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Hi again,

A few months ago some patrons showed interest in having a sort of 3D printable merkins pack, which would be basically separate pubic hair pieces that can be glued to any character. I'm creating this topic to see how many people are interested in it, as a way of getting help in making this happen. 

How many options should there be, for example? Would it be OK to make them all in the usual 1/10 scale in which I release my models, or would size variations be required as well? And how would we go about making sure they fit most poses? 

Anyway, I'd love to read your thoughts in this regard. If there's no more interest in this idea, that's no problem as well.


Torrida Minis

All right, it's great to know that we have many interested people in this :) I'll post updates on my Discord channel, since it will be easier to share images and feedback this way.

Didi Solomon

What Weezel said. :)