothing but happy to see him.

“Glad to see you’re healthy! Sorry you still have to serve a bit a time. But I think I have something that would cheer you up!”

Your eyebrows perked up. Honestly you were pretty darn cheery already, but you’ll bite. 

Kid, while looking you dead into your eyes , took off his shoes, once again showing you the feet that started all of this.

“Don’t think just cause you’re on “vacation,” doesn’t mean me and you can’t keep playing our little game.~”

Your heart skipped a beat. You KNEW it was too good to be true! With the privacy the guards gave you, once more the fem-boy had free access to drive you crazy all over again.

He teasingly stoked the bars with his feet like it was your cock from that night. You could already feel the stirring in your pants.

“Oooo..~ It’s cold!” He then nimbly stuck his feet threw the bars. “Bet you could warm them up for me, but you can’t!<3” The sexy tease cheered as the all too familiar feelings of humiliation and lust almost split you in too. You were rock hard now!

“You can’t cause you’re just a cutie trapped in a cage and you can’t………. Y…You cant..”

You started to see the expression on Kid’s face change. He didn’t look in control and he was struggling quite a bit. What was wrong? 

“You can’t…. uuurgh! UUURRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!”

…..oh my god…. his big sexy feet were stuck threw the bars…. The realization hit you both at the same time…

Kid wasn’t going anywhere….. He was now all yours. 

You approached him slowly, fingers wiggling.

“N-no fair….”








I'm glad. It was a bit nerve racking to try to follow up Yes Man, I didnt expect that story to take off like it did


WOW. Is that the end of this particular adventure with Kid or is there more in store?


As far as Office Kid I think that puts a cap on everything quite nicely :) Now normally I’d say it’s time to make another poll to see what Kid adventure comes next, but the only other ones that were as popular as this was Kid as a tickler and Belly Dancer Kid. Not wishing to spoil, you guys are getting one of those ideas pretty soon so it looks like I know what comes next for our sexy Fem-Boy. I’m just happy you enjoyed it as much as you did!


Great stuff c.k keep it up!


W-O-W! My dude, just...holy cow. I am beyond words. By Kagerou's mighty aura, this is sadism like I've never seen! Sadism in the face of torment! A WORLD CLASS S!!!!


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