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“Mmmhmgmgmmmf! Mmmgmgmdmmm!” She was at least more at ease discovering that the head anchor’s feet didn’t stink or even taste bad. In fact they were actually kind of… pleasant? It certainly wasn’t as bad as the tickling on her feet that had picked up considerably.

“In other news, kids everywhere are enjoying the new hit game from Nintendo, ‘Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate’ BUT is this product just the newest way your child is trying to obtain drugs? Yes. And to show you the unbiased facts, here’s sixty five year old suburban mother, Lynda, with her story.”

The scene then cut to a elderly woman outside of a very nice house. “I just don’t know where he’s getting all this crack!” Lynda said, taking a hit from her crack pipe and continuing her completely factual story.

Meanwhile Jane took the time to admire the site under her desk. Connie’s mouth felt absolutely amazing on her feet.

“Oh Connie. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to distract me. Now what kind of naughty girl would do such a thing?..hehe”




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