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A fine send off for 88 Films' box set, In the Line of Duty IV shows superb grain replication and an accurate representation of the film stock. This new scan delivers on texture and detail, including gorgeous wide shots of the city behind the opening credits. Facial definition in close benefits from the resolution.

Color features an amber tint, reducing contrast to an off-white. Flesh tones veer pale, and primaries drift the same direction. In the Line of Duty IV needs a vibrancy boost as the image appears more faded than natural. The wimpy contrast is offset by better black levels, if only a touch. That's a shame since the unfiltered master presents plenty of potential were it not for the color issues.


Original Cantonese and an English dub are offered in DTS-HD. Roughened dialog lacks pristine clarity, as much an issue of age as it is the original recording quality. An electrical hum is detectable under quieter dialog scenes. Action muffles each landed kick or punch. Gunfire doesn't distort, but lacks dynamics, even for a mono track.



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