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The poll isn't over yet, but Pose 1 has such a clear advantage that it's certainly the winner. Therefore I'm now working on it, and you can see the first images of the rough model in the images. 

The water is going to be a challenge for some people, but I'm thinking about offering a few alternatives:

1 - A simple water plane cutting her legs;

2 - A body with legs intact for those who want to make a water base out of transparent epoxy; 

3 - A water plane intersected by her legs, and this water plane is supported by a base that leaves space for her legs. This water plane would be supported by simple cylindrical columns or wave-shaped columns. 

I hope these solutions will please everybody.

She'll be released on July 3, 2023. 



Donnie M.

Can we get a stitch to put on the front of the board. Would be epic.

Donnie M.

I couple ideas the leaned back surfing pose crouched at the front holding on with his hands or sitting on his butt leaned back ears back in the wind? Hard to describe. But google stitch surfing. Lots of options.


Maybe this pose: https://w0.peakpx.com/wallpaper/630/438/HD-wallpaper-stitch-love.jpg ..or this one: https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/6608267.jpg

Domi Schell

Yeah, this one looks pretty simple and cute. Would work also as standalone figure https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1752956716.4638/st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg

Torrida Minis

Thank you! I'll probably go with the surfing pose, as I believe I'll have time to work on it next week :)