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Veronica really loves her job, but her favorite part was tending to good ol' Cass. He was the most beautiful thing here. Something about how desperate and pathetic he looks just makes her shiver. 

It never mattered how clean or dirty he was. Veronica spends hours just making sure his most important part is spotless. It is her job after all.


Whats the story of Cassius the Denied? ell I'll tell you just a bit,



Cassius The Strong  was said to have the might of Hercules  and the looks of an angle. That's why after many adventures he found a Princess that could rival even his own beauty. After years of love they were set to be wed. 

The Queen though was just as beautiful, if not as so kind hearted as her daughter. She was jealous of the Princess for finding such a beautiful man while she was stuck with the aging King, whose best love making days were FAR behind her. No matter how many times she's offered herself to the hero, he's declined.  

She prayed to Hera for a way to have Cassius all to herself. For him and his gifted body to be hers and hers alone. Hera answered her prayers. The wife of Zeus, who's shared in the woes of the object of her desire always finding his way to younger, less deserving flesh. She gave The Queen a gift, it would work only once, but it would work.  That night The Queen wept with joy.

The next morning while Cassius trained in the garden, The Queen casually strolled in, watching his amazing body flex and sweat. She offered him a playful challenge. 

Rome knew he was a warrior, but was he the strongest? Her as the Queen would accept nothing but perfection for her daughter and her kingdom. 

The challenge was simple, Cassius was given a pebble and over time it would get bigger. If the pebble wass dropped he would not be allowed to wed her daughter.

Over time the pebble grew to the size of a bolder. The weight so great he had no choice but to hold it on his back. The Queen and her maids marveled at the strength on display as well as the mussels. What she liked most seeing was the quake in his well toned legs.

Suddenly she clapped her hands and command the challenge enter phase two. Before Cassius could react his towel was snatched away from him by two giggling maids.

The site invited many chuckles from all the women there. Cassius's cock was a marvel to behold and showed no signs of losing firmness. One by one the maids came up to him, tempting and teasing his body. All the while the bolder grew in weight.

Tongues and fingers roamed his shaking form. Finding the best ripples and tears in the cuts of his mussels and making it tickle in the most delightful way. These were chambermaids and advisors, people who had watched the Princess for years. The head  of them just the night before spoke with him one on one and said how happy she was they were together. Now here she was licking the bulbous head of his cock while sporting the same motherly smile she always had. All at the same time his nipples were tweaked and flicked. His body was on fire. 




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Miguel Salizar

I really need to thank you for all these early works you did helping me discover the fun of dick tickling (and lowkey making me want to experience it myself one day). I don't know if you intend to ever return to this character/idea, but I definitely think that it would be worth the investment to have a more benevolent mistress come along and let the poor man release or at the very least let him come as close as possible to the orgasm he's forever denied lol.


The one was actually remastered for an exclusive picture. If you happen to see it I’d love to know what you think!