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Hey guys, a quick update. As of recently I've been recovering from some concerning hand problems along the lines of possibly carpal tunnel, and I've been trying to take it easy as to not make myself worse. Because of this, progress on the next Dandy Demon update will be a little behind schedule. Just a little bit. I might be dropping the next couple pages a couple days late. Thank you all for your patience and continuing support. 

I'll be back and better than ever soon! ♥



Hope your hands get better, keep resting ❤️

Megas Z.

Take all the time you need my dude.


Don’t overwork yourself my guy. Take all the time you need. Health is a higher priority than work. (Also would recommend looking into wrist guards if this becomes a recurring problem in the future.)


Np, take ur time


Hope you get better dude!


Take your time Dude, we will be here if needed


<p style="color: #008600;">Don't overexert your wrist now! Take as much time as you need, as your zeal to work can lead to disastrous results.</p>


Oh, sorry to hear about that. I hope you take a good rest so that your wrist heals. Best of luck and get well soon!


Take all the time off that you need.