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The winning name for my next character was "Sister Evangeline", but since I know nothing about the Warhammer 40k universe, I only made a search for this name today. I found a few things that seem "official" to me, which may bring me some trouble. 

The second place in the name poll was "Sister of Purity", and this one seems to be clean, therefore I'm going with this one. If more knowledgeable people can confirm this to me, I'd appreciate it. I can still change this character's name, if needed.

But the most important thing is that I started blocking out the model today. In the images you can see the basic shapes of the armor pieces I intend to add. So far, is this in line with your expectations concerning this character? 

She'll be released on July 3, 2023.




I second the Chainsword comment! Also to save yourself any trouble from the GamesWorshop goons from coming after you, I would use “Grimdark” instead of Warhammer


I’d like to note that while their torso piece may look a lot like a corset it is most definitely a strong and rigid piece of armor; so, it probably wouldn’t flex with the pose or conform to any muscles underneath. (Though I’m very much in favor of well-defined muscles underneath 😉)

Torrida Minis

Thank you for the hint! So far I've been able to avoid any take-down notification for my Celeste model, and I hope to do the same with this new model.

Torrida Minis

Thank you very much for the feedback! I'll try to add an armor piece that I've found in a few examples of her armor that will allow for the kind of flexing that I need for this pose.