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Absurdly perfect, Matrix Resurrections is among the purest examples of the modern edge of 4K tech. A truly flawless 4K source isn't hampered by anything. Digital clarity is so glossy, it's almost hyper-real. Extreme resolution sets a new standard for sharpness. Obviously, the texture follows suit, endlessly stunning and missing nothing.

Ludicrously bright contrast reaches an incredible peak. The range showcases the full potential of Dolby Vision, the Matrix code shimmering, and electronic screens blinding against the impeccable shadows. Pristine black levels exist everywhere throughout.

There's more color in Matrix Resurrections than the original trilogy, if still subdued to blues in our reality. However, flesh tones find a way out, gorgeously saturated. In the digital reality, an orange/teal blend thrives, but not in the same aggressive way as the previous decade swooned for. There's variety.


Also a monumental win, sensational, dynamic sound mixing follows every bullet as bass erupts from the low-end. If the visuals are blinding, the audio is deafening. Perfect object tracking swings between the available speakers accurately enough to cause a few inadvertent head movements to dodge stuff. Glass shatters and floods the soundfield, making full use of the heights, rears, and stereos. Dialog traverses the speakers with the same accuracy. Physical fights feature the classic kung-fu punch effects rushing past, height channels accounted for.

Slow motion strikes with reference level LFE. Explosions are of the type that suck air out of the room, then rattle walls and windows. Punches land with equal force. There's keen balance between the pops from gunshots and the massive thrust from fireballs. It's marvelous.



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