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Freshly mastered and gorgeous as a result, Scream's efforts pay off with a dazzling early '90s film stock appearing transparent on disc. People Under the Stairs uses every bit of available resolution. Sharpness doesn't allow anything to go unseen in any frame. The amount of visible texture is outright astonishing, even years into UHD's life where this is commonplace. Other than tiny specks of damage, People Under the Stairs looks pristine.

Easily resolved grain retains its natural qualities; compression will not interfere or lessen the filmic nature. This is a wholly transparent presentation.

Dolby Vision stands out, the heat in the city a constant. Marvelous depth pops from the precise black levels. Warmth lifts the color saturation, turning the palette into a pleasing (and satisfying) vividness without losing the horror vibes.


High ambiance outside the home begins a widely stretched DTS-HD 5.1 track, with birds and insects heard in each channel. Voices stretch the stereos where possible. The design sounds natural when using discrete channels. Separation keeps the material constantly active in every speaker.

Released in 1991, People Under the Stairs never reveals its age via the audio, perfectly resolved dialog and the score included. Only the lacking bass indicates the early '90s origin.



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